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Match Concept


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Nobody has time to shoot 10-12 stages every weekend. You would cause a lot of break ups and divorces with a match like that. Or, you just would not get the turn out. Just my prediction.

Break up's and divorce. Not just because of the time spent but also the ammo budget would have to increase as well.

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$60.00. Paid RO's. A canteen and pro shop. I think it would fill up in a bigger metro area. I travel 2-3 hours and spend a lot more than $60.00. How do you make a poll on here on what you would pay for a 10 stage match. Level one.

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$60.00. Paid RO's. A canteen and pro shop. I think it would fill up in a bigger metro area. I travel 2-3 hours and spend a lot more than $60.00. How do you make a poll on here on what you would pay for a 10 stage match. Level one.

intriguing, but how long would it take to shoot 10-12 stages? If I can do it all in 6 hours, it's alot more attractive more often than if it takes 10-12 hrs. I might only be able to do once or twice a month for an all-day thing. And if other folks felt the same way, then where would we be? One of the major attractions of a l2 match is shooting alot, all day, on stages that I don't have to set up or tear down so I ONLY think about shooting. But another major attraction is shooting against alot of other shooters and more m's and gm's than I would normally see at a local match. Both of those attractions are worth money to me.

OTOH, living near a major metro area is totally NOT worth money to me.

I would guess that more often than once a month would start getting watered down with less turnout.

Edited by motosapiens
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Each Large metro area contains hundreds of shooters - most would NOT

go for a 10 stage match, but I'd bet that a few dozen would, and if they

live near a large Metro area, some of them make big bucks and would

be glad to pay $50 or $60.

Just my opinion, subject to testing, of course.

When I lived near NYC and worked for a large corp, I would have

gladly paid $60 to shoot a big match each weekend. :cheers:

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100 shooters a match at $60.00. Four

Weekends in a month. $24,000 a month. Pay out on the forth weekend. Make it were you have to shoot at least two of the other three weekends to be able to shoot on the 4th weekend. Pay out for top 10 finishers only per division. (Limited, open, and production only) but for the other part of the payout draw random shooters numbers. Also have a Calcutta were you can bid on shooters. I come from a billiards background and most calcuttas were 3 times as big as the tournament payout.

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Why pay out anything? I understand some sections and clubs are into paying out at local matches, but I don't see the point. I'd rather the match fee be lower or get put back into equipment, scoring devices, stage props, walls and special targets. If you get to the point where you can't keep buying toys to make the matches more interesting, then cut match fees.

Agree that 10-12 stages every weekend would be a little much for most people I know. Breaking 12 stages across two half day format matches would be an interesting idea. For that, I'd pay in the ballpark of $40-$50 for all 10-12 stages. Around big matches, it could be just what I'm looking for.

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Could you make any money if you were in a larger metro area and held a 10-12 stage match every weekend. How much would you be willing to pay to shoot it? $50.00-$70.00-$85.00???

Do you have any previous experience at running a big matches? Unless you own your own range (even then), the first thing you will need is liability event insurance when you approach a club board of directors. If there is such a club that is not allready full up on weekends for all the other matches, then you negotiate price. The smart club will want an up front amount and a per shooter amount. They are not just going to let anyone walk and say they can put on a big match. You are going to have to show you can pull this off, which means you basically need a whole big bunch of people willing to work for free, or nearly free, and don't forget your scorekeepers because nodoby wants to do that. And it better be some righteous stages to boot. You need at least one full day to setup 12 stages, and unless you let the squads self RO (would never do that with prize or payback stages), you won't even be able to pay an RO to stay all day at $60. Plus the cost of sticks, targets and tape. Shooting is about entertainment, and yes, you can make some money, but it is damn hard work at the end of the day. Years ago I put on several State IIDPA matches and a couple of USPSA sectionals, and that was enough to cure me of running big matches.

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9x45 ...you beat me to it ..... while the basic arithmetic looks seductive, the economics of running that type of weekly match are going to put you out of business very quickly, even assuming you could get 100 shooters every week to pay those prices.

The first thing you must do once you have an idea to make money is to develop a very realistic business plan with realistic assumptions .... when you do that for this idea you'll quickly come to the reasons why it's not currently being done anywhere ....

Edited by Nimitz
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As the title says it a "match concept". Except for the skins games they had on ESPN back in the 90's, I never saw any type of gambling in the shooting world. I know guns and gambling don't mix, or would they? As far as me putting a match I would rather practice with friends. Don't like people that much. As far as the match fee goes I would pay 50-60-70 if there was action involved, especially a Calcutta. I wonder if some people would choke for the cash like they do in other games. Probably never happen.

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Coordinating a reoccurring event like that would be a full time job plus dedicated paid staff to get it done. Once you flip that switch and pay yourself a viable salary along with paying staff the match income will quickly vanish. Not to mention the shooters getting "Board" of shooting a match like that week after week. Sure there would be a small hardcore group of shooters that would love it and attend every weekend. But the bulk of the shooters would be a once an done kind of deal.

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I did see that, but as far as I know, that was a one time deal. If it was a viable business, marketing, or entertainment model it would still be going on today. A once and done pretty much tells you how long term "Viable" that thing was.

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You're forgetting the gaming license you'd probably need to take bets...

How much match running experience do you have? 10-12 stages run well with great and efficient staff will take 8-10 hours for 50 shooters. One hundred shooters is going to take a while. I figured 8h15m of shooting time for 100 shooters averaging thirty seconds per stage over ten stages without setup, take down or reset time factored in. I figure that at 2.5 hours for setting and breaking down. I figure reset and scoring to be 4 to 6 hours depending on the number of squads based on 100 reset/scorings over ten stages and each reset taking two minutes then dividing by the number of squads you have. I figure 5 squads will reset the fastest assuming everyone is working diligently and taking away the two recent shooters that shot the stage and the two that are prepping to shoot. I didn't figure in time to reconfigure any bays pulling double duty. Don't even think about doing multiple strings of fire on a stage.

It also takes up a lot of space. Likely will take up all of the available shooting space at a facility to have stages worth shooting. Like it has already been said the only way you get to do that is by having your own range. The club BOD will likely receive too many complaints from members not involved in your matches being denied the use of the facility during the weekend.

Edited by Forrest Halley
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