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Is there a match schedule yet, can anybody recommend lodging?

Under FAQ's on RMg-3un website (RM3G.com) there are phone numbers for the NRA Whittington Center. They also give some numbers for the Chamber of Commerce in Raton for hotel rooms there. It's about 15 minutes to the range if you stay in Raton! The Whittington Center is really nice if you can get a room in competitor housing, and they have a large campground with hookups and showers. Trinidad Colorado is about 45 minutes away, and there are hotels there too.

As far as registration...it starts at noon Wednesday. You will be able to sign in and get your match book and stuff then.

The Shooter's meeting is scheduled for 7:00am Thursday. This may be moved later just a tad, but that's straight from the Match Director's mouth as of this afternoon!

Blane's finalizing the stages this weekend. They sound really cool so far! Bring enough slugs for a full slug stage...

there are other out of date things on the FAQs besides the slug count, if you have a question, leave a post here. I would still plan on around 150 rifle, 100 shotgun (plus slugs), and 150 pistol rounds.

See ya'll there, :D


JJ: Hope it was a productive trip to Whittington this last weekend. Any refinements to the round count? I would like to know how many slugs to ship. I'll be shipping ammo out at the end of the week to our hotel. Always hate having to leave ammo behind when we leave but...


Tom Chambers

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Blane went to NRAWC in Raton NM this past weekend and finalized some things! Eight VERRRY interesting stages.

Here is a little refining of round count. There IS a slug stage. I would bring 40-50 slugs in case of reshoot etc. Blane says bring 125 pistol, 125 shotgun, 150 rifle. It gives you a little wiggle room if you have to reshoot something. (Knowing Blane, I would bring a bit more, probaby about 150 each like I said earlier...)

The other thing he said which is of interest is...No Bears, No SNAKES (yea right!), but...lot's of rain. It's been raining some (afternoon storms) every day, so he says..."bring raingear!" Water resistant gun bags, pistol covers, etc would be a good idea...

Also consider good footwear for the hilly, rocky, sandy, gravely, possibly muddy terrain. hopefully none of the prone positions will be in a low spot... :P There are NO STAGES on a regular "berm" as you know it. They are ALL in natural terrain.

Maybe it'll be less wet in two weeks, but be prepared!

Hope this helps, Tom!

It should be a Fun match!


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JJ, what is the hump to and from stages like for this match? Are competitors allowed to drive to any of the stages? What about the use of an ATV/golf cart for the match?

a Golf Cart? ATV? How about a Humvee or a Bradley? Nope, a Humvee is too wide and gawd, the gas a Bradley would suck down??

It's drive to as close as you can get and then its Shanks Mare the rest of the way. Oh and the lightning display in the afternoon will definitely catch your attention when you're standing on top of a ridge! I can hardly wait!!!

But, what about the snakes?? Can't have a good run through the pucker brush without a few reptilian friends!! '04 match the one bear was pretty spooked by all the gun fire...

I'm going to love this match!!!

Tom(Masochist is my middle name) Chambers

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I am not working this match but here are few tips to help you guys out:

1) Bring not only rain gear, but clothing for layering. It can get down right cold during rain storms at high altitude, even in the middle of the summer.

2) Lots of good sunscreen, you get burned faster than a hot dog in a 1,000 watts nuke machine :D .

3) Suggest hiking boots instead of sneakers. They saved my ankles more than once in the previous years RO'ing. If you got Gore Tex boots, bring them because the weeds will be wet in the morning.

4) Forget the gun cart, hump your gear in from your car. (Sorry gents, the image of a gun cart is just too weird for 3-gunning :P )

5) Bring bugs repellent!

Good luck guys


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Golf carts? HA! :lol: I'd like to see that...

Leave your baby stroller at home. ;)

Maybe an ATV... but I wouldn't. Too much distance to travel. A car/truck is a perfect gun cart in this situation.

For those of you that haven't been to RM3G before, the stages are all in natural terrain, in a mountainous, wilderness area called the NRA Whittington Center. Thousands of acres owned by the NRA. they have many bermed ranges, from short pistol berms out to at least a thousand yards, and many acres of wilderness. You can even book a guided hunt there for prong horn, mule deer, elk, etc. And, yes, there are ranges available for sight-in and function testing.

RM3G is spread out over the more civilized area. The distance from stage 1 all the way through to stage 8 is about 2 miles along a dirt road that runs east/west (roughly). The stages are off this road on either side, from right next to it to a short hike from the road. (Blane promises the stages are closer to the road this year... :huh: ) Everyone drives to the stage parking area, (sometimes just on the road) and carries the gear they need for the stage into the stage area. The elevation is around 6-7 THOUSAND feet.

Weather is normal for this area and altitude, downright cold in the mornings, hot during the day, and rainy in the afternoon. Blane tells me that it has been raining quite a bit, so be prepared. As PacMan says, good hiking boots are probably best! Mosquitos are heavy right at sundown too.

