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We haven't started yet. The pre-match usually gets folded into the regular match, so nothing for a day or two.

And the chrono? I'm going to be shooting this match with three or four different batches of ammo. Which will they want? Can't have some of all, I can't give up that much ammo.

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don't blanket blame: The last WS in South Africa was also superbly organized. Of course some things always go wrong (the ammo locally provided was not top-notch quality), but all the basics were well worked out. Sorry to hear about all the confusion, everyone who goes puts up *so* much money and effort...


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Eric and others;

What you can do is this: I don't have enough ammo. (My second Ecuador source came up dry.)

If you're in e-mail contact with anyone from the U.S. contingent, pass the word. I need .45 ACP 230 hardball. I'll need 350-400 rounds.

You can't get it here from the U.S. (short of a military drop) but if someone here has it, I sure need it.

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Eric and others;

What you can do is this: I don't have enough ammo. (My second Ecuador source came up dry.)

If you're in e-mail contact with anyone from the U.S. contingent, pass the word. I need .45 ACP 230 hardball. I'll need 350-400 rounds.

You can't get it here from the U.S. (short of a military drop) but if someone here has it, I sure need it.


The only people I "know" down there are people you already know down there and are in the same boat as you. The only one who might have ammo shipped via a different venue definitely isn't shooting 45. I've started an ammo thread for the US contingent so that ammo needs can be listed all in one spot. My concern is that if the ammo you need isn't in country today that you're just totally hosed unless the match is extended.

I'm guessing that if I was able to get ammo on FedEx today, it wouldn't show until Wednesday afternoon.....and that would be assuming that we had an inside guy in Ecaudoran customs to expedite the shipment through.

Have you guys tried to buy ammo off the soldiers down there? Or are they all set up with 9mm?

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The Argentine delegation sent their ammo by airplane on late June (I first thought it was by boat).

There were 45,000 rounds, as there were 44 shooters (really heavy weight shipment).

The cost was around USD 100 per shooter, including custom´s clearance, shipping and handling.

I believe that this would be the right way to secure the ammo for the next big matches worldwide, and not using third parties one that you haven´t tried before.

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Sounds like a logistical nightmare down there...

Maybe I'm glad I wasn't able to go. --But only maybe.

Huge thanks to you folks who are planning to keep us updated on the progress of the competition. I know there are many like me back home who will really appreciate any word on how the contest is progressing in each division-- who's leading, how close it is, whether there are any interesting twists, etc.

Best of luck to Team USA!

Elye A.

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If Ivan can parse 300 rounds out of the batch, all .45 hardball, my problems are solved.

I shot the first set of stages today. The stage designs are mostly straightforward hosers, but there are some with traps. Go too fast and you're hosed. Don't manage movement right, and you're DQ'd. I shot a big field course today (Stage 24?) where the movers were on a trolley, on a huge seesaw. You had to run 50 feet from where you activated each one, to where you could shoot them. Through a tunnel. Right to left and left to right.

I ended up reloading on auto-pilot, at the wrong time, and had to recover. I finished with a large time, a miss and a no-shoot. Considering how some shooters have crashed and burned, I view that as an escape.

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Got up at 0-dark-30 and shot a bunch of stages today, some big, some small. I missed on them all :D. Ok, so it wasn't quite that bad, but nothing to write home about, so I'll stop now.

well, so much for that. Uploaded pictures of the opening ceremonies and some pictures and small videos of today's shooting (note, I'm stucking stuff at the beginning of the album now to try and straighten it out a bit). The opening ceremony was cool.. punctuated by occasional low-altitude passes from the Ecuadorian Air Force on full afterburners.

Turns out every shooter in the country went to the 'huge-steak' place tonight.. they ran out of their signature dish.

Despite the hassles, the WS is an event like no other. There are people here from countries I can't find on a map. My squad's got Czechs (the lady Open team, it seems), Germans, French, Americans, Venezuelans and probably some others. It's super-cool. There are a thousand shooters at this match.

Standings rumors (for lack of other place to put them) has a bunch-up at the top of Open, with Eric leading by a few. Tyc is supposedly giving Sevigny a strong run for his money, and I know nothing else.

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heres some news from the american kids =)

our squad consists of 1 australian, 4 germans, 4 french, 2 spaniards, and 7 americans

kc eusebio

brad balsley

jake hicks

jack carraher

tanner cunningham

ken hicks


it wasn´t a good first day not just for us, but for the entire squad... it seems that most of our guns were still cold from luggage hibernation... and caused us some painful jams... the men´s open super squad was right behind us.. and had to wait on us several times due to stage malfunctions and missing scoresheet labels.. haha sorry! its unfortunate that bj norris isnt squadded with us, and hopefully he´s doing well!

everyone is having a great time thus far... and the parents are the best! they´re taking care of us and are always right beside in the range. can´t ask for better coaches!

more to come on the next few days! wish us luck

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heres some news from the american kids =)

our squad consists of 1 australian, 4 germans, 4 french, 2 spaniards, and 7 americans

kc eusebio

brad balsley

jake hicks

jack carraher

tanner cunningham

ken hicks


more to come on the next few days! wish us luck


Tell KC that the gang in Richmond is pulling for him! :D

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I have ammo. 400 rounds of Armscor 230 hardball. I ran todays stages with one miss total in just over 100 rounds. Stage 29 has a chorus line of no-shoot steel targets, with cardboards behind. I saw shooter after shooter try to shoot a bit too fast and tick one or more. One poor guy was nearly reduced to tears when he 'tinked' the steel twice in four shots, then twice again trying to make up for the misses.

