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Speed Tax


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Ya know the funny thing about a speed trap? If you don't speed, it's not a trap. :D

To all you radar detector jockeys, save your money, it won't save you. The only time a RD will save you is if the cops light up the guy in front of you. If there's nobody in front of you, you're dead meat. Radar waves travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per SECOND). Todays Radar guns are instant. Your speed is on the Radar set before the sound from your buzzer can reach your ears. RD's used to work on the older radars because they would leak some waves and a good RD could pick up the leaks. Today's radar's don't leak. In my former job, I worked the one state in the country were RD's were illegal. I would rountinely take the RD back to the cruiser, plug it in, put the RD right in front of the Radar antenna. Everytime is was silent until I released the hold button.

Abandon all hope.

As far as "tax collector" references goes. It never bothers you to see the "tax collector" show up when some idiot plows into the back of your car at 10 mph and you need a police accident report so you can sue the idiot for permanent whiplash and live on easy street for the rest of your life. Funny, you never hear anybody complain about that. It's all part of the job, you gotta take the good with the bad.

Erik (Former tax collector)

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The only time a RD will save you is if the cops light up the guy in front of you. If there's nobody in front of you, you're dead meat.

This is California. There's always someone in front of you and the CHP pick which car they want to ticket out of the 100s doing the same speed.

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COPS sample traffic for speeders with their radar,thats where theur use pays off

,often times the detectors range is greater than the line of site of the COPS.

in 52 years the only help ive received from an officer is the tax document handed to me thru the car window.

dont worry be happy. B)

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As far as "tax collector" references goes.  It never bothers you to see the "tax collector" show up when some idiot plows into the back of your car at 10 mph and you need a police accident report so you can sue the idiot for permanent whiplash and live on easy street for the rest of your life.  Funny, you never hear anybody complain about that.  It's all part of the job, you gotta take the good with the bad.

Erik (Former tax collector)

Erik, whoa dude!! Do not take any offense, as none was intended. The Trooper that assessed my penalty was just doing his job. He was very pleasant about it, and I was pleasant to him. I know that I was over the limit, and was not trying to argue.

The reason I referred to him as a 'tax collector' was that years ago a friend of mine mentioned that he had was late because he stopped to pay some 'speed tax'. I said, 'what the hell are you talking about? What is speed tax'? He replied that 'speed tax' is the tax that you occassionally have to pay for exceeding the speed limits, and that it is assessed by special 'tax collectors' that patrol the highways.

I always thought this was funny, and it stuck with me about how accurate it really was. IOW, if you choose to exceed the limits, eventually you will be stopped and assessed your penalties. Therefore these penalties can be looked at a tax that you pay to exceed the limits.

Sorry, if I offended you. ;)

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Certain areas of SC have no apparent speed limit. My drive to and from work each day is tax collector free. I work near the BMW plant, and their donation of cars and motorcycles to the State Troopers/Tax Collectors resulted in very little collector presence in that area. Having a BMW "factory" tag is the same as a "get-out-of-jail-free card".

Of course if you drive in the other direction, you'll see tax collectors everywhere.

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Radar detectors do work. Like KDJ said, there's always another car in front of you in California. The instant my V1 lights up with a Ka band, I'm slowing down regardless of how long it's been on. I had a Chippy hiding behind an overhead pass pillar on I-5 doing instant-on. Picked him up at over a mile away. Another incident on Hwy 99 involved a Chippy on a motorbike set up in the middle of a curve at night. Had about 5 seconds to slow down and change lanes so he could get the guy behind me. No way I would have gotten away with that one, doing 80 in a 65 zone. I saw him by the time I got into the other lane. Of course then you have our local PD earning their pay. They're everywhere where's there's a 25 mph speed limit. I don't even go that slow on my bicycle, I know I read it off his display when I sprinted past him. I was kind of pissed not getting one because I want one to frame up. Not many people get speeding tickets on a bicycle.

Radar detectors do work as long as the tax collectors are using radars. Big metro areas like San Jose or Los Angeles, they are useless since the tax collectors usually don't use radar. They just pick anyone from the fast lane.

