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Looks like results are up through Friday.

Tony H. is leading in Production. With Ben S. and Steve M. next. There are still a few top shooters in Production shooting on the weekend.

Dave S. is is leading Limited, with Lee D and Travis following him. Manny still has to shoot.

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I just got off the phone with Moneypenny.

Manny was standing there and jumped on the phone. He is on his last stage. Manny thinks it might be pretty tight between him and Dave right now. He believes Dave is a bit ahead of him...

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Tony had a great match. Check out his stage 9 "Pole Cat"

8.26 seconds all A's!!!! That was with a reload!!!!

Fun match, straight forward stages, ran great on Friday with the small squads. Had fun and almost made it through clean, but ended up with 1 mike on my last stage #5, dropped one in the black.

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Tony had a great match. Check out his stage 9 "Pole Cat"

8.26 seconds all A's!!!! That was with a reload!!!!

Thanks Jake. :) I still have to wait for Pete to shoot before I can relax.

And so far you are doing well in SSD. Hope you can hold the lead.

Yes Dave S has set the bar pretty high for the Limited Division. I sure am glad I shot Production. :D

The match is a great match. Fun and challanging stages, excellent range staff, and a beautiful range. The weather was great on friday. I got to shoot with 5 great guys Joel, Aaron T, Aaron L, Norman, and Dave.

Oh yeah, and free pop and adult beverages. I had to drive home so I missed out on the beer. <_<

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I just got off the phone with Moneypenny.

Manny was standing there and jumped on the phone. He is on his last stage. Manny thinks it might be pretty tight between him and Dave right now. He believes Dave is a bit ahead of him...

Dave edged Manny by like 14 points, both were BLAZING, and Manny had two inexplicable "high primer" type malfs that cost several seconds, one on "polecat" where it really cost him seconds.

Personally I am happy with my 5th place finish, but not my performance :( . I really dogged three stages, and kinda sleep walked through the rest, never really hooking up or catching fire. Times were lethargic and I couldn't shake the "deltas". But realisticly, if I had shot well on those three stages, I'd have still ended up 5th, just with a better percentage and more satisfaction in how I shot.

Still, I am not "supposed" to beat the four guys who placed ahead of me (Sevigny, Manny, Lee D. and Travis), so I end up 1st "true" Master :rolleyes: (Lee D. is a 99% G in Open) and memories of a REALLY fun time with friends.

On the positive side, as slow as I shot, it's still the first clean big match I've ever shot and, "cinched" as they were, I didn't miss a reload all day. That's a MAJOR improvement over my shooting at Area 8 just a few weeks ago, where I ate mikes, ran past targets, and dropped mags on the ground like a rookie. That's what I really wanted here, improvement over my dismal Area 8.

Really fun, varied, STRAIGHT FORWARD stage design, no "gun calculus" stages, and a few really intriuging options and timing issues. Just move and gather points.

These guys were putting up INCREDIBLE runs that I just could not touch. And be sure to keep an eye in Ted Puente, that guy was putting up runs in L10 that would've won stages in high cap. Nice Guy too, damnit, harder to hate him. <_<

Overall, nice weather, normal stages, good friends, and some more experience to add to the pile. Thanks for a great time guys.

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I was just bumped to M class limited two weeks before this match.

OH LORD I can't believe how much faster you guys are (Lee D., Eric S., and the GM's) than the rest of us.

I looked at the wailing wall and couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at the times of the top shooters. You guys ROCK! I said to myself, "self where in the world could I have made up 4 seconds on these times, during a single stage?" I then looked back at the videotape and saw the key to what I did.

I was so preoccupied to get great hits that I was sacraficing my movement. A guy just HAS to move the whole time after the buzzer sounds.

I ended up 12th overall limited, and 4th overall Master class (out of 6). I am happy with that. Not too happy with having 2 mikes on the day and one no shoot, but oh well. There are things to think about and improve on for nationals...

Thanks to all the great RO'S at the match and the exellent course designs from the folks in WI. I hope area 5 is there again next year.

It was a BLAST!

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Had a great time at the match..........good stages and even better staff. Nothing like having Pepsi and a Beer Co sponsor the match :D:D Got to meet alot of new people.

