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Wierdest Equipment Malfunction

Paul B

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The heavy guide rod broke off at the head at the beginning of a practice session; the gun sounded funny but it didn't strike me I was without a guide rod. Never shot better. I have since changed back to a standard guide rod. Oh, I found the rod portion as I picked up my brass.

Same this happened to me with my STI Edge & RecoilMaster. I was shooting a stage with a lot of movement....while moving, I heard something hit the metal taget stand as I went past...Wound up being my RecoilMaster that had broken off at the head. I finished the stage and never knew anything had happened to the gun.

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During walk through at a match last year, I had somebody put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see what was up, and he pointed at the gun on the ground a few feet behind me kinda pointed at my feet. Initially I thought how the F#$k did my gun get down there, and then got the hell out of the way when I felt my gun still locked into the CR speed holster. One of the guys in our group didn't have the lever locked on his CR speed.

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In the middle of the sumer while shooting a points match, I was taking my time on a few longer shots and I KNOW I had good shots. I go down to watch the scoring and discover that I had a few MIKES and the other holes were all hi.

Then, I shoot at a local match and try to hit 3 rather easy steel. Again, I look at the sites while breaking the shot and the steel is simply not falling. Some squad mates tell me I'm shooting hi once again.....

So, I shoot yet another local match and start thru half the stage and WAMMMO the rear bomar site pops up like a big old parachute. Turns out the screw holding the site down was stripped.

I was beginning to think it was just me with the shooting high thing. Really messes with a guys mental game. I was happy to find out that in this case, it was the pistols fault.... :blink:

It's all back to normal now though! Like SGT Horvath would say on Saving Private Ryan, "where in business!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Weirest thing I witnessed was last year at a local 3 gun match. A guy had a Sks, with a paratrooper stock. I asked him about why such a weird choice for a rifle, and he gave me a speech about the reliability of the sk, vs. ar. Well, I Just said ok, but decidec to watch him to see how he would do with the mag changes. Anyway, we come to the first stage, and it has 2 window ports to shoot through. The guy jams the rifle through ,fires a couple then stops, Stovepipe jam. Ok, he clears that out, continues. The second port, the same thing happened. Turns out that the spend brass while being ejected forward and up, gets kicked directly back in to the closing chamber. This happend 2 times on 1 stage. What are the odds. I still give him crap about he reliable sks.

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  • 1 month later...

I had the barrel feet shear off of an old (1952) Colt N.M. at an IDPA classifier, it was stage two, 2 to the body 1 to the head, I noticed the gun was locked open when it still had ammo in it, when I unloaded I noticed the barrel was not protruding as it should been. I was suprised to see the cause when I stripped the gun! I fit a new barrel to it and got it shooting again and got a newer gun to use and abuse at play time.


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Several years ago, I was shooting a 3-gun in NC. Weirdest sight picture I have ever had, Bomar on my Para standing on end. The elevation screw broke off. I finishd the stage by holding the sight down with my thumb, to get a reasonable idea of where I was pointing. GOt some of the hits on paper, none on the steel, but no FTE. Finished the match with my G22 and stock sights.


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Mine are the same as many others...

Hot brass between the eye brow and the glasses is hard to ignore.

Did have an RO at the Gator Classic last year ask me what sort of rear sight I used after I finished a stage because he'd never seen one like it. I explained that it was really nothing special, just a Caspian copy/version of a Bomar but he kept at it saying he'd just never seen anything quite like it. I finally glanced down and noticed that the rear blade had broken off. What made it bad is that I had lost it before I started that last stage and just didn't notice. I wound up shooting one more stage sans rear sight and then handing it to the chrono man to test before I could do anything about it.

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Had another odd one, Thank goodness it was not at a match. I just got my xd tactical back from the gunsmith, and went to my range to testfire. Well all went good, so I decided to try a few double taps. Shot my last 2 in the mag,and noticed the pistol went to slide lock. I was done shooting, so I just hit the slide release, and noticed the slide would not go all the way forward. I looked in the chamber and noticed a empty case had landed backwards in the chamber. Having already hit the slide release, the empty case was wedged pretty solidly into the barrel. A few bangs on a squib dowel , removed the case. Have never seen this happen before, had to hit just right to not bounce out.Weird.

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My wierdest equipment malfunction happened during the recent 2007 Mississippi Classic. This is kind of long so bear with me.

Since I was ROing the match I shot early. I was shooting the third stage of the day (actually Stage 4 with the Texas star). My gun seemed to be running okay other than I was having problems hitting the star. That in of itself would not be a problem but I had just sighted in my pistol that morning. On this stage I also started to have ejection issues. The RO and the entire squad thought they heard a squib and collectively yelled for me to stop. No squib was found and I was granted a reshoot. Since it was the end of the day I decided to commence shooting again the next day. I started shooting the next morning and on my fist stage I immediately had ejection issues and the RO stoppped me because he thought he heard a squib. No squib was found and I reshot the stage. After finishing the stage I was given the "if finished unload and show clear" command. I could not rack the slide back. Upon determining that I did not have a live round in the chamber I was sent to fix my gun. Forty minutes, a steel stake, and a sledgehammer later we got the slide off the gun.

