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Cowboy shooters kick our butts

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We have wayyyyyy cooler utility belts though.

That sir is a matter of opinion! :sight:


Geezer, I love your rig. Now I'll have to get a photo of mine in here :cheers:

Maybe, I'll do two, one for EACH game :devil:

Plus, think of all the money you could save by not actually having to put powder in your cases....

although, you might want to switch to magnum primers instead.


Chills - I really wish that I had some video of us clearing a plate rack using some 70/90PF loads. This was the SAME plate rack that the bottom feeders (I resemble that) were griping about with their 130/165 PF loads the week before :sight:

Pat, I too want to shoot a multi gun match with my cowboy gear, but rifle and pistol reloads can be a real booger not to mention the 300yd shots with a 357 mag carbine. I have shot a steel match this way though and impressed quite a few.

So, the .45-70 isn't Cowboy enough? Pretty sure that'll go 300 yards. :devil:

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is it with Cowboy Action Shooters and props? The have rolling stage coaches, horses, jails, complete freakin' little towns!

Do any of those guys have day jobs or what?

When it comes to props, I think the Cowboy shooters are kickin' our asses.

I would like to shoot a Cowboy match, in the outfit and everything, but still use 3gun gear

Well sir, I tryed but they weren't having any of it.LOL


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What is it with Cowboy Action Shooters and props? The have rolling stage coaches, horses, jails, complete freakin' little towns!

Do any of those guys have day jobs or what?

When it comes to props, I think the Cowboy shooters are kickin' our asses.

I would like to shoot a Cowboy match, in the outfit and everything, but still use 3gun gear

Just show up with your normal rig and tell them you are from the future... :devil:

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Yep, i can see it now, Jho with his pointy rice paddy hat, telling John Wayne to "take me to your leader, pilgrim..." life expetancy - about 1.5 seconds...

Damn where's the middle finger emoticon when you need it.....

Besides JJ, that would be "take me to your reader."


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shot a cowboy match once-wore a tank top, shorts and tevas..wasn't invited back.

That my Boy!

As soon as I was told I HAD to say "fill your hands you dirty rotten regulat'n rustlers" I was about done.

Maybe when I am old (no not just 52 as of today) but OLD!

I must say I really dig the guns!


Edited by P.E. Kelley
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Yep, i can see it now, Jho with his pointy rice paddy hat, telling John Wayne to "take me to your leader, pilgrim..." life expetancy - about 1.5 seconds...

Damn where's the middle finger emoticon when you need it.....

Besides JJ, that would be "take me to your reader."



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A little update,

At our last steel/fun match we had an intro to 3-gun stage set up and I shot it with SASS Wild Bunch gear. It was fun, but the rifle was a BIG handicap. Talk about planning your reloads :ph34r:

For grins, I shot it a second time with my AR and cut my stage time by HALF! 24 rounds of Rifle in one stage, makes a big difference using one mag versus trying to load 13 more shots into the mag of the '92 Winchester on the move. the 1897 and 1887 shotguns were no problem though.

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Cowboys shooters dig your cool stuff too. In fact a lot of us have your toys. We prefer single action pistols, old shotguns and lever action pistol caliber rifles. I have to say you are having an impact on cowboy shooting. Last year at one monthly match our range master set up a stage giving the shooter complete freedom to establish his own course of fire. We loved it. The freedom didn't make much difference in order of finish. If you shoot cowboy well you spend your time doing all the same kinds of planning that multi-gunners do before you start shooting, except we don't have many reloads.

One club I belong to has a full town of stages. Surprisingly much of the building was done by guys who aren't retired.

Except for side matches involving 45/70 and similar rifles we don't do much long range shooting, but that is mostly because a lot of us feel a real need for speed and you just can't shoot 38 special out of a togglelink rifle 300 yards very fast without an optic and some serious thought.

Anyway shooting is shooting. All the same fundamentals apply, but we do have some seriously cool props. We do get to use aliases and dress up some. We have a lot of women shooting cowboy as well as men. As someone once said CAS is the only sport where you can hear grown men talking about their clothes and women talking about their guns.

Edited by Bart Solo
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  • 2 weeks later...

Except for side matches involving 45/70 and similar rifles we don't do much long range shooting, but that is mostly because a lot of us feel a real need for speed and you just can't shoot 38 special out of a togglelink rifle 300 yards very fast without an optic and some serious thought.

