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Top Shot Episode 4

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How 'bout Iain's strategy for the elimination? :blink: My strategy would've been to send the two weakest...

Dotting the I... :roflol: Pretty crafty that's what I'm calling my mikes from now on.

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In my dictionary, its not a "miss" if you hit what you are aiming at. :P And YES, I was deliberately aiming hard to dot the second "i" in Iain's name. It wasn't the perfect shot having landed about an inch high/inch right. You might see that when I reshot aiming hard at the center of bull I also shot about an inch high/inch right on the target, about the same ratio off the "i" in Iain's name. And you will see that Big Chris stepped up and put his bullet right into the same exact hole I made. (*note the nomination pistol is a different actual gun than was used in the team challenge, so they had at least 3 floating around).

I was the big prankster in the house, though you are not seeing any of it. Heck, I even brought fighing line and waterballoons in my luggage! So YES, I think if you ask anyone who knows me, they will attest that (1) I can shoot pistols and would not have 'missed' that target unless intentionally... and (2) I am the kind of guy that would deliberately aim off target for comedic affect.

My AR stage ?! That was just shooter error. I got a little flubbed in my mag load, felt the timer ticking, and pulled my first shot. My fault. :blush: Still got 6 bad guys, and 1 guy who claimed to be innocent and just hanging around with bad company :lol:

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My first thought after watch the AR episode was that a top 3 gun competitor would have dominated that challenge. Furthermore why didn't they get a top 3 gun iron sight shooter like Kurt Miller to show these guys how to shoot an AR fast and accurately? Blake was the only guy that held they forearm far enough out to transition fast. I also kept waiting to see somebodys magazine fall out after the first round because only one shooter did a push then a pull on the magazine to make sure it was seated properly.

Edited by jtischauser
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I also like the fact that the USPSA shooters on the blue team keep getting picked to watch because their damn good.

How in the heck did Jim even make it on the show? Everytime he picks up a weapon it looks like the first time he has ever seen a gun. It's not like his personality is drawing in any viewers whatsoever either.

I don't think Ian should be nominating himself. It's a competition for $!!! You want to do whatever it takes to stay in that competition as long as possible. What happens when you get in the elimination challenge and something goes unacceptably wrong? Oops you're out!

Wow I would have liked to see JJ or Blake roast that pendulum challenge. It makes a Texas Star target look like an impossible shot.

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One thing that really bothers me is that they seem to keep switching gears on people. You give them a limited amount of practice time then give them a challenge that is significantly different than what was just practiced. And the elimination challenge isn't any better (e.g. Archery for the main and crossbow for the elimination). I keep waiting for them to bring out the grenades and the blindfolds - just to make things "interesting".

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Andre should be voted off. He only hit one freakin target. :roflol:

Andre just proved what I've suspected since episode 1....

What's with Pete? I can't decide if taking only five shots was arrogance, ignorance, flub under pressure, or just bad strategy? I mean... you've lost three challenges, and you're in position to seal the deal on the 4th one for your first challenge win. You have to hit 4 plates in a memory game, where you can't really score as you go (occasionally maybe you can see some stuff come out or maybe hear one break?). Given that you could make errors on the placement of the plates, wouldn't you want to take every single point you could take from there? Yes, you could hit a good guy... you could've already done that in the first five shots. You could've also missed a couple of times....

Jim was the obvious first choice for the Blue team. I'm sure he's a nice guy, and all - but his skills aren't in the same league as the rest of the team's...

Oh... and... BamBam... dotting the "i"... roflol.gif Unfortunately, that one back fired a little... at least in the edit booth... cheers.gif

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Pete taking 5 shots was pretty smart, actually. he knew exactly what he needed to do to secure the win for his team, memorized that pattern and got only what he needed. Say he had taken two more rounds and busted a couple of hostages, all of a sudden he's down to three points, which leaves the door open for Chris to come back and win/tie the thing up. Personally, I think that only taking the shots he needed to take to win was smart.

When I was shooting the board, I got my first five shots off, and then I got completely lost - my quadrant system broke down and I wasn't sure where my last two targets were, so instead of risking a friendly, I just dumped the last two rounds in a square I knew was safe.

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I think Pete was confident that he knew exactly where the blue plates were and called his shots correctly. I would have gone for the insurance shots though!

I think my favorite under dog is either Pete or Denny.

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I also felt that Jim was the weakest link on the blue team. But he did surprisingly well on the elimination challenge. Ironic that he got eliminated right before the challenge that was supposed to be his specialty.

