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At what point does switching divisions make sense?


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At what point does it not make sense to switch divisions? Example...

I shot Production last year. Great time. But I sold my Production gun recently so the search is on for a new one.

Thing is I am deciding between a gun that is not Production legal and one that is.

I have just one year in Production. Is now the time to check out a new division or would you stick to Production and continue working toward personal goals.

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A high level shooter once told me that production/single stack was fun, but it was like relaod, reload, reload, reload, done. If you try limited, the you can actually concentrate more on other aspects of shooting, such as foot work/movement. Made sense to me, I am gonna shoot limited only for 2011 with my new 2011.

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Depends upon what makes you tick. If you want to win more matches, then it makes sense to pick one division and gun/platform and stick with it. I tend to get tired of a particular gun after a while and like to change it up. So far I have what I consider to be top of the line equipment for four divisions, so I just swap between them. I am wanting to get a production gun next and finally a single stack gun, so at that point I could shoot whatever division I want. No doubt, all that swapping around is costing me on the leader boards, but I am doing this for fun, not the money.

Have you tried all of the divisions, if I were in your shoes, I would at least try them all before I bought a gun. Especially if I only had one competition gun.

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Don't forget to look at the cost of each, gun, mags and so on. Limited and open mags are not cheap. Ask other shooters if they will let you try their guns so you can get a feel of various platforms. I went straight to open, one because I got a good deal on my STI and a few buddies let me play with theirs, open guns that is. It was easy to get hooked. Where are you located?

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I see you just joined...welcome!

We see this sort of question here pretty regularly and they tend to have a theme. The overwhelming majority of the time, the person does whatever it is they were leaning towards from the start...regardless of pros/cons posted by anybody here.

Pick the gun you like better, shoot the division where it makes the most sense, shoot it a lot/practice a lot, and have fun.

That's the long version of Kyle's "Pick one and practice". R,

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Thanks for the input.

I don't mind the reload, reload, reload aspect of SSTK or Production. I like how it's part of the stage planning, throwing mags all over the place.

I had a M&P for Production and it was fun but I'm much more accurate and faster with a 1911 which puts me in SSTK. I know this is the uspsa forum but once in a while I'll do idpa; CDP is the 1911 45 division and that M&P was SSP.

Sold the M&P two days ago so this question ties in with a new gun purchase. The Production gun I'm leaning toward is a CZ Shadow from Matt Mink or Angus. Possibly the new short dust cover (not legal yet but it makes weight for the occasional IDPA match). But I can't find a stock or modded Shadow in town to try, the DA/SA would be new (though I hear the DA is simple and the SA is 1911 like) the parts are not that common, I don't know it like the back of my hand ala 1911 and the resale aspect should I not enjoy the DA/SA Shadow is pretty much non-existent locally. But I get to stay in the fun mag throwing Production. This is getting away from division choice and more into gun so I'll get back to my original intent.

Maybe I'll stick with 1911 and reload reload reload (oh, I reload 9mm and 45acp so ammo is not an issue) in SSTK since Production was just a year of effort. Figure it's the same game/reload strategy just different calibers.

Edited by YamaLink
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Everything I see here seems pretty straight forward. You want to have fun? Shoot whatever suits you for a given match. Want to get good faster? Pick one and practice. Like reloading alot? Shoot your 1911. Want to get away from reloads? Shoot a Hi Cap division.

Are you like me, Too stupid to know any better? Shoot Production for a year and buy an Open gun and start all over!:roflol:

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Switch as often as you want. There is no magic number that says after so many years or rounds change divisions. If you have the money and the time, try them all.

I picked up an Open gun and shot it for a few matches. I really enjoyed it-not very good at it but enjoyed it.

I did the same sort of thing with Production in 2009.

Mostly, I hang out in the Single Stack / Limited Divisions because I reload .40 and can use it in both divisions.

Each division offers you some new learning experiences. The key to success is learning proper technique! It transcends all divisions.

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Hello: I think you need a Limited 6" STI pistol with all the goodies :roflol: Just kidding :cheers: I switch divisions alot. I get kinda bored with one then move to a different one. This year it will be Single Stack,Limited and Revolver. Last year it was mostly Open except 3 matches. I do think shooting Open helped me with my Limited pistol shooting. So you could say shooting Production would help with your reloads. If you do shoot IDPA then pick a pistol you can shoot in both IDPA and USPSA. A STI Eagle with a bushing barrel in 40 would work great. Hope this helps. Thanks, Eric

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Then I'd have to get into reloading 40, and my reloading room is stacked full of 9 and 45 everything.