The best we can tell, it seems that 5 years and 10K rounds ago my gun was possibly not built correctly. The barrel link was too short. The legs on the barrel "peened" freezing the link and jamming the barrel out of battery. The gunsmith thinks he can fix the problem short term but ultimately I am looking at a new slide and possibly a new barrel.

With the luck I was having I did not trust borrowing anyone's gun to shoot the remaining 8 stages.

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  • 4 years later...

Today I witnessed a 1911 slide stay to the rear for close to a second after every round was fired. It was the last stage, it wasn't a deal breaker for the guy. He ran the course only 1 jam. I couldn't believe it ran 31 out of 32 rounds. (the jam was on a slide lock reload)

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Today I witnessed a 1911 slide stay to the rear for close to a second after every round was fired. It was the last stage, it wasn't a deal breaker for the guy. He ran the course only 1 jam. I couldn't believe it ran 31 out of 32 rounds. (the jam was on a slide lock reload)

Was this at the Old Fort USPSA match? If so, I was on this sqaud and that was the strangest thing I've ever seen a 1911 do. It didn't seem to hinder the shooter but it would've distracted me to no end. lol...

In the first match I shot with my current limited gun the two piece guide rod came unscrewed and shot out of the front of the pistol on my last target. Didn't hurt anytihng and the piece of steel I was shooting at fell but it did scare me a little. Seeing pieces of your gun flying downragne is a little wierd.

Edited by Rustyzx9
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Two months ago a guy in my squad had a piece of brass eject, bounce off the barricade and back into the chamber, stovepiping. He cleared this, knocking it back towards him, and as he fired both brass pieces made it down his shirt.

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I was running a field course earlier this year and had the slide of my Baer not go completely into battery and totally lock up. I had botched a reload right before that, so tried to clear a jam and finally gave up to investigate. I had loaded my ammo way too short since I was new to loading, and the round went into the chamber backwards!!! No idea how the rim managed to get in there, but it did. took some gentle slamming it against a tree with a cleaning rod to dislodge, while being very careful not to detonate the primer. :surprise: No idea how this happened, but have since learned to pay more attention to my OAL!

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Once saw a guy in our squad who had a bad day at the reloading bench. Started out with a terrible noise, magazine ejected from the gun, gun locked up, and a small knick on the cheek right under his safety glasses. He goes to get his back-up gun, a couple shots into the re-shoot, squib. Well, at least he knew where the powder went.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not had any shooting match mishaps, I did have a fresh glock 17 gen 4 stove pipe a round... The usual thing for me was getting hot brass from everyone else s weapons down my body armor. That's what I call good training.

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Was shooting in a major match back in the day that compensated .45's ruled, shot to slide lock and started moving to the next shooting box while reloading, slamed a full mag in the gun and watched as all 8 rounds the follower and spring shot out of the ejection port.

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Today I witnessed a 1911 slide stay to the rear for close to a second after every round was fired. It was the last stage, it wasn't a deal breaker for the guy. He ran the course only 1 jam. I couldn't believe it ran 31 out of 32 rounds. (the jam was on a slide lock reload)

Was this at the Old Fort USPSA match? If so, I was on this sqaud and that was the strangest thing I've ever seen a 1911 do. It didn't seem to hinder the shooter but it would've distracted me to no end. lol...

In the first match I shot with my current limited gun the two piece guide rod came unscrewed and shot out of the front of the pistol on my last target. Didn't hurt anytihng and the piece of steel I was shooting at fell but it did scare me a little. Seeing pieces of your gun flying downragne is a little wierd.

Rusty, sorry I didn't see the reply...

Yes it was @ OFGC, guess we were on the same squad!

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'Early '90's we (Several Gunner's Mate's w/ the USCG) did a test and evaluation of some brand new

Riot Shotguns for possible use as Boarding Weapons at the Center in Yorktown, VA....

I won't write the manufacturer's name but they have a logo w/ 3 Crowns as part of it.

I believe we had 12 new guns and 12 shooters on the firing line, we made ready and 1... 2... 3... Fired...

1st volley (And ONLY volley!!) we had 3 barrels go down range along w/ our "00" Buck-Shot..

So.. Evals were over in a matter of minutes and we stayed w/ our Remy 870 RG's for quite some time there after...

I was so impressed w/ that, that I personally will never own any of they're products.

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I have not had any shooting match mishaps, I did have a fresh glock 17 gen 4 stove pipe a round... The usual thing for me was getting hot brass from everyone else s weapons down my body armor. That's what I call good training.

Ahhh, the hot brass dance. It's a hoot

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On the first stage of this video, during the slow mo portion - you can see my guide rod fly out and drop at my feet (12 lb recoil spring.. didn't go far). The gun shot great for the rest of the stage.

Guide rods = overrated... ;)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'll Play,

In 1989 I had 1/2 of a 9MM bullet fly over from the stage on the other side of the burm land in my compensator while I was firing a stage. I felt my gun do something strange and looked down and saw the front of my compensator bowed out. I stopped firing and the RO asked what I was doing. I showed him the front of my comp and we both kind of just looked at it. He told me to Clear the weapon. We took it off the line and that's when we found what was left of my .45 round and the other half of the 9mm. That comp hung on the wall at Hammond Custom guns for a while. Don't know what happened to it but it made a good conversation piece.

Top that one :surprise:

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