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Unfortunately, due to Rita, BJ & I will not be attending A5. This is one we looked forward to all year, however the storm is tracking right over our location. I am also concerned about being able to find gas (at any price) on our way home.

See you next year!

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Hey Shootergirl , walking on might be difficult to do Sat./Sun. but since Trint/BJ won't be coming try to capitalize on their openings. The match is very full on Sat. Sun. It's almost a complete shooting on the move match ,if you're good at that you'll like it. :)

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Hey Shootergirl , walking on might be difficult to do Sat./Sun. but since Trint/BJ won't be coming try to capitalize on their openings. The match is very full on Sat. Sun.  It's almost a complete shooting on the move match ,if you're good at that you'll like it.  :)

i see three new slots avalible :(

Edited by lynn jones
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Unfortunately, due to Rita, BJ & I will not be attending A5.  This is one we looked forward to all year, however the storm is tracking right over our location.  I am also concerned about being able to find gas (at any price) on our way home.

See you next year!

Tim, real sorry you guys aren't going to make it....I was looking forward to meeting and shooting with you (we were to be on the same squad). Hope everything weathers the storm OK.


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I just returned from shooting the match.

It's very hot and humid at the range. Bring a bunch of water or hydration of your choice.

Fun match and well run. There is a bunch of really fun run and gun and several moving targets. Everything worked well and the range staff was great, as usual.

I shot the 5 poppers on 2 RMS RNG VU on my butt with my legs tucked under me. I went in faster than my brakes could handle.

I had my only mike in the match (other than non pen) on the classifier (CM99-56). I ran it in 11 flat with a semi-fumbled reload. All alphas and a mike.

Edited: Rechecked my score sheets-had 3 mikes! Slow and can't remember things-great

It's a fun revolver match. I left a big door open for the other wheelgunners-this is my home club-it would be rude to do really well :D

Zookeeper was on a roll until the yoke and cylinder hit the ground on a reload. I think he was just being a good host too.

Great fun,


Edited by Airedale
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Apparently zookeep needs to do some maintenance on his BRT's. That's the second major match that his "6 for sure" wheelgun has failed him. Us bottomfeeders sure do wish our guns were as reliable as them BRT's you guys use!!!!!! :D:P:blink: Sorry Jack, I just couldn't resist.

I'll be out there working tomorrow and shooting on Sunday. See ya there.

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I failed miserably as an Area 5 member when I failed to mention that our exalted leader, Gary Stevens, was toiling in the trenches Friday on stage 4 as an RO.

He could have been riding around in the Area 5 director's air conditioned golf cart shaking babies and kissing hands but no-he chose to mingle with the people.....his people. :P

What a guy!


OK Gary-did I redeem myself? :lol:

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thanks to all the staff at the match. i shot friday, and things went real smoothly. we started around 9, and finished at 4 (just in time for my 9-hr drive home). i dont think we had to wait on the squad ahead of us even once.

the stages were great...a nice mix of long and short courses, some movers (but not too many), mostly open targets, some interesting props, and lots of options for the shooters. i had a great time. in fact, this was the 3rd match i've been to at this range (2004 A5, 2005 KY state, 2005 A5), and all 3 were top notch matches...these guys really know how to put on a quality match.

2 of the many options for the shooters:

stage 8 (don't forget your key): what to do with the key?

stage 9 (lineman's hard decisions): go to the door, or take the long way around?

here's what i did (shooting production)

stage 8-i shoved the key in my pocket (but not until after i almost tried to shove it in my gun :lol: ...i dropped the mag out of the gun for my reload before picking up the key, but grabbed the key before i grabbed the new mag from the belt)

stage 9-i went the long way around

what did everyone else do on these 2 stages?

Edited by driver8M3
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I kept the key in weak hand and shot targets on the way to the window strong hand, dumped mag at window shoved key in hole grab fresh mag and hosed!!

Take the long way around, popper at 30 yards was not my way for shooting this stage(dot gun may be different). I did not have to wait on door to open and you were closer to the right side of shooting area.

I think you ran it the best way


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Hey everyone, thanks for the assistance! We did get in - shot the whole thing yesterday.

It was an AWESOME match! The stages were FUN :wub:

I shot the match penalty free - wooooohooooo :)

The best RO staff was on 2 Rooms Running View (Happy now John!) :)

Honestly though, the staff were awesome! Some of the best run stages I've shot - the schedule and smooth running were on the same par as the Nats.

We're both really happy we decided to shoot this match!

On the key stage, I grabbed it by the handle and just shot with it there, I fumbled it though trying to insert it and wasted about 3 seconds!

On hard decision, I ran around.

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My thanks and congratulations to the Area 5 organizers and staff as well. It was my first Area championship, and it was a great deal of fun even shooting production.

With honey don't forget the keys, I dropped the mag as I went for the key, but had brain freeze when I looked down to put it into my pocket. Apparently too many pockets on my shorts :P

Linemans was my favorite stage. I think for anyone not shooting open, it really presented a tough choice. I ran around for the same reason Glock24Man did.

