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R/O frustration... the pointy end goes forward

Mat Price

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Ok yall.. just having me a little vent session. Today being the R/O and resident glock-smith at our local indoor range. I was presented with a malfunctioning Beretta 92-F.


now I am not sure how this kind lady got the round wedged in here this way but I was able to remove the projectile and the case did not budge.


So with the projectile removed and powder dumped. filled the bbl with oil hoping to kill the primer which it did not.. and I grab the trusty ole squib rod and and brass hammer after a few taps we were clear...

as for the kind lady who who jammed a 9mm round in backwards I asked if she needed help getting going... her response " NO! I took a class and am former military"

what a day

Edited by Mat Price
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In 2000, I ran an M9 qualification range on Fort Hood. My ammo detail had loaded the rounds backwards in almost all of the magazines for the range before I caught them. They don't come out as easily as they go in. Pointy end towards enemy for sure. These were soldiers, not little old ladies!!

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One of my coworkers wanted to buy a gun so I helped him along with some advice on the process. He bought an M&P.

He came to work the next day and said his "clips would only hold about 8 rounds or so. I asked him to bring it to work and I'd figure out what was wrong.

3 mags, all loaded with ammo facing the rear.:surprise:

I still feel guilty helping this guy buy a gun.:(

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Was the entire mag loaded like that? Or just the one? Did it happen in a course of fire? Maybe it flipped during the COF? That has happened before, ask Steel 1212.

this was not during a match... this was just indoor range target shooting... when the round would not chamber she proceeded to bang against the slide to "send it home like i was taught"... and no the whole mag was not loaded that way...

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One of my coworkers wanted to buy a gun so I helped him along with some advice on the process. He bought an M&P.

He came to work the next day and said his "clips would only hold about 8 rounds or so. I asked him to bring it to work and I'd figure out what was wrong.

3 mags, all loaded with ammo facing the rear.:surprise:

I still feel guilty helping this guy buy a gun.:(

Sarge, I'm both proud and ashamed of you. Proud that you admitted to helping him, and ashamed that you did! I hope you set him straight on the "clips vs mags" point....

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Was the entire mag loaded like that? Or just the one? Did it happen in a course of fire? Maybe it flipped during the COF? That has happened before, ask Steel 1212.

FYI NOT MY GUN OR AMMO THANK YOU :-) or me shooting or involved other than fixing it lol

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He came to work the next day and said his "clips would only hold about 8 rounds or so. I asked him to bring it to work and I'd figure out what was wrong.

What's the problem??????? All of my clips hold 8 rounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL (Garand owner)

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Was the entire mag loaded like that? Or just the one? Did it happen in a course of fire? Maybe it flipped during the COF? That has happened before, ask Steel 1212.

FYI NOT MY GUN OR AMMO THANK YOU :-) or me shooting or involved other than fixing it lol

Yes, you are quite correct. I should have mentioned that. Corey is the one who FIXED it.

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If you read a completely idiotic warning sign on something, like a warning on a toaster that says, Do Not Operate Toaster while Bathing, that means, somewhere, someone has tried it. There is no such thing as idiot proof.

That is funny. Kind of reminds me of when you open a box and it has one of those Silica Gel packs in it, with "Do Not Eat" written on it. Because as you point out, somewhere out there, prior the warning, a number of idiots opened up new boxes of toasters, laptops, etc, saw the Silica Gel, and thought "Wow, what a great product, they even included a free bag of candy!"

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Way back in the day. Transition training a Police Department from the Revolver to the new fangled semi-auto.

I went through nomanclature and all of the other dry boring stuff. At the range I had the Officer's load there mags while their weapons were kept in their holster.

It went something like this. Officer looks at mag., looks at me, looks at cartridge, looks at me, then looks at the mag. In Law Enforcement we call this a "clue".

I never thought that I really needed to get that simple, but for someone who had never touched a magazine or a semi-auto, I guess it was a little foreign.

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One day I was working the agency range, I had a deputy shove two "00" Buck shells backward in to the magazine tube on their issued 870. She was about to shove #3 in when I was walking down the line and saw her. I promise you... they will fit that way, and they go in much easier than they come out. <_<

Edited by dsmw5142
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Gun malfunction at a local match. Slide would not go into battery. Cartridge in chamber, slide not fully forward. Had competitor drop mag, move slide aft, shook cartridge out, lo and behold, a .40 cal. bullet shrink wrapped in a .38 super case. Just a little to long. Must have been a hell of a grunt to run it into the powder funnel to stretch the case. Maybe like having a baby, I don't know.

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Gun malfunction at a local match. Slide would not go into battery. Cartridge in chamber, slide not fully forward. Had competitor drop mag, move slide aft, shook cartridge out, lo and behold, a .40 cal. bullet shrink wrapped in a .38 super case. Just a little to long. Must have been a hell of a grunt to run it into the powder funnel to stretch the case. Maybe like having a baby, I don't know.


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i had a client rent one of our ranges for a few days a couple of months ago.

the lead instructor came over and asked if I could fix a problem they had just come upon the first day.


hot 9mm round bass acwards in the breech.

the "Shooter" had informed us he had pounded realy hard on the slide but it would not go into battery.

I asked if my gun smithing servises in fixing this would be covered by our service contract or was the shooter responsable?

I was infromed it was the shooters problem.


I turned to him and said .

You can not leave the line with a hot firearm, you must unload and show clear before you may leave the range, so you may not leave at lunch to take it home to fix.

it will cost you $40.00 for me to fix it.

"Why $40.00?

because I've have a custom tooling made to my specs and thats what it will cost.

Now he's mad and emberesed


I took the $40 in cash and my custom tooling (a brass Rod that is cupped at the tip so as not to come anywhere near the primmer, this tool is just 1 inch longer than the barrel of a glock 17, and maybe not so gently "Taped it on the ground once smartly and out popped the 9mm.

took my lunch money and left.

when i came back I asked the guest instructor how the rest of the morning session went . just fine

after the first incident his "Shooter" did it again, the next $40 is on your desk and the gun is in the armory

we sent the shooter home for the day.

cool free dinner too.

I clear about $180 a year with my $2 brass rod.

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Gun malfunction at a local match. Slide would not go into battery. Cartridge in chamber, slide not fully forward. Had competitor drop mag, move slide aft, shook cartridge out, lo and behold, a .40 cal. bullet shrink wrapped in a .38 super case. Just a little to long. Must have been a hell of a grunt to run it into the powder funnel to stretch the case. Maybe like having a baby, I don't know.

Did you take a picture? LOL!

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That is funny. Kind of reminds me of when you open a box and it has one of those Silica Gel packs in it, with "Do Not Eat" written on it. Because as you point out, somewhere out there, prior the warning, a number of idiots opened up new boxes of toasters, laptops, etc, saw the Silica Gel, and thought "Wow, what a great product, they even included a free bag of candy!"

And don't store those Silica Gel bags in your pistol gun bag. At a level II match a few years ago, a gent came up to the line, Load and Make Ready command was given. He unholstered his gun, grabbed a magazine and inserted it in the mag well. The mag wouldn't seat. He removed the magazine, retracted the slide and low and behold...a silica gel package was jammed up in the mag well against the barrel. Somehow, while stored in his gun bag, the silica gel pack found it's way into the mag well unnoticed. :blush:

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