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The Walking Dead


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Yeah, don't these characters ever watch Zombie movies? The main character especially seems a little slow on the uptake. I mean, heck he got shot by the THIRD guy to jump out of the wrecked car, and surprise them..... seems they would have figured out to search the car after the second unexpected guy jumped out. :rolleyes:

As to Glocks with safeties, yes it is my pet peeve in movies as well, even though I own one. But I was throwing that out there to nit pick that they do exist, if not common. Like average Zombie movie fans -

I don't really care if they make them with brains. I have never seen one and it is universally accepted that a "typical" fan does not have one. :sight:

Very good argument. Point taken.:cheers:

Now, anyone know if that is really downtown Atlanta? Or is it all sets and computer magic?

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After two episodes I rate it 1-1/2 out of 4 stars. Might give it another try but it has some work to do to keep me interested.

I am with you Jman! I must admit that, after all the hype and fanfare, the first two episodes have been somewhat boring.

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I'm hoping they are still just laying the ground work... guy on roof is another guy's brother, cops wife has hooked up with another guy... I'm not ready to throw in the towel on this yet. I'm still thinking it can get good.

But yes, it's been a bit boring.

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Boring is not the word I'd use - maybe "deliberately paced". And I see now how they are going to get a series out of it, it IS about the drama and personal interactions, not necessarily 1 man in non-stop action vs a horde of Zombies groaning "brains!" (but they have had few moments of that).

I'll keep watching it, out of curiosity as to whether the sheriff's wife was sleeping around on him before or after he went into a coma. I'm guessing before.

And skinhead guy will definitley be back, based on the previews of next weeks episode. But, yeah they should have given him a hacksaw, or a bullet, out of decency.

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even though the comics are great, why oh why do they have to maintain the same old staple storyline and plot devices. Why did he not even try to start the tank, why is it that the only vehicle they could try was in a yard on the side of town? why is it that suddenly glass in the front of buildings is easy to break down? Can't anyone come up with an original idea for this stuff?

if loud noises attract them, why didn't he toss the grenade?

oooh, how about pouring alcohol on them from above and lighting them on fire, bet that would attract some. and since when are zombies tool users? using rocks to break glass, next they'll be driving too.

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That guy they left on the roof is gonna be P.O.'d when they meet him again. Should have at least given him a hacksaw.

They did!

Ya. Creepy.

I think I'd have sawn thru the bolt I was cuffed to. Now he's pissed and armed and he knows where they live.

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The novel "World War Z" has an interesting point about the zombie horde versus modern military. There is a interesting scene described in the book how Bradleys and M1s with Paladin fire support take on the zombie horde. However, the firepower just got absorbed because you have to get the head shot. Thought to ponder in the zombie genre.

Meh. I understand the overall point on this, but seriously doubt WWZ's author has dealt with real fire support assets much. Yeah, JDAMs wouldn't be ideal; but concentrated HE would have a massive effect on larger groups of zombies. Would it 'kill' all of them? No, but vaporizing 100 meter radius and rendering another 200m past that ineffective (via broken legs and amputations) ain't a bad deal. Same goes with arty, 81's and 60's - especially when set on airburst (headshots galore.)

Combine that with a large force equipped with scoped long rifles and tripod-capable machine guns laying down a literal 'wall of lead' and you have a force much better off than the one described in WWZ. Doubtless less effective against someone who isn't susceptible to shock and who's will cannot be broken, but we have become experts at rending human flesh with modern weapons, even against such a horde. He is certainly correct in terms of logistics and etc in the long term, but think he underestimates modern military capability and especially planning and analysis of the enemy.

Just an opinion of a military guy and zombie fan.

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I'm enjoying it for a slightly different reason. I like spotting all the familiar terrain.

I know the area of the buildings they used in downtown Atlanta (southern portion). From the proximity to the Federal offices building in the background, and the street level areas where the cute lady looted a necklace for her sister, I'm pretty sure that was the old Rich's/Macy's department store where they left the guy handcuffed on the roof. You can also see the Georgia Dome in the background several times. The tank was near the Fulton County courthouse. The train tracks where they parked the truck when going back to rescue Michael Rooker's character from the roof is on a lower elevation, level with the REAL underground Atlanta. I've been back up in some of the places where you're basically down under the current street level of Atlanta, on what used to be street level before it was burned in the civil war. Some of it's still readily accessible if you know where to go.

The quarry in episode 3 is about a mile from where I grew up, just off Old National Highway. It's located on Buffington Road, very close to Chik-Fil-A's corporate HQ, directly across I-85 from my old neighborhood.

As for tactics, well, while it takes a dramatic cranial wound to kill the Walkers they've already shown that taking off their lower limbs greatly slows and limits their mobility.

Just sayin'...


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I would have least checked to see if there was gas in the tank - and stayed in that if there was... running down Atlanta streets at 45 would clear out a lot of zombies quickly - lol

I thought you could see HE rounds on the rack.. don't know about the 50

And the hacksaw.. hand vs bolt.. no way was that bolt hardened.. hacksaw would have gone through that easily. The writers should have picked something more solid where that wasn't an option.

Edited by BerKim
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That guy they left on the roof is gonna be P.O.'d when they meet him again. Should have at least given him a hacksaw.

They did!

Ya. Creepy.

I think I'd have sawn thru the bolt I was cuffed to. Now he's pissed and armed and he knows where they live.

Armed? I think he disarmed himself. *Rimshot* :lol:

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