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2005 Area 6 Championship

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I went one better than that Mark and now have an official Brianenos.com hat with Shooter Grrl embroidered around the ponytail holder  :wub:

How cool! When are you going to market your idea, Kathy? :D

I fly out tomorrow... my ammo's loaded, gun's runnin', bags packed... FINALLY, I'm prepared before a match! And, my gunsmith is shooting the match too (added sense of security for this gun torturer :blink: ) I think the only unfinished detail is picking up some brownies...

Ahhh... it feels good to be prepared! :wub:

Off to the gym to do some eyelash curls... just in case...


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I'll be shooting my tupper wear gun in L-10 division. My revolver was out of the safe for just last weekend. I probably won't pick it up until the week of the IRC to sight it in for the 50 yds standard. That's why my reloads were so fast :lol:

(atleast 4.5 seconds)

I'm in squad 93 for all day Friday.

I'll see you guys & gals at the range.

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But Kathy ???????????????? :wacko::wacko::wacko:

What do I do ??????? :angry::angry::angry:

An Official BE.com hat would be COOL !!!!!!! BUT I don't think I could use a PONY TAIL HOLDER !!!! :lol::lol::lol:


(Silly TN country boy who just happens to have....HIGH speed LOW drag Haircut)

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Spent the day at the range setting up. Things are looking real good. We should have warm weather Friday and Saturday (upper 80's) with a chance of an afternoon thundershower. Sunday should be a bit cooler.

All 12 stages tomorrow...I gotta get in front of the reloader...nothing like waiting 'til the last minute :blink:

I will be running Stage 12 on Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to say hello.

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This was a great match. a lot of good things. Good people good food, good stages... sadly none of them included good shooting on my part.

Being my first open match i learned a lot of things..... low batteries don't let you see the dot clearly. distance betwen sight and port is sometimes enough to shoot the port. Groggy and lathargic isn't the best way to shoot a match i need to sleep more the night before when i drive a long distance. adn ammo chrony'd at 65 deg. goes DOWN in PF when its way over 80... (yup 164.5) MINOR!

It was great meeting all of you that I didn't know. even if i did mess up your name... Sorry BDH.

All of the match staff did a great job and were all very nice. great food especially at the BBQ and a squad of good people & good shooters

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Back home after mentally shooting the match 3 times on Friday... my shooting, Nelson Jr's and Francisco's... TOO INTENSE!!!

In the spirit of the team, brought out my G17 and got my arse kicked by it. Would somebody send me an email next time to remind me NOT TO CHANGE GUNS A WEEK BEFORE THE MATCH!! Thank you!

My sheety shooting aside I had the greatest time. My sons shot their first major and finished it. PAPI IS PROUD!! Got to spend all day with Hopalong and Rhino. What a SUPER PAIR OF INDIVIDUALS!! Joe and Sam, you guys are good people! Look forward to shoot together with you again, soon

Will post the pic of the three amigos tomorrow from the office.

Got to meet ShooterGrrl and hubby. Nice hat Kathy! Also met, ima45dv8, D.carden and Mrs.D.carden, Cy Pritchard, Mad Scientist and Singlestack...

THE ENOS FORUM MATCH HAS TO HAPPEN SOON! This is an excellent bunch of people!

Gotta go. Talk to y'all tomorrow.

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Just go the word that our very own Shannon Smith (SmittyFL) defeated a very talented crowd of limited shooter to take high overall in the match.

Way to go Smitty!!!!!!!!!

813 in the house

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Nice to meet you and your sons. They both shot very well. I wish I could shoot that well as a 12 year old!

BTW - here are the winners:

* LTD - Shannon Smith (well done Shannon!)

* Open - Max Jr.

* Prod - Dave S

* LTD 10 - Daniel Horner

* Rev - Jerry M

It was a great match with tons of good shooters. Thanks most of all to Cindy and Bill Noyes for putting on the match.


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Final Results are now up!

...and all I did was play at leading a nationals-quality stats team that keypunched some 4000 scoresheets in a day and a half. Thanks to everyone who ran the match. Thanks particularly to everyone who came out to shoot!

I just looked at Limited. The Top 16 was made up of 12 grandmasters and 4 masters. Open in the Top 16 had 7 GM's, 6 masters, and 3 class-A's.

This was a damned strong match!

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Congrats to Shannon. He is a super nice guy and an awesome shooter. There were enough GM's in Limited that the top 5 were recognized. I was watching him as they announced 5th through 1st (Travis) When they did that he looked a bit puzzled then he heard his name called HOA and Area 6 Champ! A big smile replaced that look pretty quick. Nice job Shannon, that was a hell of a field of Limited shooters.

Max and Dave Sevigny are just machines. In Open Max won every stage (he wasn't real happy with his performance at last month's South Carolina match) and 2nd place was not quite 89%.

Runner up to Dave in Production was 85%.

Congrats to all the winners. Special mention to JL Hardy, 3rd overall in Open. Nice job.

Good to see the Littmans and meet Bill Smith. BDH worked his a** off, he ran the shoot house nearly by himself on Friday. Thanks to all my fellow RO's and the rest of the staff for a long weekend of hard work in the heat and (sometimes) rain.

Carinab, I will take you up on the drinks next time you have to go first on my stage!

Overall I think the positives outweighed the negatives, but I am sure we will see a thread about some of the negatives....(I'm just not startin' it; I was told I started too much s*#t this weekend ;) )

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That was one of the best matches I've ever shot! Also a tall man's match, I think there was one low-port and a couple slight-crouch-type of ports in the whole match. Also very little sprinting required, which I'm sure many ppl appreciated.

Congrats to Max and Smitty for winning two totally different ways. One by taking a stage and being tough for 11 more with eye-popping competition all around him, and then there's Max - what can you say?

The stages were great and I had a blast shooting on a squad of 5 Canadians, 4 Jamaicans, and 4 Americans. Amazing how the love of shooting has no accent and no borders.

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Holy cow the be'ers are so durned cool! But some of you are in deep caca for not introducing yourselves! C'mon - I was wearing a hat that shooter grrl on it even so you wouldn't have to guess if it was me or not!

We saw Smitty shoot Stage 9 and he was just ON! As Roger said, it was pretty amusing to watch Shannon's face as they called the top 5 GM's and his name wasn't there!!!!

I too am not going to start the post on negatives - but someone will need to! Really good discussion points off of this one issue.

I bet Jon will start it :)

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WOW! :o GREAT JOB SMITTY!! :) CONGRATS! Don't mess with the Florida Boys!!

Again, I had a blast been squaded with Joe and Sam. Here's a pic of the Three Amigos taking a break.


When Francisco finished the classifier the entire squad burst in applause!! I'm so proud that still today my shirts don't fit quite right! :D


Nelson Jr. had a good match too. My lefty wild man needs to slow down a bit, but he's in the right track!!



See you next year!

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