Fun fun fun. :D

Next time, I will have to figure out a way to look for forum members. It would be great to meet many of you ftf.

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This was my first Area 5 match also-very enjoyable and it was a real pleasure to be on the squad I shot with. My congratulations and thanks to everyone that helped put the match on.

I held the key looped in my weak hand and got along fine, reloading twice while holding the key. All the stages were good, however I liked this one the best. On the lineman stage, I elected to shoot the popper and go through the door. I decided not to go around because of the loose gravel as once I get my butt moving I have a harder time getting slowed down and/or changing directions!

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This was my first Area match- Thanks to everyone involved for a smooth running, enjoyable match! That was the most fun I've had in recent memory.

On stage 8 I put the loop around my forearm and had no problems except for a little fumbling with it at the window. On Lineman's I took the door because I like running on loose gravel as little as possible!

Brian F.

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This was my first Area 5 match also-very enjoyable and it was a real pleasure to be on the squad I shot with. My congratulations and thanks to everyone that helped put the match on.

I held the key looped in my weak hand and got along fine, reloading twice while holding the key. All the stages were good, however I liked this one the best. On the lineman stage, I elected to shoot the popper and go through the door. I decided not to go around because of the loose gravel as once I get my butt moving I have a harder time getting slowed down and/or changing directions!

Greg, It was nice to meet and shoot with you. I had a great time and the stages were very fun. I also kept the key in my weak hand hanging from my finger and had no issues and also went for the popper from the door and nailed it on the first shot without much hesitation. That was probably the best shot I had all day :D

Hope to see you again next year Greg.


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I shot it yesterday and had a real good time. The staff was great and fun stages. I was doing pretty good but blew 2 RMS RNG VU, I had 3 mikes.....ON THE EASY TARGETS!!!

I was shooting L10 so on Don't forget your key, I took the targets from the window, did a reload and then grabbed the key......which was WAY too slow

On Linemans I took the popper from the door on the first shot and T3 then went through the door.....

Now what would make everything worth would be to WIN THE GUN!!!!

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What a great match. Didn't have a good match but what fun. Had 3 mikes plus left a piece of steel up and got a mike and fte. OW :blink: All three mikes were from running and shooting.

Bleakhouse, I ran right past the hidden target and finished then realized I didn't engage it. I had to go back and pick it up or take 30 penalty points, that stage cost me big.

Forget your Keys, I nailed that stage, I put the key in my pocket, shot the stage and then tried to get the key out to finish up only to pull on it about 3 times before I had to dig it out while just standing there. Other than that I shot it good.

Linemans stage, I shot 3 paper targets while going to the door then shot the steel then the last paper. Ran to the right engaged the rest only to have a mike on the target leaning out on the right. Then finished the stage. I was rushing to get to the targets inside.

Double crossed, Shot the left popper then the right, started moving right, shot the right swinger and then the left and turned and engaged the first target on the right.

Finished the right side and ran to the left and finished up. I had a mike on that first target on the right. I shot it while moving.

I had my last mike on Catch me if you can. First target I engaged entering my shooting position. Sounds familiar...... This is something I'll be working on.

Believe it or not I came away from the match with a huge boost to my confidence.

Thks Area 5 Staff for some great stages and lots of fun.

Congrats to the winners

Oh yeah, who the heck won the guns???


Edited by Flyin40
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Fun match, best balance all year IMO and used the entire skill set (some difficult accuracy shots, plenty of movement, multiple solution stages, movers, options everywhere). I shot it Thursday afternoon, and should have saved some for Friday. Got to shoot with DaBlaster, and that was great fun. This was my highest ever finish at a major, and my second in a row in my class % where a top shooter won. Kinda feel like I could have done a little better, but pleased with overall finish. This was also the first match I have ever worked as an RO (Friday on stage 11 Which Way Now?). I learned a great deal from Mr. Bob Clift, and truly respect guys like him who make it possible for every shooter to have a consistent experience on the stage. Thanks to all of the folks who have been working on this for months, and I won't even try to name them all.

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Lineman's Hard Decisions

Hmmm.... well, this WAS a challenge! I'd bet that nearly half the competitors went each way on Saturday. Strange though on Sunday, because several squads ALL went to the right. :huh:

Fast time was through the half-door, but you had better be 100% confident that you can hit that 35 yard popper on the first shot.... :o

Also wanted to commend my range staff. GREAT job guys! Happy to work with you anywhere! ;)

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Ditto Great match. I alllmmmoosttt made my goal of shooting a clean match. I had 1 mike on the Key stage. Other than that no major blunders and I feel that I shot about as good a match as possible. Congrates to Chris and Thomas who outshot me in Open A. They had their acts together.

I RO'ed on the Honey Don't Forget Your Key stage on Saturday. It was a very interesting stage and seeing the different ways that each shooter attacked the stage was both entertaining and enlightening.

The Match Staff did a wonderful job with everything I saw running at or ahead of time. A big thank you to all that lent a hand. Great Job guys and gals.

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