On the side note I initially thought that it was bogus that the opposing team chooses who sits out the challenge. But now I see the merit in the approach. It should theoretically keep the two teams fairly balanced numerically for as long as possible. But that assumes that the weaker shooters get eliminated. In case of the red team that has not been the case. Blue team was a lot more logical in their approach. On the other hand they have had more time to get a sense of the actual skill level of their members. They also seem to have avoided the various personality issues that have been plaguing the red team.

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I also felt that Jim was the weakest link on the blue team. But he did surprisingly well on the elimination challenge. Ironic that he got eliminated right before the challenge that was supposed to be his specialty.

The first couple of shows I was pretty excited. But lately I've been more and more disappointed that you never get to see the marksmen shine in their particular area of expertise. I would've loved to see Mike shoot pistol and Jim shoot historic firearms. I agree with the premise that the "best" marksman should be able to step up to each challenge. But it almost looks like luck comes into play more than skill or strategy.

Maybe they should make the first X episodes a point series. Then start eliminations based on lowest points. You get the elimination aspect and the drama. But competitors also get a little more opportunity to step up.

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The first couple of shows I was pretty excited. But lately I've been more and more disappointed that you never get to see the marksmen shine in their particular area of expertise. I would've loved to see Mike shoot pistol and Jim shoot historic firearms. I agree with the premise that the "best" marksman should be able to step up to each challenge. But it almost looks like luck comes into play more than skill or strategy.


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Could someone explain the logic behind Iain's elimination round scheme? I'm dotting the I's (missing the point) on this. :roflol::sight::roflol:

Why jeopardize one of the best shooters on the team sending him/her to the elimination round. I mean... it wasn't like Jim was really far behind, anything could've happened. I would've sent Jim against Tara, the two poorest team challenge performers.

I'm just saying...

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Nevermind my spoiler deal did not work an do not want to spoil stuff for the ones that have not seen it yet. :angry: later rdd

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Could someone explain the logic behind Iain's elimination round scheme? I'm dotting the I's (missing the point) on this. :roflol::sight::roflol:

Why jeopardize one of the best shooters on the team sending him/her to the elimination round. I mean... it wasn't like Jim was really far behind, anything could've happened. I would've sent Jim against Tara, the two poorest team challenge performers.

I'm just saying...

I'm probably not the best to answer that question, because quite frankly I didn't get it either - you can see in the episode I question the logic of his decision, but I do have to acknowledge that he had a master plan at work. Kudos to Iain for pulling it off, and to Jim for going out like a stud in his elimination.

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I'm not impressed with the abbreviated amount of shooting that gets done.

More action!

Last night there was a show on afterwards that covers the M16/AR15 platform. Getting together and doing that for each main weapon featured on the shown would be an awesome "history" tie in.

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Flex - yeah I guess then I missed my exact target... but only by a LITTLE instead of A LOT. :goof: Still thought it was funny, and Colby tried to hang me out there. But I do appreciate the editing allowing me to have my say. They could have cut that part out and REALLY tried to do a hollywood number on me. I saw this coming, and aluded to it on a previous thread.

But the nomination process plays a role in the story in that Blue really did have fun at the nomination range. We got all our voting choices and drama out at the house, and had nothing but a few shots to do at the nomination range to make it offical. And this drove Red crazy !! Red Team always left the house never knowing for sure who was voting for who.

Iain had several good reasons for his choice. First, in episode #1 he missed with the springfield probably 15 times and felt bad about it. And he did poorly in AR practice. So he really wanted to stand up and deliver, and he asked that we vote him to allow redemption. Remember, it would be pretty easy for someone to demand a shot at elimination to prove something, and we ARE competitive shooters!!

As for strategy, if you vote the two worst you don't know which comes back. Better to decide on the 1 worst and have a better shooter take them out. That is controlling the game and its outcome. Not a bad strategy, though the elimination challenge does have its risks. That said, Iain taking on Jim is probably the LEAST risky combination he could have asked for, and it gives Iain another practice session and shooting event to sharpen skills for future events. Remember - we hardly ever shot on the television show. A couple shots in the main practice and a couple in the challenge. The eliminations gave you twice that in one day!! But Jim did awesome and damn near bit Iain. Jim sent out like a STUD!! There is always risk and skill (and strategy) and that is what makes this show so darn great in my opinion!! :sight:

We never know what the next episode will bring, so its hard to guess what skill set you need in the future. Jim's expertise was historic rifles, but I think he means more like WW1 and WW2 rifle stuff (garands, mosins, etc). He is a slow fire Camp Perry champion. And we covered that ground in Episode #1. Tara is a national bullseye champ and there was some thought we might see more speed/pistols down the road. At least.. that was the logic.

Edited by BamBam
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