In the past stages have been in gullys, stream beds, meadows, old building foundations, mines, just about anything you can think of and that could be found. Conventional props are generally very sparce, we use what nature has provided for shooting platforms and for complicating the shooting solutions. You will run and shoot uphill, flat, and downhill, over or on rocks, trees, gravel, etc.

Your schedule will be such to provide plenty of time to locate your next stage, grab your gear, and meet your squad at the stage you are shooting next. for example;

if you shoot stage 1 at 0800 and there is an hour on the schedule for that stage, you will finish at about 0900. You will shoot stage 2 at 1000, leaving an hour inbetween stages.

Plan on having a GREAT time!


Edited by RiggerJJ
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things are getting exciting!

And funny! :lol::lol::lol:

Someone emailed Steve and asked how he was going to shoot the match with only 10 slugs?

We thought we would help him out...

There IS A SLUG STAGE with at least 18 slugs! So if you only bring 10, you will get 8 FTEs... ;) Unless you get some more dude! I'm way willing to sell them to you at the match for $2 each! (And I don't mean per box!) :o

Again, round counts are;

40-50 slugs in case of reshoot etc. 125 pistol, 125 shotgun, 150 rifle. (Knowing Blane, I would bring a bit more, probaby about 150 each like I said earlier...)

Also for any questions you may have about squadding, etc, email Steve at;


The email address on the website may not work for some reason! :(

Steve says he MAY have the squads posted on the website by monday... :blink:

Better get your last minute questions up either here or email Steve directly by the latter part of next week. Next Saturday 19 August we will be in Raton setting things up and will NOT have internet access after that.

Stages look fun!... :ph34r:

see ya there!


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just got back from spending the 5th through the 13th down at Whittington for 2 other matches and saw this , while down there sat. the 5th , which did not rain by the way , the program director , Wayne , asked myself and the other shooter Iwas with if we had heard anything from RM3G , we told him we did not have anything to do with them any more and the he told us there had been no contact with RM3G since the match last year by phone , email , or in person

we spent the whole next week setting up another match and never saw Blaine one time and we were all over both the front and back side of the center

just for your info , but every shooter that I know and shoot with on a regular basis is either not helping with the match any more or not shooting this year

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Has anyone who plans to attend contacted John Paul concerning the match? John was the major match sponsor in the past and it is still listed on their web site. If anyone would have the straight answer about this match and stop the speculations, you would think John would.

Edited by Cactustactical
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What exactly is the point of this post? There is no shortage of info on this forum. A post above even states that he won't be there setting up until August 19th! Not sure how you expect to just "bump" into someone on a place that size!

Sounds like you have an axe to grind and you're just trying to stir things up!!

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I don't know about axes to grind, but I do know that after setting up and R.O.ing the Colorado Multi-gun Team match this last weekend that I can tell you WATCH FOR RATTLE SNAKES!!!!!! On My stage alone there were 5 killed and 3 chased away, in just 3 short fun filled days. WATCH where you put your gear down as one was right at the staging area after several teams had already shot. This stage was at the Cooper Rifle walk for those of you that have been to Whittington before. Good luck to all the staff and shooters of the Rocky Mountain 3-Gun, and watch those feet! KURTM

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Hey Kurt,

Just a quick note to let you know that this last weekend was outstanding. You guys worked your butt's off, and it was very appreciated! The match was more than I could have hoped for. Kelly and I talked on our short 10 hour ride home, and for me, it totally met my expectations. We learned a lot, and will return everytime you guys run it. I will put another post out later, but just wanted to let you know you guys did a GREAT job, and I can't say enough good about the match and the job you guys did.


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Ya never know, I have been known to wear military boots from time to time... ;)

Blane said (this evening while we were finishing the match book) that HE didn't see any snakes, and that Jack (NRAWC guy) said he hadn't seen any all year... but I know better! (Did I say I hate rattle snakes???)

He also saw a bear footprint in the mud, right on one of the stages for this year...

Blane's been there several times this month and saw no snakes, but saw lots last year... I suspect that there was a break in the rainy weather, and the little suckers decided to come out for the sunshine, and there was Kurt! guess you just got lucky Kurt.

I'm sure they are waiting for me too... :o

I hate rattle snakes.


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I will have to check with Blaine. I am all for that. I love cutting, beating, shooting and hurting evil people Religious Man!

It is all about love. That is what Jesus said. Didn't He? The SEALS not withstanding.

Guy Hawkins

Disclaimer: All comments within this email are not the opinion of the RM3G and are solely the opinion of Guy Hawkins. And he is very proud of them..........

Religious Shooter,

Kurt and I have a bet on who you are. I bet Richard Simmons and he bet Jaba the Hut. Let us know, I need the money or need to file for bankruptcy. Just joking, we will love you no matter who you are. Let us know if you dare!

Oh Snap!

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