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Glock Only Division


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I guess that loss of blood at Tennessee must have hurt your survival skills Smitty.

Do you realize the arrows that are headed your way :P



I typed that post twice and then deleted it both times. A bud and I were talking about it the other day and decided that those three cover all types of guns. I don't think they'd ever get rid of Limited, nor do I want them to. But those three divisions are really all you need.

After Tenn, I think I'd rather be hit with an arrow. :P

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Why not?

Think of all the GSSF'ers and LEO's that would run to our doors.


Great idea!

Then we could add the "Contender Division".

That would really test those reloading skills, and all those old IHMSA guys would be flocking in.

Then there's the ".17HMR Division". The "Daisy BB Division".

And of course, for all those countries that can't have guns; The "Airsoft Division".

In the "Watergun Divison" we could have major and minor power factor with a

bulb gun side match.

The possibilites are endless.

USPSA= Anyone Can Play :rolleyes:

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....with the XD divisision and the Beretta Division...heck, let's get a miscellaneous one as well for those really funky pistols that pop up now and then.

Short dustcover, long dustcover, stainless, hard chromed, beaver-tail, no beaver-tail....

stop the insanity....... <_<

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Now come on if I pay a hundred bucks to shoot a match with a gun that I know is not competitive because technology has passed it by I STILL WANT MY TROPHY! Damn it make a division for my gun or I'll cry and go home and I don't care if the Canadians have found a way around the 10 round limit problem. I live in the USA, the land of the free, and if my state tells me only X rounds well then you better make a division just for me. Don't tell me to spend a hundred bucks and buy real mags for out of state matches that's just not fair. You must all suffer the watered down competition and reload more so I can play damn it! I'm leaving and going to the range to show the guys my shiny new trophy for being the best Open, 8 round only, no optic, but with comp while wearing a blue shirt and green socks trophy I won at the last match. Geez, they'll be impressed and I'll be their hero! See you suckers later, maybe next time you'll win a trophy too!

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Now come on if I pay a hundred bucks to shoot a match with a gun that I know is not competitive because technology has passed it by I STILL WANT MY TROPHY! Damn it make a division for my gun or I'll cry and go home and I don't care if the Canadians have found a way around the 10 round limit problem. I live in the USA, the land of the free, and if my state tells me only X rounds well then you better make a division just for me. Don't tell me to spend a hundred bucks and buy real mags for out of state matches that's just not fair. You must all suffer the watered down competition and reload more so I can play damn it! I'm leaving and going to the range to show the guys my shiny new trophy for being the best Open, 8 round only, no optic, but with comp while wearing a blue shirt and green socks trophy I won at the last match. Geez, they'll be impressed and I'll be their hero! See you suckers later, maybe next time you'll win a trophy too!

Good to see you back Chrisssss.

Getting the itch again?

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No Not Drunk. Just spent to much time away from shooting. Like George said getting that itch again and don't want to see the sport destroyed by people trying to make it something it's not Kinda like a "holiday tree". Before I did it without humor and a whole bunch of people cried and felt like they were being picked on, so now I'll still tell you if I think you're being a dumb ass but I'll do it with Humor!

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Standard Div

Existing Prod rules apply except, minor PF has 10rds capacity /major 8rds, 1911 type guns allowed, widebody guns cannot have magwells, all gear behind hips.

Reasons for my idea

The Glock -vs- 1911 trigger debate is a non-issue. I see no reason to seperate the designs. I do feel, however, that race guns with large magwells have a reloading advantage.

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Glock only division...that would be cool but the only "affirmative action" division slot left has already been taken by the SS crowd. :lol:

We only need 4 Divisions:

Open, Limited, Production, Revolver. SS and Limited 10 would be CATEGORIES within Limited Division and awards would be contingent upon participation. As a strong proponent of L10, I'd be willing to downgrade the Division to category status if SS proponents would be willing to do so as well. I'm all for streamlining the system if I'm not the only one being "downsized." ;)

I'm certainly not holding my breath waiting for this to happen though.... <_<

Edited by Chuck D
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Call a spade a spade. L10 is Single Stack almost. Everyone needs to deal with it. Get rid of one or the other. I will never shoot L10 because I have a limited gun, basically I would just download it to L10 because i want a win of some kind at a local evant to make myself feel spiffy. Single Stack is cool because it does go back to the way things were way before we put the fist bbl weight on the gun's.

I agree with several, oepn it up. Run what you brung go back to the way it was. Hell we had better prize tables and payouts back then.

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The problem you "forget" is that in California, N.J. N.Y. Mass. and Hawaii..that "spade" is reduced by State Law to be nothing more than a mere "shovel" that only holds 10 rounds of "dirt."

Be thankful you have the "luxury" of "downloading" your Limited gun. Some of us are stuck with searching for, paying outrageous money for, or "rebuilding" previously owned (pre-94) magazines. As far as feeling "spiffy" about winning a local event...after 20 years in the sport...the "spiffyness" of winning a local match has long worn off.

For those of us ACTUALLY around when the SS was the only choice...we heard the same whining when Shaw and Plaxco came out with the first barrel weights and compensators and Team Springfield introduced the world to the P9 and 9mm major. The 1911 SS purists survived that change and they'll survive the "downloaded" Limited gun phase as well.

With some creative packaging...we can have both without eliminating one or the other. Lewis class worked only when EVERYONE shot virtually the same gun and even back then...you had various catagories for LE, High Woman, High Junior, and Revolver. ;)

Edited by Chuck D
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Hey what about a makarov division. Yeah that would be cool, oh wait a better idea foreign gun division, nope then we'd have to have a U.S. division to make things fair. :wacko::wacko:

We must really be bored to keep this topic going.

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I'm starting a count on the companys feel free to add everyone. Looking at striker fired pistols here. some are VERY much like a glock inducing glock to sue them!

1. Glock

2. S&W Sigma

3. HS2000/ SPringfield XD

4. Kahr

5. Taurus 24/7

6. Ruger 9/45 ? striker fired iirc?

7. High point

8. HK's P2000? haven't seen inside of one just toyed with.

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