But good input, as usual!, on the gun choices. Each option can be used in at least two.

Hello: I think you need a Limited 6" STI pistol with all the goodies :roflol: Just kidding :cheers: I switch divisions alot. I get kinda bored with one then move to a different one. This year it will be Single Stack,Limited and Revolver. Last year it was mostly Open except 3 matches. I do think shooting Open helped me with my Limited pistol shooting. So you could say shooting Production would help with your reloads. If you do shoot IDPA then pick a pistol you can shoot in both IDPA and USPSA. A STI Eagle with a bushing barrel in 40 would work great. Hope this helps. Thanks, Eric

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I'm a proponent of shoot as much as you can and I've been fortunate enough to be able to keep the gear each division.

I shot Limited when I started 12 years ago but moved to Open in my second year and did that exclusively for 3 years. I shot a 3-gun match in 2002 and got hooked on that. Shot Open 3-gun until 2007 when I moved to Tactical (less gear). I got interested in ICORE in 2003 thanks to Shooting USA and I've shot the IRC every year since. In 2004 a buddy showed me the advantages of shooting and scoring well at Glock's GSSF matches so I started shooting those with an old Glock 22 I had. With one of the Certificates I won I got a G34 and gave Production a try and liked it. Rimfire matches a great fun because then are low key and cheap.

For me I think its made me a more rounded shooter but probably (like other have alluded to) has lead to being a "jack of all trades, master of none". As an example when I shot mostly Open in 2008 I got to 94.18% but then went back to more iron sight guns and have slipped back to 88%.

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I shoot Lim and L-10 with a G35. I shoot Production with a G34. I just acquired a Springfield Loaded for Single Stack. When I go to the range for a match I bring 2 gun bags. One contains 9mm, .40, and .45 ammo plus Prod and SS holsters and mag pouches. The other has my G34, G35 and SA Loaded guns plus applicable Lim and L-10 gear. Upon arrival I decide what division I want to shoot. Usually it is based on who else wants to shoot what. I am one of many that brings multiple guns to the match just for that reason. Our last match was almost all SS. The next match might be mostly L-10 or Limited.

We shoot what we want because we enjoy the competition amongst ourselves and have fun doing it. When it stops being fun it is time to take a break for a while.

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Best reasons to switch divisions:

A. Bob the Shooter beats me in my current one every match.

B. I need a new reason for a new gun and stuff to go with it.

C. I won a gun for another division.

D. I really do not want to get too good in my present division.

E. I am bored in my present division.

F. I might get sponsored, win a slot, or help a team if I do.

G. I want to get classified in every division.

H. I have lots of ammo for the other division and can not use it in my present one.

I. It is easier to get a nationals slot to another division.

J. If I shoot this other division it is cheaper and that way I can afford more matches.

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Whatever makes you wet.... :devil:

Water gun division ?? biggrin.gif

Don't give anyone any ideas, hell there is already a bunch of people wanting a ..2 division

As far as picking one a sticking with it, I bounced around shooting different divisions and until I decided and stuck with Limited did I really see a lot of improvement.

I would see if their were any fellow shooters that could let you barrow some gear and shot a couple of different things to see what you like, then get that and do it for 2 years straight, no changes and see where you are at then

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This is a great thread. I really enjoyed shooting production last year but the whole reloading process is tedious...however, it's also about learning the fundamentals while not having to spend a lot of money on a gun, mags, ammo, etc. At some point when I feel like I want to switch I will. I shot a buddy's open gun a few months ago and....wow! Talk about awesome. So that may be the next switch but it will depend upon finances and just my general attitude of wanting to try something different. Heck, I may just set an arbitrary goal or two, something like: if I make Master in production then I can switch to another division. Like the other posters have said it's all about having fun.

Edited by gohuskers
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I started shooting this sport last year and other than a classifier match to simply get a classification in a couple of other divisions, I shot Single Stack all year. I love 1911s and the reloads are fun to incorporate into stages. Ill be shooting SS again this year for about half the year, then switching to Limited to give it a try.

pick the gun you like th most or want to shoot, then figure out which division it fits into best, then have a blast!! :cheers:

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I would be still shooting iron sighted guns today but my vision informed me otherwise.

It's all a commitment thing especially when you are just starting out. Equipment focus

robs us from fully experiencing the shooting. Settle on something and wear it out.


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