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Friday Flamer 5-27-2005


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Okay, so it isn't exactly Friday here on the west coast as I type this...so sue me. It has been a bitcheroo of a week, I am beat down dead-ass tired and am heading to bed just as soon as the load of wash finishes and I can pitch it into the dryer. Yes, I do laundry. No, my wife does not do my laundry. It works.

I hate working for and with work-a-holics. Just because they put in 12 hour days 6 days a week they make my productivity look like crap and I get dinged for it on perf evals. Just because they don't give a damn that their families have forgotten what they look like is no reason to rob me of time with mine.

I hate doing "simple" software upgrades that turn into the upgrade from hell. Started a "two hour" upgrade at 0530 Tuesday morning and finally finished it at 1830 on Wednesday. Meanwhile everyone is pissed at me because that system is down and they somehow think that coming and bothering me every 45 minutes to tell me how they have so much work to get done is going to speed things up. :angry: IDIOTS!! IMBECILES!!! As Robin Williams (doing Shakespear) once said "Assholes do vex me!!!!!!!"

I hate that I take the failures of software vendors too personally so that I end up feeling like a freaking failure just because they can't create an install shield package that ACTUALLY WORKS without lots of repair work after you run it. Sheesh!

I hate that after a lengthy bid process for a stupid new system we were forced to purchase we awarded the bid to a company who within minutes (78 of them to be exact) had filed an injunction and a lawsuit against us to prevent the details of their bid from being made public (being a state agency all our bids are public info once the bid has been awarded). It is SO much fun to have multiple state attorneys calling and rather pissed at you. Luckily the boss got the heat on that one but it was plenty warm over in my neck of the woods too. Of course now the other bidders are filing suits against us too. If it was within my power I would declare the whole thing null and void and NO ONE would get the bid. Screw 'em!

I hate working with people who refuse to learn new things and who think they shouldn't have to learn because they have big titles and big pay checks. My father told me a long time ago that when you stop learning you are dead...well, these guys stink but it isn't because they are dead. In the encyclopedia under the term "incompetent" are these jackass' pictures.

I hate that the only thing I would miss about my job if I lost it tomorrow would be the paycheck. Not the people. Not the place. Not the work. Just the paycheck. I guess that is the difference between a job and a career. A job you just do because it is what you have to do to get the paycheck. A career is something that you nurture and love and would do for half the pay just because you love it that much. Anyone here actually have a career anymore?

I hate that instantaneous shipping has not been invented yet. Bob Londrigan (Brazos Custom) called me this morning to tell me my new blaster was on its way to my FFL by overnight UPS. And so began the long, long wait until tomorrow when I can go rescue my blaster from the clutches of my FFL. Yeah, it has been nearly 3 months since I ordered it and that was a longgg time too, but it isn't nearly as longggggg as today was and I suspect that tomorrow morning will make a snail's pace look speedy!

I hate that I won't have time to get to the range with the new blaster until NEXT weekend. That's gonna be another long period of time. Now to get used to this new blaster before Area 1....

Oh...and I hate that my PowerBall numbers didn't hit. Again. Dammit.

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I still hate Northern Virginia. I flame it- the entire region. DC to, while I'm at it. I shall continue to do so every week until I get back to God's Country- North-by-God-Carolina. Don't think it's really God's country? Go outside and look up.

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I hate having to watch animals have sex on the nature shows. It is official, there just doesn't seem to be anything you can watch on TV with your kids.

Remember the old days when Marlon Perkins and Stan Brock , shot, roped, jumped out of Land Rovers and generally reeked havoc with every living thing on the Serrengetti. Now half of the show is dedicated to watching the beasts, Git-R-Done.

The reptiles are pretty bad but the worst has got to be the big cats. Lions and tigers used to be symbols of strength and fierocity, now they are symbolic of a sheepherder that caught a ride into Winnemucca after six months in the Nevada desert. :blink:

The bitter irony is we can sit around watch A Silver-tip Gorrilla have jack-hammer sex, but the Victoria Secret Lingerie Show was deemed too racy for T.V..

When I was 12 Years old I seen the Sport Illist. Swim suit edition. Anyone over 30 but not dead will remember Cheryl Tiegs and that fish-net bikini. It was at that moment that I knew I wanted to be a man and grab a handfull of that !


What must a prepubescent child think after an hour of Animal Planet?

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Guest Larry Cazes

I hate that there are so many highly trained and skilled technical folks in this area out of work and it is only continuing to get worse. Everyone who makes a living in their chosen field should be thankful for the opportunity.......It may not last.

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I hate that the only thing I would miss about my job if I lost it tomorrow would be the paycheck. Not the people. Not the place. Not the work. Just the paycheck. I guess that is the difference between a job and a career. A job you just do because it is what you have to do to get the paycheck. A career is something that you nurture and love and would do for half the pay just because you love it that much. Anyone here actually have a career anymore?

I hate that I feel the same way. No one cares about people anymore.

I hate that there are so many highly trained and skilled technical folks in this area out of work and it is only continuing to get worse

I hate that the greedy, executive a-holes know this and pay .10 of what these people are worth to make themselves look better.

I hate that some companies are "preferring" CCIE's for BS support jobs that pay nothing. These people must have no clue what it takes to get a CCIE cert and since they have no clue, it makes everyone else look like morons.

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I hate it that now that my career is back on track and they're throwing money and power at me, I have very little family or shooting time. 70+ hour work weeks and phone calls waaaay too much when I finally get home.

Unemployment was cool in that I had tons of time to practice, but the pay wasn't very good.

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I hate that I ordered and paid for an item last week and that it wasn't shipped till 2 days ago and now the post office can't find it after giving me a delivery notice.