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300lb Gorilla -- It might be BS but that is what the signs said and I saw several. If any of the South Carolina members live near Garrney they can take a picture of the signs for verification. The signs were by the outlet mall and other area around the interstate.

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In VA, if you go (I think) 10mph over the limit, not only do you get a speeding ticket, but a ticket for reckless driving as well.

There are some states that allow the state and local police to arrest for moving violations, like speeding, not wearing your seatbelt, etc. The US Supreme Court had a case this term on the issue and said that it was OK. :angry:

As for the State(s) w/ signs that say the penalty for speeding is incarceration, without having read the statute(s), it would be my quess that that is the *maximum* penalty. I would highly doubt that they would jail someone on their first offence w/ an otherwise clean record. It's like if you get charged w/ assault. In most jurisdictions, the max penalty is 30 days in the pokey. However, if you are convicted and it's your first offence and you have an otherwise clean record, most likely you'll get a fine and/or probation.

If you have the opportunity to go to court over a moving violation I would recommend that you do so rather than plead guilty and pay the fine and watch your insurance go up. More often than not, the prosecutor will allow you to plead out to a lessor offense, usually unsafe driving. What that means for you is you pay court costs and the DMV isn't notified, as the town usually keeps all the $$$.

Dislcaimer: This is not intended to be legal advice. Please consult your own attorney.

Edited by davidwiz
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300lb Gorilla -- It might be BS but that is what the signs said and I saw several. If any of the South Carolina members live near Garrney they can take a picture of the signs for verification. The signs were by the outlet mall and other area around the interstate.

Didn't mean to sound like you were BS-ing us... sorry 'bout that. What I meant was that you'd probably be able to appeal, get the decision reversed, then sue and get a nice chunk of change.

Here's the thing with traffic citations: as traffic violations became more common, "they" quit doing what they were doing, which was arrest people, bring 'em down to the pokey, etc. Too much money spent at both the govt. and individual level led to the creation of citations, which are basically promises to appear acknowledging that you could have been arrested for a misdemeanor. This is an oversimplification, obviously.

So, the question is, is speeding a misdemeanor worthy of 30 days in prison when D&D gets you a night's stay courtesy of the local LEA? Highly doubtful. Regardless, I'll probably stay away from SC.

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Is "speed tax" a safety issue OR a revenue gathering scheme?

And my own sad story: pulled over on H3 (one of Hawaii's three "interstate" highways), traveling in a pack of cars at 65. The highest speed limit in the People's Democratic Republic of Hawaii is 55. I was picked out of what I thought was pure safety...at least five cars in front of me, at least five cars behind me, and one more pacing me on my left. We were all happily and safety doing the same speed.

I was singled out and pulled over.

I asked the nice officer why a gold Saturn was pulled, instead of any of the 11-15 other cars...most much nicer.

He told me that it was because of the military ID sticker on the windshield (mandatory for all military folks for base access).

I asked what difference that sticker made.

He said: "...well, brah, you military have insurance and you will pay da fine. Da locals, da kine locals, dey don't have insurance and dey don' pay."

Found out that half of the locals don't have insurance, and attempts to pass a law allowing the police to impound cars whose drivers don't have even the minimum insurance had failed as "racist."

Ah, Hawaii.

I had heard of "Driving While Black," but that was my first exposure to "Driving While Military."

I don't miss Hawaii.


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Don't worry man, I wasn't offended. "Tax Collector" doesn't even make the top 10 of things I've been called. :D I never took the speed enforcement job as seriously as some other guys did. I stopped the people that needed to be stopped. Mostly the over 80 crowd in the 55 zones. People would always ask me at what speed did I start stopping people. I would always say the same thing. There are too many people driving 80,90, or 100 mph for me to fool with someone doing 70 in a 55. Not that I can't or won't, but I have a limited amount of time and far too many people who think their time is more important than everybody else's.


In Va., reckless driving is usually either 20 mph over the posted speed limit or in excess of 80. RD is a class 1 misdemeanor, although its not a criminal offense. It's punishable by a maximum fine of $2,500 and/or 1 YEAR in jail. Personally, I'm okay with the stiff penalties, but I always thought 80 was a little low for a threshold. Most of the traffic penalty standards were put into place during the 1930's, when 80 mph really was driving recklessly in those cars. In todays cars, I've driven some cars over 120 that are so smooth you'd think your going 55. But what politician is going to offer up a law to loosen that RD standards? Never happen, political suicide.