.38 Speciall at 300 yards...I'll assume the 'optic' would be a mortar sight (with bipod, aiming stakes, etc) and the 'serious thought' would be a set of ballistic tables computed by some guys at Ft Sill...

Now, would a Winchester 1895 in 7.62x54R (which would make it an obr 1895, I think) be allowed? The model 1895 is a pre-1900 design, but the 7.62x54R chambering didn't come about til the Czar's army was in desparate need of of rifles around 1914 or so. And they're even loadable with stripper clips, although I personally find Mosin clips to be a royal PITA...

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Wonder if techwear makes a shooting jersey that is printed to look like a western shirt...

Cowboy action is huge at my local range. They have a whole town with a church, bar, full sized replica of Judge Parkers gallows, and the whorehouse is under construction.

Some night I'm gonna sneak out there and paint the whole town red (welcome to hell!)

It's interesting to see several guys, all dressed as cowboys in their boots and hats, with weekend stubble, all rough and tough looking...as they pile out of a minivan;-)

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Wonder if techwear makes a shooting jersey that is printed to look like a western shirt...

Cowboy action is huge at my local range. They have a whole town with a church, bar, full sized replica of Judge Parkers gallows, and the whorehouse is under construction.

Some night I'm gonna sneak out there and paint the whole town red (welcome to hell!)

It's interesting to see several guys, all dressed as cowboys in their boots and hats, with weekend stubble, all rough and tough looking...as they pile out of a minivan;-)

The first things our local group built was a whorehouse and a jail. What is wrong with the Arkansas crowd?

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Same thing at our club. The cowboys seem to have a lot of the larger baby boomer generation participating. Lots of these guys are semi retired or are at least empty nesters so they have disposable income and/or time to build cool buildings at all the clubs across the country. It's a beautiful thing if u ask me. We get to run and gun in them at our uspsa and 3 gun matches.

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I thought in CAS/SASS if you moved even a foot while shooting, you are dinged with either a procedural penalty or a stage DQ.

Which again goes back to their demographics....they don't have the knees or the physicality to run and gun.

CAS'ers obviously think they are more politically correct than the rest of us USPSA'ers/IDPA'ers/SC'ers. :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought in CAS/SASS if you moved even a foot while shooting, you are dinged with either a procedural penalty or a stage DQ.

Which again goes back to their demographics....they don't have the knees or the physicality to run and gun.

CAS'ers obviously think they are more politically correct than the rest of us USPSA'ers/IDPA'ers/SC'ers. :angry:

More politically correct? Nope. In the beginning of SASS, decisions were made to not allow moving with a cocked, loaded gun. Right, wrong or otherwise, them's the rules. Some of us CAS shooters don't care for them but we have three choices. Live with them, work to change them or leave. I'm sure there are people everywhere who shoot a sport and don't like all the rules. They have the same three options.

For me, CAS is more about the shooting than the costuming. I dress as much as I have to to meet the rules and work hard at my shooting.

Any and all of you are welcome to come on out to any CAS match I am at and I promise you one thing. You WILL have fun! What more can you ask for?

Boggus Deal

aka Travis

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Same thing at our club. The cowboys seem to have a lot of the larger baby boomer generation participating.....

Another reason for the high percentage of baby boomers in SASS is that they grew up watching Roy Rogers and the like on TV. They were their childhood heroes.

We shot SASS for a long time prior to 3 Gun. There are a lot similarities between the sports. You have to master 3 guns, transitions, stage planning and shotgun loading on the clock can destroy a stage. And they both are a lot of fun.

And the "Saloon Girls" ain't bad either....


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I went to a match last year that did some pretty cool props..It was the Normandy beach invasion.

You started out in a mock landing craft,shooting out of the side windows and poppers with flippers in front with your shotgun..

Then you had to pull your knife and cut the landing craft door down(two 1/4 prices of rope on each side)

From there you grab your rifle,and shoot at the "machine gun nest" targets...

From there you had 3 wires you had to crawl under (caution tape)..also a penalty if you broke one..while advancing forward you had targets on both sides..

Ended with your pistol and by that time the 101st had showed up...

One of the more funner stages I have seen!

It can be done!

Before we know it we will be washed up 3 gunners to old and achy to run..making coyboy action props all day and love the fact we can just stand there and pull the trigger on our 30-30.

That was one of my better stages at that match.

I would love to see a video of someone shooting this stage. Tried looking up Multigun and 3 Gun Normandy but couldn't find anything.

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