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2011 Ozark 3-Gun Championship

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I would like to thank you all for your compliments, criticism, suggestions, and understanding. As understanding as all of you have been I still feel as though this was a horrific mistake on my part and my part alone. I accept the responsibility that is mine and have only praise, thanks, and appreciation for all my staff. I would like to especially thank Larry for his advise, and counsel during an extremely difficult decision. His experience was a vital part of the success of the match and in the tough decisions that immediately followed. Additionally I would like to thank Darren and Natilie for their tireless, never say die effort to produce a final score. And to Rob, Kyle, and all the ROs, my hat's off, true pros, gentlemen in your own right. Rob and Kyle spent endless days helping with all the prep and worked well into the night on many occasions. Without all of you this would never be possible. Before I lost my phone last week I sent a text to my wife and thanked her for being understanding of my ambitions, I want to thank you all for helping me realize it. God bless you all.

The scores will be posted here, emailed to each competitor and added to the website as soon as possible.

My most humble apologies,

Hello everyone.....thanks for the kind words about the match. However I need to provide you guys with some information about the match and the staff.

1. Do to some difficulties that occurred outside of anyones control which prevented the stages from being completed by Wednesday, Kirk and I remained on the range until 7:30pm on Thursday night finishing the set up of stages. I am not sure what time Kirk left but it was after I did at at 7:45 to hold the RO meeting. We did this so the shooters could enjoy the stages without having to wait to complete the set up on Friday morning.

2. Most of the match staff did not get to finish shooting all the stages, every shooter that I know of shot all 10 stages. Most of you know that the match staff gets to shoot the stages with a free entry for working. They did not even get to enjoy the stages.

3. The scoring issue no matter what was tried we could not get the stage results to merge to a final overall. I took the suggestion that someone gave to use one stage, the problem was that we could not even have been 100% positive that one stage had all the results as I discovered when I went into stats to try that approach, I discovered the following: if someone found that they were missing on a stage, they went into stats, that score was entered, then another overall stage results posted....then it would be discovered that the program would drop someone else off. So this then in turn became a viscious cycle with no end in sight as could have done this, found a missing score entered it and then reprinted only to find another score missing thus adding more wait time for the shooters.

4. Lessons were learned and will be applied for future matches.

5. For those that have anger or animosity about the way things happened, please send me an email or PM me and I will be glad to accept your assistance with the FN match or Kirk would be glad to add you to the match list for next year. Many times people forget that all the match staff volunteers their time to host, set up, officiate or manage the match. So please before you turn on the blow torches, consider the time invested by those working the match as it is a considerable amount of time. Just for giggles, I have been tracking my time I have invested as the MD for the FNH USA match. To date I have over 440 hours into planning and working on the match. Now consider this, we are still 3 months away from our match. Shooters only see the match from the days they spend on the range. Most match staff is the an hour before shooters arrive and an hour after the last shooter is done their stage. I encourage anyone to get a true understanding as to what it is like...become a member of the match staff for a major match.

6. As for the prize table, I suggested to Kirk after looking at everything that random draw was the only way to go, luckily we decided earlier in the day to establish the seperate prize tables for divisions, so at least you walked it by your division and not as one big group.

I understood, we would not make everyone happy but unfortunately in the position of making decision you will not make everyone happy or they would not be tough decisions. So we tried to make the best of everything given the unfortunate situation presented.

Hopefully this helps with an understanding of what went on behind the scenes.


Ozark 3 Gun RM

Thanks for the update Larry. The thing on everyone's mind now is will we ever get to see scores? There were all kinds of rumor of lost scoresheets and stuff like that.

Yes, see my post above.

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Mr. Murphy and the match gremlins showed up. all things considered, the outcome was done as best as could be done. the stages were great. it was a match where the really gee whiz guys could excel and the average schmoes, like me, could get it done. all of us are sorry for the way the computer gremlins did things, but, oh, well. Kirk, Larry, and all the ros did a great job under some very trying circumstances. i know the ros were under a great deal of frustration but never let it show to the competitors. what a great bunch of guys! i will be back. signed, old and slow and miss alot.

Edited by 1chota
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In all, the match was really fun, the stages were challenging, I learned a lot from my performance and other shooters. Ill be back next year, Kirk. Thanks to all the RO's and staff; I appreciate your hard work. As far as the results snafu, I know you guys certainly didnt plan on it, so dont sweat it. Youll have plenty of time to work out those bugs.

