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The Friday Flamer Returns!


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Here ye here ye!!!!

The Friday Flamer has returned from hiatus. Come one, come all. Cleanse thy souls in the fire of the Friday Flamer. [Okay, so I am cheating and it isn't really Friday here on the left coast...so sue me...its bed time for this bonzo.]

But please play by the Hate Forum Rules!

You may launch your hates onto the pyre of ire but you may not launch flames at your fellow brothers and sisters. Agree, commiserate, but no "discussion". That sort of activity spoils the cleansing nature of the Friday Flamer and we just can't have that...now can we?

Play nice and no one gets burned!


Here we go.....




FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by kimel
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ok I'll start, I hate the stupid democrats in legislature of the state of hawaii, they passed a gas cap law to help us save money.

it went into effect 2 week ago, gas has gone up 74 cents to nearly 4 bucks a gallon. the gas companies are legally gouging us with the states blessing and probally making record profits. :angry:

and they claim the republican are in bed with the oil companies :wacko:

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I HATE people that stink. Bad odor or good odor it is all annoying. Sometimes body odor can not be avoided because of hard work but DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

But while you are at it, what makes you think I want to smell that foo foo juice you wear? It bothers my asthma.

Try a bar of soap sometime.

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I hate that my Dad is lonely.

I hate that David's trip got extended and I'm lonely.


Being lonely sucks...I don't mind being alone, most times I prefer it. But I missed the fax memo from my mom informing me that "stay at home mom" (or work from home mom) really means you don't make it out the front door. I have virtual friends (you all), shooting or dojo buddies (that I see occasionally), and a spouse. But, rarely do I have a chance to have meaningful adult discourse on various topics, personal or otherwise. If you all have seen me off hours at a major match, you may notice I'm talking up a storm (300 words a minute with 20 mile an hour wind gusts) to make up for lost time.

Moving to a new place can have a similar effect I imagine...sort of "Where'd all my friends go?" Another lady shooter told me my dilemma is common and that it will get better once the kid hits kindergarten and there are other parents/moms to talk to. Somehow I don't see me fitting in snugly with that group. :ph34r:

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I HATE people that stink.  Bad odor or good odor it is all annoying.  Sometimes body odor can not be avoided because of hard work but DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

But while you are at it, what makes you think I want to smell that foo foo juice you wear?  It bothers my asthma.

Try a bar of soap sometime.

I hate that I have to work with several of the above-mentioned people. They stink so bad that I gag when I'm near them.

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I hate !!!!!

Waking up in a strange bed everyday with a "crick" in my neck and a "hitch" in my get along.....

Not knowing where I'll be week to week....

Being alone....

My shooting buddies are spread all over the South and we don't get to hang out anymore, and probably won't even get to shoot together for months....

Not knowing.....

Wanting to shoot a match and not having any ammo.....

Having to buy a new reloader b/c I can't use my old one.....

Dillons Sqr Deal is OK, but S***S compared to the 650...

Having to deal with insurance company.....

better stop before I more depressed :angry::angry::angry:

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ok, I'll join in.

Can someone please explain to all waitstaff that while making sure your patrons are taken care of is a good, thinng, it shouldn't be done by asking "do you need anything" while their mouths are full? Ask something in a yes/no format at lest so it can be answered with a nod, not an essay question.

Sounds like a small thing, except it seems to be an epidemic around here lately, and the latest culprit seemed to do it every other mouthful.

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I hate that I have to work with several of the above-mentioned people.  They stink so bad that I gag when I'm near them.

As PC as possible... at least you don't live where people never learned to use frickin' deodorant... :wacko: I had a friend come back from a studying abroad in one of those places, and had to tell him not to come over to my place again until he relearned what soap and deodorant were... :P yuck...

I'll piggyback - I hate people who can't seem to ever brush their teeth, or make it to a dentist to get them cleaned (and you know how I feel about dentists!). And then, inevitably, they don't take the damn hint when you offer them a mint or some gum. I had one nimrod on a customer site w/ breath *SO* bad, I'd about hurl if he spoke while looking in my direction at a distance closer than 8 feet. It was so bad, that I convinced him to move to their machine room (loud, cold, etc) just to get more air circulation and space between us... I'm gagging now just thinking about it. I went out and bought mints *AND* gum, specifically to offer it to him, and he just said "No thanks...". I ended up using copius amounts of both, myself, in an effort to block the stench. I wonder what he would have done if I'd showed up w/ Noxema on my upper lip..... heh heh :mellow::unsure::wacko:

Edited by XRe
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I hate dirty trashy people who live in their own stinky filth.

People who break their refridgerator, duct tape the doors shut and push it in a corner, food and all- then buy a new fridge.

I hate said stinky filthy people's lack of understanding that their very own nature is why they live among insects and vermin. Or why they do not understand why I'm not very symphatetic to their problems.

I hate their sense of economics; that it's okay to spend $49.95 a week at rent a center for their big screen TV but $3.00 for soap is somehow a poor investment.

I hate the fact they raise their children to believe this is an acceptable way to live.

Lastly, I hate that it's so hard to get Dursban these days. .

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This week I hate...

1. Jury Duty

2. Parking Downtown

3. Losing two days of sales commissions

4. Asshat defense attorney's questions in a section of a 30 page questionaire

-Do you own a firearm?

-Do you keep a firearm in your home/car/person for self defense?

