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i hate driving...i dont know how anyone could be a truck driver for a living..its beyond me.

today i drove for 7 hours. I went through BFE at least 8 times today.

one guy passed me(i guess 77mph in a 65 wasnt fast enough) only to slow down and immediately start going the speed limit :angry:

entering town...the guy stopped at a green light...


i feel safer DOWNRANGE when people are shooting than on the highway...YIKES!

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i hate driving...i dont know how anyone could be a truck driver for a living..its beyond me.

today i drove for 7 hours. I went through BFE at least 8 times today.

one guy passed me(i guess 77mph in a 65 wasnt fast enough) only to slow down and immediately start going the speed limit :angry:

entering town...the guy stopped at a green light...


i feel safer DOWNRANGE when people are shooting than on the highway...YIKES!

It wasn't any better on south I-35 either.. Semis trying to run people over. Drivers all over the place snoozing away. yeek.

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...i dont know how anyone could be a truck driver for a living...I feel safer DOWNRANGE when people are shooting than on the highway...YIKES!

Couldn't agree more. If I had a dollar for every no-load mental midget I've seen on the highway with no more awareness or attention span than the end of their hood...I could retire.

I've personally witnessed four serious crashes in the last year where the causal idiot sat stunned behind the wheel after the event...with cell phone still glued to their ear.


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I nominate I-94 around Chicago as one of the worst I have ever driven on, 75 in the center lane is just enough to keep you from getting run over. The right lane will get you run over from merging traffic that does not worry that you were there first. Then there are the toll booths where people remember at the last moment that they don't have correct change. I forgot to mention the speed limit is 55 & the only cop I ever saw was at or going to an accident. How about the 5 mile traffic backlog for an accident on the opposite direction.

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I didn't realize how bad drivers really are until I started my surgery residency here in Michigan. Alcohol, drugs, ice and snow, speeding, deer, drivers falling asleep at the wheel, etc. have kept me up all night many times. Hell, I had one guy that dropped his breakfast sandwich on the floor of his SUV. He reached over to pick it up (while driving) and drove into someone's house. Another guy lost control of his car and landed upside down (after being pinned) in enough water to drown himself. A couple of years ago, a semi rear-ended a minivan full of kids. There is nothing in the world worse than watching a child die. Several years ago on a really windy day, a mother and her 8 yo son were hit head on by a truck. The airbag went off and decapitated him. It's really disturbing to see a kid wearing a Pokemon shirt with no head. People need to slow down and be careful!!

Now, I stay in the right lane, avoid highways and driving at night, and I drive really slow.

Don't get me started on deer hunters (just the drunk ones in their stands), snowmobiles, horses, boats, rodeos, motorcycles, ATVs and gang bangers.

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There is no traffic I have experienced or heard about that can even compare to the auto traffic in Naples, Italy. It is a free-for-all. There are no lane markings. It is common to be driving 4-5 cars across on what would constitute 3 lanes in the US. A horn is an offensive weapon. Making a left turn is talking your life into your own hands. And don't even get me started on the scooters and motorbikes. They fill in all of the "spaces."

I never realized how "good" :huh: we had it here in the US until our trip a couple of weeks ago.

My wife, who did all of the driving, says that in all of the places she's driven (NYC, LA, Chicago, Amsterdam, France, Spain, Germany), nothing, nothing is as bad as Naples.

But, the pizza, tomatoes and bread almost make it worth the risk. Almost. ;)

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on the interstate, you could be going 100 mph and you would get passed by some a-hole who just doesnt like getting passed..only to eventually pass them again because they dont like driving that fast.

them getting passed(now twice in the same day) somehow insults their manhood thus they pass you again....and the cycle repeats.

there is a reason i like farm/market roads in rural east texas. no stress.

you just have to watch out for the occasional cow or tractor on the roadway.



Edited by Harmon
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If population is any indication of a cities traffic patterns it can get alot worse. I've ridden by car in Seoul lots of times. ( never driven cause I couldn't figure out the traffic rules, doesn't seem like there are any!). It's nothing short of vehicular chaos. At just over 10 million residents its pretty crowded everywhere there. Had lots of scary taxi rides in the large cities of the world. Driven in just a few. Always figured that the taxi driver may be a crook, but if we crash and burn we both crash and burn! lol... Then again there was that double decker bus ride in Hong Kong. The bus was kinda tippy feeling, but it was a city bus so it had to be safe right? Then the locals tell me they flip over all the time so they just take taxi's!!! lol...

As far as population affecting traffic this is an interesting site.

World's population

Interesting that Naples isn't much larger than Indianapolis.

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.....get passed by some a-hole who just doesnt like getting passed..only to eventually pass them again because they dont like driving that fast.