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I was happy to see the stages running decent after looking at things thursday and wondering what's gonna happen throughout the weekend.

Big thanks to Kirk, Larry, ROs, Army, Marines, and Setup crew!! And yes I do appreciate a little help when I'm in need of life support and can't see the last target behind that tree or my foot is over the line!!!

Stage comments:

I thought the stages were good for the most part.

They were not too short or long and I don't remember anyone timing out on our squad.

My biggest complaint is the long slug targets. We sighted for 100yds and it was a crap shoot even with a dot sight and fast loads. IMO 75yds should be the max for slugs.

Plates in the woods!!!! Darn it!! Why can't the stands(every stand/at least) be painted(like at Pro-Am) before each squad so I don't have to play "Where's Waldo" when brain function is no longer present.

Other complaint would be the terrain. I would classify a couple stages as "slighty unsafe" to be walking down and engaging targets/reloading at the same time. A little grooming would have helped.

As far as the rest goes...Stuff happens but I was supposed to be at work 6:00am monday morning. That didn't happen.

What's the saying?...."A crappy night of driving home nodding off at the whell is better than a good day at work"

I think matches need to stop finishing stages Sunday mornings unless Stuff happened the days before requiring it. A little buffer time wouldn't hurt and we could let loose a little more on Sat night(not like that doesn't happen already...;))

Beside all the shortcomings you still have to appreciate the match for what it is...another chance to have fun shooting 3-guns and seeing how you stack up against some of the world's best shooters.

We can only hope that these matches continue to happen every year and Sponsors continue their support the way they do.

Big thanks to each and every sponsor!!!


+1 :cheers:

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Great match. I agree with all the good things said about it. I realize that the top shooters should be the first to go to the prize table but it sure was nice to have the chance to go to the table before the end of the line, for us old ducks. We pay the same and drive just as far as the top shooters but never have a chance for an early prize selection except for a drawing. Just food for thought. I will be there next year still trying.

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I took pictures of the "final" scores before they ripped them off the table of the HM Limited, then put them into a scoring program in Excel when I got home. With Michael's help in reading them, here they are. If you want the file to play around with, let me know and I can e-mail it to you. For some reason, it wouldn't let me attach it.



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Thanks for posting this, Cheryl.

Congratulations to Rob for a 2nd win in HM. I had the experience of shooting on a squad with him, Jansen, Daniel, Tyler, John, Barry Deuck, Odie, Joe Satterfield, Chris Patty, Katie Harris and Brian Vaught. Needless to say with this crew it was almost more like a training class than a match. For a bunch of guys competing against each other, there sure were a lot of strategy being shared. It was an absolute pleasure gentlemen and Katie.

Thanks to all the staff, Kirk and Larry for everything you did so that we could enjoy the beauty of Missouri and our freedom this past weekend. I had a good time, got to hang out with some great people, and made it home safely to my family. All the things that went wrong are considerably less important.

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I took pictures of the Tac Iron Division results and created a spreadsheet. Here are the scores from the "finals" at the match. There are a few missing scores, so I put a 999.99 in the time, creating zero points. If you have a score for these stage(s) and would like for me to fix the sheet, just e-mail it to me and we can get more accurate results. My e-mail address is cheryl40hp@aol.com.

These are not official results, but any port in a storm.....



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I really hope we get good numbers soon as those are as you said unofficial AND to my calculations incorrect!


Patrick - I also hope we get official results. I did fix a formula error. Thank you.

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You may see the results as early as tomorrow evening. I understand what is at stake and have dedicated myself and all available resources to getting these scores to you. Please understand that it takes approximately 18 hrs to enter the data during a match. Now that time is divided by work and other facts of life events. I estimate completion sometime tomorrow evening. An email containing the stages and a final by division will be emailed to every competitor, posted on the website, and here. Again I hope you know, nothing pains me more than this. I have disappointed so many people that I call friends.

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Kirk, Those who have met you know what kind of a guy you are. We know you are burning yourself into the ground to get the scores finished. We appreciate your work and dedication. I would guess there is no slowing you down, so please find some down time in there for yourself. I too will be back next year.


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I have to ask. Were all you guys wearing shorts or pants? Sitting on the ground? Because I didn't get a single one lol I got a tick at the ProAm but thats it.....that I've found lol

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I have to ask. Were all you guys wearing shorts or pants? Sitting on the ground? Because I didn't get a single one lol I got a tick at the ProAm but thats it.....that I've found lol

I was wearing shorts, did not sit on the ground, and got no bites.

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