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Movies I hate...that everyone else liked.


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Numero uno is The Breakfest Club.  As a matter of fact, I don't like hardly any of the "coming of age" movies.

Silence of the Lambs

Seven didn't do much for me either (I mention it only because it was brought up in a different thread and it was my inspiration to start this thread.

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You viewed CTHD with the eyes of an American.  this type of movie and these type of effects are very common in the Orient.  I went to see this movie and the people I went with were the only Occidental people in the theater, and the Oriental people's reaction to the movie was almost better than what was on screen.  I learned a lot from how they interacted with the film.

trying seeing it again with the help of an Asian friend and see if that doesn't help you appreciate it a bit more.

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There's a lot happening in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon that's obvious to Oriental audiences, that is not obvious to Americans unless you know something of Chinese culture. For instance, it's believed that as a person's soul becomes purer it also becomes lighter, and this can evince itself in the person's body, as well. Thus when we see Li Mu Bai simply standing in mid-air with no support whatsoever, we know this man's soul is so pure he's practically a god in human form. When he dies, there's no doubt he's going straight to heaven. Toward the end of the movie, as he's dying and Yu Shu Lien tells him not to speak to her, to prepare himself for his entry into heaven, and he says, "I would rather wander the world forever, a homeless ghost, than go to heaven without you," that's not just pretty words. That's the choice he's making.

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Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon also came in two totally different movies essentially.  The subtitled version, I did not think was bad at all.  The english dubbed version should have all known copies rounded up and burned.  

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I havent been to a movie since they banned cigarette smoking in the theater. I have quit cig smoking for 15 or 16 years. I just HATE to think my money is going to support a hyprocritical , anti American ,Hollywood, Nazi, like Sylvester Stallone, Alex Baldwin, etc, etc , etc, etc etc,etc, etc .

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LCD = Big Buxx     (Lowest Common Denominator)

Scream-'n-Run movies seem to sell. Bottom line, it's sometimes the bottom line. We live in a world of special effects.

"Matrix" promos and trailers were tantalizing; the movie, however, left me waiting and wanting... or something.  

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I haven't gone to a theater in ages because I haven't got the urge in ages.  Everything has gone LCD.  I hate it.  Instead of paying powder monkies $50,000,000 to blow up every junk car they can they find, Hollywood ought find a top writer and spend ten percent of that on a script.  Then, they might actually get the eight bucks out of me.  Until, then I'll keep renting the moldy oldies...


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Quote: from EricW on 5:44 pm on Sep. 22, 2002

Instead of paying powder monkies $50,000,000 to blow up every junk car they can they find, Hollywood ought find a top writer and spend ten percent of that on a script. E

Hollywood formula:

Pay 10 million dollars for movie rights to best seller book.

Pay 50,000 dollars to screenwriter to rewrite best seller book.

Pay 10-20 million dollars for leading man for a few close-ups and voice overs.

Pay 50,000 dollars for stunt double to perform all action scenes.

Pay 50,000 dollars for second screenwriter to rewrite screenplay to include all the action scenes and change dialog to monosyllables so leading man can pronounce the words.

Pay 5-10 million dollars for leading lady.

Pay 50,000 dollars for body double for all nude/near nude scenes.

Pay 50,000 dollars to third screenwriter to rewrite the script to include all the gratuitous nude scenes and add 'love' interest to plot.

Pay 50 million dollars for special effects that have no relation to reality.

Pay 50,000 dollars to fourth screenwriter to rewrite the script to include all the special effects.

Pay 50 million dollars for advertising blitz.

Pay 10 million dollars to edit, re-edit, and re-re-edit movie in an attempt to make said movie semi-coherent.

Pay another 20 million dollars for second ad blitz for Oscar nominations.

And you wonder why it costs 8-9 bucks to see a movie.

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