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Dad's airplane project!


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So my father decided that after years of flying airplanes (retired airline pilot), he'd build one for a change. Now, he's been working on it for a couple of years and he's taken a lot of extra time to overbuild a few factory items that he didn't feel were quite strong enough (hey, having a milling machine pays off!), but he's finally getting to the point that it's really coming together. The wings are complete, but not in the pics (hard to move) and he just got the canopy on it (you can see the protective covering on it) so it's mostly down to cockpit/instrument panel work. I haven't asked when he thinks it'll be done, but it can't be too much longer. I will say that he's been held back by a number of supplier issues...like the ballistic recovery system company...total fiasco, but he hasn't let that deter him.


Edit: Just realized I can't spell!

Edited by G-ManBart
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Wow. Is that the biggest model I've ever seen or will it see air time with a pilot? That's impressive.

Oh, it's a two-place airplane with a max gross weight of 1,200lbs and a sweet Jabiru 120hp engine (some sources list it as 110hp). It started out as a Zenith 601, but they made changes to the design while he was in the middle, so he upgraded it to the 650 standard. Funny, but he's already done some of the upgrades like counter-balancing the elevators etc. You'd love the Jabiru...everything is machined, no rough castings...prettiest little engine you've ever seen. R,

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When I was in high school my close friend's Dad built an experimental that looked very close to this one. It was amazing the amount of inspections involved with the build. He spent 3 years building the shop, and the airplane. It's hard to believe the cost of those wooden props.

I hope your father enjoys the build and especially flying it as much as Dennis did.

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When I was in high school my close friend's Dad built an experimental that looked very close to this one. It was amazing the amount of inspections involved with the build. He spent 3 years building the shop, and the airplane. It's hard to believe the cost of those wooden props.

I hope your father enjoys the build and especially flying it as much as Dennis did.

Yeah, he's lucky that an inspector lives in the area and has been really helpful. He does a little bit of shooting and I think I greased the skids when he told my father he couldn't find ammo for an older .38 Super 1911 he had...I sent him a few boxes from my stash B)

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When I was in high school my close friend's Dad built an experimental that looked very close to this one. It was amazing the amount of inspections involved with the build. He spent 3 years building the shop, and the airplane. It's hard to believe the cost of those wooden props.

I hope your father enjoys the build and especially flying it as much as Dennis did.

Yeah, he's lucky that an inspector lives in the area and has been really helpful. He does a little bit of shooting and I think I greased the skids when he told my father he couldn't find ammo for an older .38 Super 1911 he had...I sent him a few boxes from my stash B)

Bart, as a Federal agent, you should know better! That's bribery! :D

Cool looking plane, and I hope he flies the seat off of it!

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When I was in high school my close friend's Dad built an experimental that looked very close to this one. It was amazing the amount of inspections involved with the build. He spent 3 years building the shop, and the airplane. It's hard to believe the cost of those wooden props.

I hope your father enjoys the build and especially flying it as much as Dennis did.

Yeah, he's lucky that an inspector lives in the area and has been really helpful. He does a little bit of shooting and I think I greased the skids when he told my father he couldn't find ammo for an older .38 Super 1911 he had...I sent him a few boxes from my stash B)

Bart, as a Federal agent, you should know better! That's bribery! :D

Cool looking plane, and I hope he flies the seat off of it!

So you know, there is a HUGE difference between greasing the skids and bribery! Bart educated me to this at the HDC.


Tell your pop to fly it like he stole it. :cheers:



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  • 2 months later...

Best laugh I've had all day.

Has your father already been certified for a tail-drager or will he do it with this one?

Sorry, just saw this. He actually started flying in the Army, was a primary instructor on L-19s, then instrument instructor on U-6A Beavers and then a FAC in Vietnam flying L-19s, so he's got thousands of hours of taildragger time. I've got my endorsement on taildraggers, but only maybe 20 hours in them...love 'em! R,

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Best laugh I've had all day.

Has your father already been certified for a tail-drager or will he do it with this one?

Sorry, just saw this. He actually started flying in the Army, was a primary instructor on L-19s, then instrument instructor on U-6A Beavers and then a FAC in Vietnam flying L-19s, so he's got thousands of hours of taildragger time. I've got my endorsement on taildraggers, but only maybe 20 hours in them...love 'em! R,

Wow, an L-19 FAC? There's a gent with some cojones...

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Reading this again and looking at the pics of poppa Barts lift challenged airplane reminded my of a slightly eccentric friend from years past. He lived south of Albuquerque on a small tract of land. One of his favorite toys was an old wingless Cessna that he would drive around his property and on occasions after a few beers would travel the surrounding roads in the area. Never got busted as the local police were much more lenient then. Let's see... LFUI (low flying under the influence)? :roflol:


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Wow, an L-19 FAC? There's a gent with some cojones...

Yeah, although he wouldn't admit as much. He always played it off as no big deal. Yeah, then I went to college, joined AFROTC and my first commander was a Colonel who had been shot down while flying as an L-19 (O-1 in USAF terminology) and had the burn marks on his neck and hands to prove it! R,

Edit to add: the plane went to the hanger this past weekend for final assembly! Hopefully, I'll get to fly it in about a month :cheers:

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  • 2 months later...

Here's the update...it's done minus wheel pants (later date) and a little bit of paint trim (cowling etc). He's finished taxi tests and is only awaiting the FAA inspection to fly it! I got to check it out in person a few weeks ago, and he's done a ton of little details that are above and beyond the normal plans...it's really pretty neat. Can't wait to fly it (I'm hoping he'll let me anyway...lol).


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That's awesome! I had been saving my money to buy a Kitfox kit (taildragger highwing) to build at home, but spent it all on guns the last couple of months :roflol:

I'll save up again and do it. I've got a lot of admiration for those who get this far and beyond! Like stated, a lot of these never get finished.

Tell him congrats from a fellow treetop flyer! :cheers:

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