Stage 30 (and others) has a pair of contra-rotating swingers, wig-wagging at you from behind a no-shoot. jerry and I spent six shots on the two targets, and found we were over-estimating the difficulty. He had six hits, I had five (and one known hard-cover hit) and cruised the rest of it.

We're in a squad with one other wheelgunner and a bunch of Standard and Production shooters. It's a scream, sometimes, watching the walkthroughs. The conga line goes one way, and Jerry and I are off in another direciton, doing things by sixes.

A World Shoot is 35 stages. Everyone will crash and burn once, and if they aren't careful will rack up a lot of no-shoots and misses trying to catch up. Me, I always plan to grind the rest down with quick but un-risky shooting to avoid penalties. We'll see how well it works.

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Hi Everyone!

Patrick is not kidding... the ladies standard squad follows Patrick and Jerry so we get to see them maneuvering through with the rest of them. Looks like they are doing great though! Very impressive shooting!

Everything seems to be going well and the only real concern (other than ammo of course) is trying to finish up the day before the sun goes down. It gets dark very early here, but so far you couldn't ask for nicer weather.

I know we all appreciate everyone's support here, but would like to add... if you ever see John Amidon on the range... give him a BIG THANK YOU!!! He has been there all day, every day making sure that all our shooters are squared away. It is great to know you have someone with some pull in your corner if and when you need them. Thanks, John!!!!!

So... 2 days down, 4 to go. :)

All the best,


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heres some news from the american kids =)

our squad consists of 1 australian, 4 germans, 4 french, 2 spaniards, and 7 americans

kc eusebio

brad balsley

jake hicks

jack carraher

tanner cunningham

ken hicks


it wasn´t a good first day not just for us, but for the entire squad... it seems that most of our guns were still cold from luggage hibernation... and caused us some painful jams... the men´s open super squad was right behind us.. and had to wait on us several times due to stage malfunctions and missing scoresheet labels.. haha sorry! its unfortunate that bj norris isnt squadded with us, and hopefully he´s doing well!

everyone is having a great time thus far... and the parents are the best! they´re taking care of us and are always right beside in the range. can´t ask for better coaches!

more to come on the next few days! wish us luck


And how is young Mr. Hicks doing? You guys at the top of the pile? Best of Luck!

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Hi All!

Can anyone down there tell us more about how the various contests are progressing? Saul's doing a good job assessing the Open at the end of each day, but other than that we're in the dark. What's happening in Standard? How's the Sevigny/Tyc contest going? Julie, how are the US ladies doing? (Hope you're leading the field.)

Good luck, everybody...

Elye A. :)

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Anybody got info on Jack Carraher? I squadded with him at the Nats in 04 and him and his folks were a ton of fun. I think he's kinda the sleeper cause he isnt a real big name yet, but he can burn it down when he's on.

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Hello from Ecuador! The experience here has been unbelievable. We spent the first couple of days sight seeing and going to the local markets for gifts to take home. People in the US have no idea what poor is!

BJ is shooting very solid. He had a good first day and was third on one stage after the SS had gone through. Yesterday was not quite as good, a bobbled reload on a long course, cost quite a bit of time and caused an extra load on that stage. He was not happy shooting several deltas, but he has no penalties after two days. It is a long match and a lot of things can happen in six days of shooting.

It was disappointing to not get squadded with the rest of the Jr's, but we have a good bunch of guys on squad 47.

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100 335.9110 12.10 198 Horejsi, Michaela CZEL

121 323.5643 11.65 594 *******, Julie USAL

136 308.5951 11.11 268 Tutschke, Petra GER L

153 298.2814 10.74 610 Munson-Leatham, Kippi USAL

195 259.9100 9.36 515 Keaney, Janis RSAL

200 252.7970 9.11 103 Hurtado B., Sebastian BOLJ

213 243.0986 8.76 606 Keehart-Ross, Deborah USAL

217 239.2069 8.62 460 Mangudadatu, Mariam PHIL

221 235.4060 8.48 162 Turkova, Eva CZEL

226 230.20378.29 508 Fischer, Joey RSAL

227 229.82818.28 528 Martinez, Maria ESPL

239 215.65077.77 790 Kay, Becky ZIML

269 166.10675.98 789 Maidwell, Tara ZIML

272 156.67685.64 569 Clark, Debra USAL

273 153.18435.52 510 Du Toit, Cecilia RSAL

275 147.90515.33 30 Naser, Graciela S. ARGL

278 143.09885.15 699 Contreras, Cintia VENL D

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