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I just got the word this afternoon. I'm done. Finito. Gone. Hasta la bye bye.

I are un Electrical Injuneer and am now allegedly qualified to speak as an expert on the movement of positive charges through waaahr (that's "wire" for anyone living north of the Mason-Dixon line).

Could gainful employment be on the horizon? Will I be able to list something under "Occupation" other than "Cathouse Piano Player?"

I'm not so sure that I'm looking forward to life in a cubicle farm again. Normal working hours? What are those? What do you mean I can't bring my dog to the conference call? No dryfiring in the hall?!!! WTF?!

We'll just have to wait and see. I think some social readjustments are going to be in order. :lol:

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Congrats!  Another double E.....What subgenre is your thing?

Hopefully electronics / IC design. I was strongly considering working for an electrical utility, but sort of scrapped that due to the obvoius mind-numbing boredom and bureaucracy that would be involved.

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Do you know your way around programmable FPGA devices and sonet rings?

{Edit} FPGA: yes. We went over PGA's but I never had a chance to build a device. Sonet: no.

My skooling was depressingly theoretical. Virtually impossible to get someone to actually work with you on a physical device. Not that I didn't love working with digital logic and devices. Absolutely my favorite part of the curriculum. :wub:

Edited by EricW
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Normal working hours? 

Hahahahahaha! Engineer, Normal working hours? That's like Military Intellegence or Honest Democrat or Rosie O' skinny! :D

Congratulations, but don't plan on working any normal hours unless you think 80 hours a week is normal.


Skilled, but otherwise unremarkable.

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Now go work for the DOD and/or Guvment and waste all that effort.

The Gov is outsourcing all thier scientific wet ware. We are nothing more han paper pushers, money launderers for congressional welfare, and "acqusition specialist.

No I am not bitter I am just ... well ok bitter..

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I just got the word this afternoon.  I'm done.  Finito.  Gone.  Hasta la bye bye. 

I are un Electrical Injuneer and am now allegedly qualified to speak as an expert on the movement of positive charges through waaahr (that's "wire" for anyone living north of the Mason-Dixon line).

Hi Eric,

Congratulations, and as one Electrical Engineer to another, here's a philosophical question for you :-

The Science Graduate says........Why does that work?

The Engineering Graduate says........How does that work?

The Arts Graduate says........Do you want fries with that?

Best wishes,


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Soon on the What I Hate forum, getting a job. :D

Great, that's all we need, another electrical engineer. I'm completely surrounded by EE guys at work. I'm the lone mechanical engineer in an electronics company.

Mechanical engineers build weapons.

Civil engineers build targets.

Electical engineers help mechanical engineers find civil engineers. :lol:

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Congrats Eric,

Now that you have cumpleated ur skoolin, did they teach you to spell EE. Sometimes that is overlooked :lol::lol::lol:

But all kidding aside, yours is no small feat. Whatever endeaver you may pursue, find something you enjoy. don't let them pigeonhole you into a cubicle farm figuring current (I) loads on apartment buildings.


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Good job EricW!

You could just avoid the whole work thing and go for your Master's now. :D

Then in 2 years on to the PhD.

Along about 2014...

Dr. Wesselman...

Student 1: "Gee, I hear that Dr. Wesselman is a real hard ass"

Student 2: "Naw, just get him talking about guns and dogs and he is a push over"

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Well, and if you DO end up in a cubicle farm, just wait until lunch hours and use the cubes for shoot house dry-firing scenarios...! :lol:  That should cut the stress and boredom a little.

That could be fun with a Glock Airsoft...

Which is why I want to work for some little outfit with minimum of corporate bureaucracy. Working for a Boston-based company with a litany of rabid anti-gun policies got old in a hurry. I'm also hoping they'll let me work hourly and not on salary. If the work's done, I want to punch out, go outside, and play. Sitting around just putting in your time has to be the worst thing in the universe.

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I'm not so sure that I'm looking forward to life in a cubicle farm again.  Normal working hours?  What are those?  What do you mean I can't bring my dog to the conference call?  No dryfiring in the hall?!!!  WTF?!

Dude, just find a job where you can work from home. It's the way of the future (or some happy crap like that). I have all three dogs at all times, and my 1911 lays on the desk next to my mouse.... Dress code is optional.... hours are optional... and I ain't in a cube!!!

Congrats :) and good luck with future plans :)

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I just got the word this afternoon.  I'm done.  Finito.  Gone.  Hasta la bye bye. 

I are un Electrical Injuneer and am now allegedly qualified to speak as an expert on the movement of positive charges through waaahr (that's "wire" for anyone living north of the Mason-Dixon line).


Eric to a friend

"A few years ago I could not even say Electrical Injuneer now I are one." :P

PS- Hourly is so much better, either way you are a pee-on, but at least for hourly they have to pay you for the hours you put in...

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Now…why the hell would a gifted entrepreneur like you want to work for wages? Why not get to work on the real problems in this world like building an eXtreme timer that does everything a Mark IV does but in an ergonomic package with real controls, memory and USB support. Once you have that right adapt it for other sports. You already have a leg up with TruGrip. Get your business plan together and hit the banks. It’s the occupational equivalent of hand-propping a Ryan.

Good luck,

David C

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