I hate that when it was delivered, the Post office said it was delivered and it was not on my doorstep when my wife got home. $100 in bullets... GONE!!!

I hate that the idiots in our state offices are trying to legislate away or make things so expensive and BS that I can't enjoy my hobby.

I hate that I haven't had the time to get my yard into shape.

I hate that this state has become so crowded and the roads so bad that I look forward to going to other states to practice freedoms and experience a drive without whiplash that I should have here.

I hate that my job hours changed last year and that I have hardly the time to practice (Match days are my practice!! :( )

Ok.. I think I feel a little better now...


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I hate dealership service repairs. I got a service bulletin on a EGR pressure sensor in June 2003. I replaced it despite the fact it was still functioning. So now two years later that exact part went bad (I'd guess the old unit was replaced with a still faulty one the first time). So I call the dealership and was told "too bad, too sad." Parts are only guaranteed for 12 months, service bulletin or not. Oh and the warranty on emissions parts - yup expired 200 miles ago. Now I'm trying to find the part and it's so specialized that I can't get it anywhere except a dealer. I'm trapped paying their outrageous price!!!


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I hate taking off to get the AC repaired and had a schedule before noon. Here I am after noon, waiting for the Jack A## repair guy, that called 3 hrs ago and would be right over!!! Just shoot me.... no I'll jsut shoot him! :angry:

Think I'll go look for someone who's life has given them Vodka! :D

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"...No one cares about people anymore."
Which is why I started my own business and accept the meagre-ness of it in favor of the unspeakable waste, disorganization and sluggishness that often exists in other people's businesses.
"...I hate that this state has become so crowded and the roads so bad that I look forward to going to other states..."
We're a little doofy (as in 'relaxed') up here, but if you can set yourself up with a job (or start your own) and like clean air and an exceptional water supply AND mellow gun laws, talk to me seriously about Oregon. B)

Speaking of mega-certifications and employers' expectations: I, too, hate it when see a help-wanted in the paper asking for no less that two dozen or so advanced skills--which may include full-charge bookkeeping along with everything else (this is office work we're talking about, now) and the employer is offering $8-$9 per hour. Mannnnnnn!!! Talk about crass!! Who the HELL do they think they are??!! (Disclaimer: Not all employers are this stupid, but Eugene does happen to have a reputation for allowing these kind to live......)(Perhaps I should invent something like DeCon for dumbass employers and be done with it.) :angry::angry:

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I hate dealership service repairs also... They were supposed to fix the AC (warranty) (three times), and still it blows hotter air than the outside air when outside temperature is above 100 degrees F. :angry:

I hate traffic lights that are timed so badly that the one 200 ft away turns red when the one you are stopped at turns green... :wacko:

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i hate the fact that i cannot buy music anymore-seems like all the bands i liked are either dead or broke up. miss the dayz of hendrix, mountian, grand funk, etc.

i hate the fact that i can't buy a hi-cap frame, a beta mag, a .50.

i hate the fact that Sunn no longer makes bass amps.

i hate the fact that everything that taste's good will kil you.

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I hate self service squading so much I'll probably avoid matches that use it. If you are going by yourself it could work OK, but not if you have a group.

It's always a PITA to coordinate a group of people and usually requires some special phone calls and handling anyway.

We usually have at least five people in our group and sometimes as many as nine and it's just impossible to coordinate with the passwords and some people who don't have e-mail or access to the internet.

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I hate dealership service repairs also... They were supposed to fix the AC (warranty) (three times), and still it blows hotter air than the outside air when outside temperature is above 100 degrees F.  :angry:

I hate traffic lights that are timed so badly that the one 200 ft away turns red when the one you are stopped at turns green...  :wacko:

I fixed my own. $85 later I have an AC system that gives me an ice cream headache. :) :) :)

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I am so @#$%ing angry and I hate it that if I really went off on a rant about it the forum would probably just kill the hate rant / Friday flame just so I didn't get so political ever again........ :angry::angry::angry:

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I hate dealership service repairs also... They were supposed to fix the AC (warranty) (three times), and still it blows hotter air than the outside air when outside temperature is above 100 degrees F.  :angry:

I hate traffic lights that are timed so badly that the one 200 ft away turns red when the one you are stopped at turns green...  :wacko:

I fixed my own. $85 later I have an AC system that gives me an ice cream headache. :) :) :)

Couldn't, would void warranty. ;)

They finally fixed it toady after my wife ripped into the service manager, problem was switch inside controller intermittently would not go to cool even controls were set to Max AC. B)

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I hate the fact that the "secretary/paralegal" in our office does absolutely no work, panics at the slightest thing, then demands that everyone help/do her work, doesn't process the mail or incoming faxes (did it for one day, said she didn't have time to do it, so just leaves it for someone else to do it), bosses people around, treats myself and the other attorney in the office like we're 2 years old, takes 20 minute smoke breaks, leaves work 30 minutes early, refuses to help anyone out, yet for some reason, the owner of the firm thinks that she is the best secretary/paralegal in the whole wide world.

What I like is that in another month, I'll be able to look for another place to work.

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i hate the fact that i bought 2 new trucks last year at the same dealership and the rear brakes squeak on both of them and the service guys says there is nothing wrong with them. so i went back to have them checked again and while i waited i test drove a new dodge magnum,with the hemi, and made sure by the time i was done with the test drive that the life expectancy of the motor and the rear tires was reduced by 50%. :D

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I hate that after two days and five round-trips to OfficeMax that I still don't have a damn' phone answering machine! My old one finally crapped out (it lived a long and productive life, so I'm not complaining), but I'm now resorting to picking up a very used freebie from a friend tomorrow on the OFF chance it might actually work. God almighty, what more do I have to do....... all I wanted was an answering machine, for pete's sake........! )@^&!%....... :angry:

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