.....getting passed(now twice in the same day) somehow insults their manhood thus they pass you again....and the cycle repeats.


Now that I live here in South Texas I find this situation to be much much more common than it was in the East Texas area.....

Machismo and all that.. B)

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It wasn't any better on south I-35 either.. Semis trying to run people over. Drivers all over the place snoozing away. yeek.

Hah! That's funny! My first time on I35 through Austin a semi wanted to go over the top of me in the far left lane!

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Try doing the speed limit on Atlanta interstates and the school buses will run right over the top of you. It's a twice-a-day Nascar event, until someone has a fender-bender and then the most God awful case of gaper-block sets in. You'd think people never saw a car stopped before.

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I got to spend two months in Miami earllier this year. I really feel for all of you guys who have to live with that year round. From what I hear, traffic there doesn't even really get bad (by local standards) until the snowbirds show up during winter. Then you get a mix of third world drivers and folks who only drive on an occasional basis. I am glad I left before things got really ugly.

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I've ridden by car in Seoul lots of times. ( never driven cause I couldn't figure out the traffic rules, doesn't seem like there are any!). It's nothing short of vehicular chaos. At just over 10 million residents its pretty crowded everywhere there. Had lots of scary taxi rides in the large cities of the world. Driven in just a few. Always figured that the taxi driver may be a crook, but if we crash and burn we both crash and burn! lol... Then again there was that double decker bus ride in Hong Kong. The bus was kinda tippy feeling, but it was a city bus so it had to be safe right? Then the locals tell me they flip over all the time so they just take taxi's!!! lol...

The rules in Seoul ( and the rest of the country ) are very simple.

1) The biggest vehicle has right of way.

The buses are going from the curb to the left lane even if they have to go back to the curb as soon as they get in the lane.

2) The stop lights are really drag races.

If you have two lanes, expect 4 cars to line up to race across the intersection

3) See rule one

4) If you use your blinker, the other person has right of way and will try to take it.

5) See rule one.

Now that you understand the rules you can drive in Seoul.

Did you drive on the highways outside of the city? It is funny to see the part that is an Emergency Airfield, complete with parking aprons, just in case the North comes visiting.

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I normally like driving except on Thanksgiving weekend. Going from Sacramento to LA on I-5 is a nightmare. Every freakin minivan will be tailgatting each other at 55-60 mph in the fast lane, speed limit is 70. Every two minutes you will need to do a panic stop due from someone lightly touching their brakes 20 cars up. Then they get all pissy because you are using the outside lane to pass them, hauling ass in between the semi's that are doing exactly the same speed as all the minivans.

This is why I leave at O-dark hundred to avoid dealing with most of the minivans. Or I put up with all the cops on Hwy 99.

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My favorite peeve is "aggressive driving laws". When NC started talking about implementing one, I wrote a very long letter to my representative explaining why such a law was wrong. It tries to deal with a problem by fighting the result not the cause. Thats like trying to fix a broken toe by chopping it off.

The vast majority of the aggressive driving I see on a daily basis is due to some idiot driving like they are 95 years old, have a 74 Olds with a go-cart engine, and are just plain scared... and doing it all in the left lane. So you have to take some radical action to get around them, and they call that aggressive driving and make it illegal. Bullpucky! If the speed limit is 65 and you are doing less that 64, get off the road!!!!!!

And don't even get me started on all the scooters on the road driven by the folkes who have already lost their licenses!

Not long ago, I was following a car through I-85 North traffic leaving Atlanta. When we hit clear road, he left me standing still. Looking down, I saw we had been doing 90 to 100 already and decided to let him go his own way.

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Out here in the SF bay area, the problem is that we spend most of our time in bumper-lock traffic.... so on the extraordinarily rare occasions that it is possible to drive, we tend to have zero tolerance for morons who can't drive when there is nothing in front of them but air.

Seriously: James Bond fantasies about front-mounted machine guns when I am behind some jagoff in Cadillac STS (Northstar V8) in the left lane of the freeway going 62 in a 70 mph zone with traffic backed up for miles as he paces next to a line of trucks. A 350 hp V8 in the thing, and he can't do 70.

I genuinely believe it hould be legal to take a tire iron and cobweb the entire front windshield out just to prevent them from driving anymore.

My favorite peeve is "aggressive driving laws". When NC started talking about implementing one, I wrote a very long letter to my representative explaining why such a law was wrong. It tries to deal with a problem by fighting the result not the cause. Thats like trying to fix a broken toe by chopping it off.

Or like trying to fix hopelessly overloaded freeways that have not been maintained or expanded in 40 years by adding carpool lanes so the State can get the lion's share of those $500 tickets they write for anybody who tries to drive in the lane their taxes paid to build...

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