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Back up gun?


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So how important is a back up gun? Should it be in the same caliber?

In the past shooting SS I have had 2 45 1911's but have now picked up a 40sw 1911 and I will be shooting that full time starting late summer this year after area 3. I'm trying to figure out if I just want to take a second set of ammo and mags and take a 45 as a back up or is it worth a second gun in 40 given that it would be over a grand and I can buy a lot of bullets powder and primers for that. I'm only a C class shooter so more ammo is a good thing. I have never had a gun fail but have seen it happen.

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Sell one of the .45 guns to fund another .40 gun.

How important it is is something only you can answer. Do you mind carrying around two guns and ammo at a major match? If your answer is "yes", then get another .40 and only have to carry around an extra gun. If "no", then carry one of your two extra .45 guns.

BTW, you just jinxed yourself, never say "I've never had..." unless you want whatever you've never had happen to happen. And it will happen at the most inopportune time. Just Murphy at work.

Edited by robertg5322
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True I did just jinx my self.

taking the extra 45 is they way I'm leaning as they are set up the same grips and sights so they feel the same just different caliber. I would plan to shoot both as major and I do have a 9mm if I ever go to a big match shooting minor. I guess I'm just asking is with the guns being set up the same is a different caliber a big deal as long as I have the mags and ammo for both? my range bag will hold both sets of mags and I have room on my cart for the ammo.

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I have never had a gun fail ...

If you are a C shooter, and shooting at only local matches,

you don't "need" a backup.

If you go to larger matches, and have some extra tuned

parts for your .45, you don't "need" a backup.

If you do a lot of larger matches, and don't know how to

fix your gun, quickly, you should think about a backup gun.

I have a backup gun, but it's an OPEN gun - also gives me

the opportunity to send one off to a gunsmith for a few

weeks, and continue to shoot. :cheers:

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Don't know about your guns, but my .40 feels different than my .45. They're set up exactly the same (as exactly as they can be). The difference isn't a big deal, but it is there.

That said, I have one single stack in each caliber (9mm, .40 & .45), and don't shoot many major matches. If I did, (and if I was a better shooter) I might think about having a second gun in the caliber I shot most.

If I had a .40 and two .45s, and the .40 was my primary competition gun (and the comments about shooting major matches and being a better shooter than I am apply here), I'd give serious thought to selling one of the .45 guns and buying a .40 backup gun. Just cause I like the recoil of the .40 single stack gun better.

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I just got back from SS Nationals. I shot 9mm Minor. I currently only have one gun but am having a gun built as my primary and my SA RO 1911 in 9mm will be the back up. The primary is also going to be 9mm.

Prior to leaving, I took a ton of spare, fitted parts and borrowed a friend's 9mm Trojan. To me, I broke it down like this for justification"

1. Lost time - I take off and travel for work. If the gun goes down and I don't have a suitable back up or a way to repair it, it's all a huge waste of money. I do this for fun and that would not be fun.
2. It's easier to get a back up approved if your primary goes down if they are relatively similiar.

3. It's for fun, but I want to be competitive. Chances are I'm already having a bad day if my primary is dead, why would I want to switch to something that isnt the same or similar?

For every division i shoot, I plan on having two guns. Yeah it was easier when I was shooting Production and running w glock 34s, but I don't care. It's for fun, but once you start traveling and taking off work, loading ammo, flying, renting cars and the like, I would rather have 2 guns. Back up gun can be the practice gun and primary is the match gun to keep round counts similar.

ETA - besides the mags/ammo/flying issues, IMP 45 and 40 feel very different for me and shooting. That alone would change my mind.

Edited by rugerp89ipsc
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My experience is that whenever you have a back up accessible you never need it. The second you decide to sell said back up, the primary will break at the most inopportune moment possible.

Murphy's Law. Ignore it at your peril.

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To each his own, but I always have an identical gun for back up regardless if it's a local match or a National. I think at least you want to have the same caliber and same mags if possible. If my primary goes down, I don't want to go to the Safe Area and mess with having to work on it or repair it. I want to get back in the game immediately. I'll work on it when I get home. I don't think it matters what classification you are. It just depends on how well prepared you want to be for any problem situation with your gun at any match.

Edited by JGus
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I have thought about having a slide built for my 45 but not sure where or how to start. Who dose this sort of thing and what's the cost.

Any competent gunsmith should be able to do it.

Not sure about compatibility of .40 and .45 with regard to ejectors. That's the only top-end part that may give you an issue. And you'll be using a non-ramped barrel, or buying a .45 barrel that's ramped.

In the end, you're not going to save much money. For that reason alone I'd buy another gun if I was in the market for a backup.

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Good stuff here.

Do you need a back up? It depends a lot on your personality. For example, next week lots of us are going to area1. Travel, lodging, and fees is about $600 for me.

I'd blow an o ring to lay out that $$ and then have a gun not run. Having a guaranteed solution to any equipment problem that comes up is worth a lot to me. I've got a buddy who is just fine with traveling all over the place with just one gun.

Guns aren't like golf clubs.

I agree with the strategy some have suggested of starting with a straight forward new or good used gun in a particular division. Later as you can afford a custom or higher end gun in that division, you will know precisely what you want as opposed to relying on others opinions. You will also have a reliable back up you already invested in.

When you get into 2011's or open guns this is really the only way to do it unless you have loads of cash.

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I've never been at a match (including the Nationals) where I didn't see anyone not be able to borrow any piece of equipment (including a firearm) if it broke. Unless you are in contention to win every Nationals you go to, then a backup gun, IMHO, is a waste of money. Spend it instead on ammo, or taking a class.

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After thinking about the points made by people here I think I will just bring a 45 with me as a back up. Yes it means two sets of mags and ammo but its "free" and at least with the number of majors I shoot in a year 2 maybe three if I'm lucky 3 its just not worth the cash. Maybe Ill by a second gun down the road but not right now.

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I tripped up having a different gun for backup at first, and both were 9mm. The weight and feel is a little different between the two, and the sights are different. I'm getting used to the backup a little more and shooting it better. If I were really serious about getting the highest scores, I'd prefer 2 'identical' guns. If I were in it mostly for fun and for some moderate personal improvement, I'd go for whatever fits the budget.

Personally I'm ok with the difference, but I'm also OK giving up points shooting minor (for now).

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While you've already made a decision I went the opposite way and decided on a back up gun. I'd hate to show up somewhere and not be able to finish competing and it allows me to add something cool to my collection with a slightly better reason than "hey that looks cool, I should have one". Ideally they should be identical, but mine aren't and I'm pretty happy with how I shoot both of them.

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After thinking about the points made by people here I think I will just bring a 45 with me as a back up. Yes it means two sets of mags and ammo but its "free" and at least with the number of majors I shoot in a year 2 maybe three if I'm lucky 3 its just not worth the cash. Maybe Ill by a second gun down the road but not right now.

Have you tried running the 40 rounds through the 45 mags? a few of our guys down here run Wilson 47d's with 40 perfectly.

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i think you need a backup for a major match, but if you already have a 45 and you can shoot it well, I wouldn't stress about it being a different caliber. If you have to switch to it, you probably will have already tanked a stage anyway, but at least you'll be able to keep shooting and have fun.

In the long term, yes it's nice to have semi-identical guns, but there may be better ways for you to allocate your resources right now.

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Im lucky. There are multiple guys on my team that I always squad with that shoot a very similar gun. Close enough that my loads, mags and belt will work. I really want an identical back up but for now I'll have to settle with the fact that my buddies will let me use their gun if something drastic happens.

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