-If so, how many and what types:

5. Not being immediatly struck from the pool for answering the pivotal question on

30 page questionaire, and having to spend a second day in the pool, and having

to explain my answer in the judge's chambers with said asshat defense attorney

his client, the prosecutor, and judge.

-Have you formed an opinion of the defendant? YES

-If so, please explain: Looks Guilty

What do you have to do, walk into the courtroom and scream "Oh, that SOB's guilty...gimme a rope!"

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I hate having to put the cylinder head back on a 1980 Olds Omega after it sitting for three weeks. I know I'm going to spend hours trying to figure out where all the vacuum lines go. Not to mention that I don't have enough storage space and in the meantime had pulled the head off of a Duramax and stacked all those parts on top of the parts from the Omega.

And the rear sight came off of my pistol the other night and I won't have a chance to sight it in before my match this Sunday, since I have been putting in underground sprinklers and will be laying sod this weekend. Oh yeah, I hate yard work also.

And mayonaise, absolutely hate it, can hardly even look at it without losing my appetite. Four nights ago I went to a fast food place for a greasy Bacon Bacon burger, with no mayonaise. Got home, the idiot who made it, decided it would be funny to put that crap on the top bun, the bottom bun, and mix it in with the bacon bits. Called them up, told them what happened, got hung up on, called back, talked to manager who didn't seem to care at all. I also hate how horable customer service is in most places.

And I'm going to the in-laws for a barbecue tonight........

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I hate my job.

I hate that I have to change jobs to get better pay and benefits.

I hate that I have to leave a ton of things undone leaving my job for a better one.

I hate that my health insurance ended when I quit my old job and will not begin until the first of the month on the new job.

I hate being the new guy.

I hate being the new guy with no guidance and nothing to do.

I hate waiting for my security clearance.

I hate getting my interim clearance declined.

I hate that my new job is contingent on getting the interim clearance.

I hate knowing I'm a lame duck and will have to leave soon.

I hate leaving a job two weeks before I thought I was going to leave.

I hate being out of work.

I hate the fact that I still am without health insurance.

I hate paying $500 for 3 prescriptions and a dr visit instead of 4 copayments.

I hate having nothing to do during the day.

I hate it but my old job is open.

I hate going back to the old job at the same pay.

I hate having to go back thought drug testing before I can start back at my old job.

I hate that I lost the sick time I had built up.

I hate that I am now clearing up the backlog of work from the five weeks I was gone from my job.

I hate not having free time during the day.

I hate my job.


That pretty much sums up my August and the first couple of weeks of September. I really don't hate my job, it's just hard to go home again. Amidst everything I have found that most people are wonderful. Everyone at the old/present job regretted me going and are glad to see me back again. Everyone at my new/defunct job were great to work with and looked for anyway to help me out when we found out I could not stay. Overall it has been a positive learning exerience. I feel a lot better about my abilities and marketability and have made a number of new friends and strengthened some old friendships.


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And mayonaise, absolutely hate it, can hardly even look at it without losing my appetite.  Four nights ago I went to a fast food place for a greasy Bacon Bacon burger, with no mayonaise.  Got home, the idiot who made it, decided it would be funny to put that crap on the top bun, the bottom bun, and mix it in with the bacon bits.  Called them up, told them what happened, got hung up on, called back, talked to manager who didn't seem to care at all.  I also hate how horable customer service is in most places. 

Sneak up there at the end of the night, figure out which car is the manager's, and which car is the nimrod who made your burger's (if you can figure them out, find all their cars...). Buy copius amounts of mayo at Sam's Club. Fill the bastards' cars full of the crap. And some bacon bits to top it off. Or... call the national chain and have at them... (perhaps a slightly more legal response... ;) )

I hate asshats who work at fast food places (and grocery stores, and...) who think that, because they chose to work at some POS restaurant for some relatively low wage, it gives them the right to take out their angst on the customers. It should be legal to torture the little bastards, but it's not....

I'm on a roll today, look out!!! :angry::angry::ph34r::P:D

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And mayonaise, absolutely hate it, can hardly even look at it without losing my appetite.  Four nights ago I went to a fast food place for a greasy Bacon Bacon burger, with no mayonaise.  Got home, the idiot who made it, decided it would be funny to put that crap on the top bun, the bottom bun, and mix it in with the bacon bits.  Called them up, told them what happened, got hung up on, called back, talked to manager who didn't seem to care at all.  I also hate how horable customer service is in most places. 

And I'm going to the in-laws for a barbecue tonight........

what makes you think it was maynaise? maybe the secret ingredent? remember "road trip?":ph34r:

Edited by lynn jones
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I hate the way I have been shooting this entire year.

I hate that I have not been able to practice like I know I should.

I hate work cause as dajarrel said it does indeed get in the way of shooting.

I hate stupid people who are sure they are right and are so blatantly wrong.

I hate that the neighbors dog was doing his business in my yard again while the neighbor stood in his yard and acted like he did not see him do it.

I hate that I did not get to the shotgun before the damn dog was back in his own yard. Should have grabbed a rifle too long a shot for the scatter gun.

I hate that I have not seen this thread before.

Cause I am feeling better all ready.

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Ahhh....now doesn't that feel better? Thanks for participating and stay tuned for the next bonfire.

But, alas, it isn't Friday any more and the flames haved died down to just smoldering embers.

Have a good weekend and we'll see you next time!

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