I ended up with 4 penalties :blink: 2 no shoots and 2 mikes, 40pts in penalties, more than I have had in the last month total. Not one of my better matches. Oh well still ended up 5th Overall in Open and 3rd Master. Congrats to Nick on the win in Open. Nothing like being 1st A and Overall winner. He had some great stages.

I would make the 11hr drive next yr back to the range again.


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Larry was just getting on a roll when I was heading out. Someone told him "just be yourself" and it was over after that....... :lol::lol:

I bet I missed a good time Sat night :D

Friday the staff were so efficient that we were done by 1pm and was able to enjoy the Sponors product with Lunch :P


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Hey Had a Great Time at the Match.....Good seeing our Buddy Eric Stanley from Florida,it was nice to have him shootin with us on our squad...the whole match seemed to run well and those stages,they were great...no gimmicks just plain old scoot and shoot fun.

Hats off To Ted Puente for Crushing the L-10 field..Hey anyone do the math where would he have come in in LMTD?????

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I had a great time. Happy by own standards (which is rare) but still got beat by too many people. Winning one of the guns (Springfield GI issue 45 single stack) did do the trick for my spirits.

.....and I was damn glad to get to spend the weekend with Dan Carden, his wonderful wife, and the usual Minnesota contingent. I hope its there next year.

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Almost forgot, Who won the guns?????????????


Most of the people in my squad stuck it out for the awards (I was .4% away from a trophy, but did enjoy the Honey Brown-style local brew that day :D ) Mike Smoot walked away with a Glock certificate, and Steve Moneypenny won an XD.

It was a great match! Thanks to all of the hard work from the staff, and Moneypenny for convincing me that there is nothing to lose by reloading between paper and steel on Take 'Em Down, but everything to lose if you miss a popper

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you shiitin me? which XD? more details haven't heard from anyone yet. Left my ticket with Chris Keen.

Congrats Mike! which glock is michele getting hehehe.

This was an awesome match... can we petition to get tony his GM card?!?!

Super nice folks all around. great range I look forward to more awesome area 5 matches there in the future... now if it were JUST closer home....

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hahaha... but i'm only an amatur!!! tony has gone pro years ago!!!

Damn good shooting Tony!

It appears i did win the XD Thanks to chris for picking it up. .

the other many thanks.

The City Brewery!!!

All of the hard working match staff! and RO's that were an all-star nationals working crew too!!!!

The competitors who all seemed nice and friendly.

To the sponsors who made it all possible. (shy grin) (caugh springfield especially)

The kind police officer who didn't give a top GM a ticked :)

And all of the ladies that shot the match. it seemed unusually high, it's great to see you gals out shooting, makes it easier to convince my girl try it.

I think the best desciption of this match was given by my travel companion (flying 40). "it just felt like a really big club match, everyone made us feel like one of the gang" ... possible paraphrasing has taken place.

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Almost forgot, Who won the guns?????????????


I apparently won a S&W 1911. Thanks to Perry Wilson, that is. I barely know this guy, but Tony asked for all us Illinois Boys that had to go home early, if Perry would hold our tickets. Sunday night I get a call from Perry, saying I won a gun!!!! Only took my around 7 years ,and at a random drawing none the less :D

I offered to pay Perry for his trouble, and all he could say was that he hoped I had a good time at the match!!!

What a great guy!!!

What a great match!!!

And Tony, I wonder what you could do if you actually practiced? :rolleyes:

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For the curious here is who won the guns at Area 5:

Smith &Wesson 1911 .45 - Joel Ripper

Springfield 1911 .45 - Tim Lorenz (Staff Gun Draw)

Springfield 1911 .45 - Lee Wertheimer

Springfield 1911 .45 - Chuck Strelecky

Springfield XD-9 Tactical - Steve Moneypenny

Springfield XD-9 Tactical - Robert Tagle

Springfield XD-9 Tactical - Randi Rogers

Springfield XD-9 4” Bitone - Dale Van Ert

Springfield XD-40 Tactical - Steve Werner

Springfield XD-40 Tactical - Carlos Casillo

Springfield XD-45 Tactical Bitone - Mike Carmoney

Glock (Cirt for any Glock Pistol) - ?

Glock (Cirt for any Glock Pistol) - ?

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