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If you want stiff penalties, try California's revised exhibition of speed law. If you do a burn out, squeal your tires through a corner, go too fast, or any thing else the tax collector can think of, it's a mandatory impound of your vehicle for 30 days in addition to the ticket and points. Ouch. As I recall, this was started by one of the big anti-gun state senator.

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I was greatly amused last night when discussing traffic tickets with a young lady who happened to be one of the cutest little 18-year-old hotties I've ever seen in real life (and she knows how to work it). She mentioned that she'd recently received one, and my immediate response was, "How the hell did you get a ticket from a cop?" Of course, everyone in the immediate vicinity agreed with my shock because cute girls just don't get tickets!

She went on to say that she didn't understand it herself. She tried the sheepish, big eyes; the flirting; the egregious flirting; and even tears. Nothing worked, and she concluded with, "Maybe he was gay." Apparently the officer was completely immune to her considerable charms.

That's not just gay ... that's Big Gay Al-level gay (not that there's anything wrong with that). So I said, "That's not just gay ... that is so gay, if Liberace saw that cop, he'd say, 'Now THAT is gay!'"

Much laughter ensued at that point.

I don't have a point to this story other than I thought it was funny and this seemed like the topic to share it. :)

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MD has the same deal with squeeling tires etc.

I work about 115 miles from my house 2 counties away. On the drive home I go through Frederick County where police let you go 70-75 in 55 zone without much problem normally, that is if you even see one on a speed trap. Then you hit washington county which is about the same only its a 65 zone. Then you hit Allegany county my home area, and damn the fine officers there want everyone. They have speed traps everywhere up that way, but most the time locals get by.

Then you cross into WV ridgeley WV became famous for its Jail time speedtraps. "oh son you aint from round here" it will be $500 plus 10 days in jail for 5 over.

Of course can't forget paw paw that busts MD residents so hard they actually got sued for harrasement and lost. So a country band Asleep at the Wheel who I adamently protest had a benefit to stop them from going bankrupt. If the cities cops are that mean then the city should go bankrupt. Needless to say I will NEVER go to anything that supports asleep at the wheel.

That said I do normally have a FOP supporter sticker on my car. Most of the officers do a hell of a good job and work very hard for their money. Its a shame some bad ones get a rep for everyone.

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A cop who I used to shoot with got pulled over for 85 in 55 in West Virginia on way to SC sectionals, SAME cop got him coming back. He said I have to give you a ticket. I don't think he did though :P

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who are these brave souls saying these things? even after a $500 ticket all i said was "thanks"...i feel stupid saying thanks to a guy that just inflicted so much pain, but i dont want to turn it into even more pain!

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The Montana "reasonable and prudent" law is dead. Killed by some do-gooder. Plus the ticket was $5. Time of day is big here, I go to work at 03:30 am and drive 5 miles down a straight road to work, not much patrol action in the county at that hour. My fine will come if a deer wanders into the road and I get instant burger <_< . Some LE in Montana try to get from where ever the get the call to the destination with out going under 100 mph. I wont mention any names..............

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Here's the latest.....

Ticket issued on Saturday, 7/3...

Mailed ticket and check on Tuesday, 7/6...

BDH goes off to earn money for himself (and to feed the tax system)...

BDH returns home 10:35 PM on 7/14 to check mail...

Letter from the Clinton County Court catches his eye.... <_<

BDH opens letter which contains his ticket, his check, and a note saying that the Clinton County court does NOT accept checks (and 'the officer should have told me that')..... :angry:

Now BDH has to get a 'certified check or money order' into the court before MY TRIAL. Unfortunately, my trial date was TWELVE HOURS BEFORE I RECEIVED NOTICE OF THEM NOT ACCEPTING MY CHECK!!

Sorry guys.... I am now a criminal since I did not show up for court. I will understand if you bar me from the land of BE......... :(

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