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Top Shot Answers from Mike Seeklander

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I never used the ladder sight.....and did not even know it existed or how it worked. We did not get this instruction.

Mike, you handled it well. Sorry to see you go. I was pulling for you, JJ and Blake. In regards to your comment about the ladder sight...it looked like the resident expert did at least flip it up and down in this video at 52 seconds. Although he didn't go into detail about it, he did look like he briefly flipped it up, turn some knobs and flipped it back down. I'm not pointing this out to contradict you, but it may have been a clue that many on your team missed during the briefing. It looks like the briefing/training is purposely not disclosing everything about the weapon, leaving some things for the competitors to find out on their own.


Edited by Filishooter
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Mike, first off, way to handle the situation with class and respect. My wife and I were watching it together and she asked who is the bald headed guy with the ego? I quickly informed her of who you are and you had the right to have the attitude of a take charge kind of guy. Anyways, I was just reading some of the crap postings on one of my local forums (hunting & fishing mostly) talking trash about you and the show. So I copied your replies in the initial post and posted on that forum (hope you don't mind). Can't stand people talking trash about professionals, reguardless of the profession.

Again, here's to a Top Class Shooter. :cheers:

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Mike, first off, way to handle the situation with class and respect. My wife and I were watching it together and she asked who is the bald headed guy with the ego? I quickly informed her of who you are and you had the right to have the attitude of a take charge kind of guy. Anyways, I was just reading some of the crap postings on one of my local forums (hunting & fishing mostly) talking trash about you and the show. So I copied your replies in the initial post and posted on that forum (hope you don't mind). Can't stand people talking trash about professionals, reguardless of the profession.

Again, here's to a Top Class Shooter. :cheers:

Thanks a bunch! You know, one thing I thought about myself is that I came across pretty confident....ok, maybe cocky on some of those clips. What people don't realize is that we did 4+ hours of interviews, and they picked what they wanted. On a second note, I guess anyone could be seen in that light, we are shooters and are all confident in our skill. But in hindsight, I did feel I might come across cocky to someone who does not know me.

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I never used the ladder sight.....and did not even know it existed or how it worked. We did not get this instruction.

Mike, you handled it well. Sorry to see you go. I was pulling for you, JJ and Blake. In regards to your comment about the ladder sight...it looked like the resident expert did at least flip it up and down in this video at 52 seconds. Although he didn't go into detail about it, he did look like he briefly flipped it up, turn some knobs and flipped it back down. I'm not pointing this out to contradict you, but it may have been a clue that many on your team missed during the briefing. It looks like the briefing/training is purposely not disclosing everything about the weapon, leaving some things for the competitors to find out on their own.


yes sir, your are right. It was brief, and I missed that or failed to pick up on it. Don't think anyone else did either.

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Mike, Great job handling the situation delt to you. Having the desire to compete against Kelly in elimination? I took a competition handgun class from you last year and as a result was not suprised that you wanted to go up against the best. That is a testament to you. It is probably the pesonallity/competator disorder that most of us on this forum share. Great Job representing yourself. I'm looking forward to the book.

Jay Schmitt.

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The M1903 battle sight, with leaf folded, is zeroed at 400, or maybe even 450 yards, for maximum point-blank range when firing at human-sized targets across flat land; aim at a man's belt buckle, and you'll hit him. Trying to hit a 12" target at 100 yards, without knowing that, and without feedback, would be all but impossible. If the target backer were three-feet square, you would have been able to see that you were over a foot high, and you could have walked the rounds in using "Kentucky Elevation". Tough situation.

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I seem to recall mine being 16" high at 100. Not to be argumentative, but was that zero assuming the use of M1 ball, M2 ball? That is, when M1 ball was adopted, it would change the zero for existing rifles, unless the sights were adapted to the new round. Either way, hitting a target at 100 yards, if you didn't know the gun was going to hit a foot high, would be difficult.

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Good point about the load. I calculated using M2 ball, M1 would be a little higher at 100, and if they used commercial 30-06 (which they probably did) it would be a little lower likely, unless they used something goofy like a 180g or 200g.

Of course, that's also assuming that in the 65+ years since the rifle was made the front sight had not been worn down, filed down, bent and straightened.....

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I watched the first two shows - what I found most interesting was not the the specifics of the 1903 incident with Mike Seeklander, which I actually thought could have happened to any of the shooters.

What I found most interesting was that professional shooters who make their living (and whose livelihood and reputation could be affected) would put themselves in a position like that with no control over how they would be presented by television producers. I doubt anyone who actually knows anything about shooting would have their opinion of Mr. Seeklander affected by the show, because his expertise and skill is obvious and has been proven over and over to anyone who would care to look.

Within my own profession, I would avoid a situation like that like the plague; if shooting was just an avocation like some of the shooters on the show, then of course who cares. But what I was left with after I turned off the TV was recurrent thoughts about what a pain in the ass for Mr. Seeklander - having to give explanations, annoying comments from foolish people, etc. What a headache :sick:

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I don't know you, but I respect the way you handled yourself. I think Teddy Roosevelt's famous quote addresses the critics.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

Teddy Roosevelt

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No whining; no complaints about the gun not being one Mike shoots; no griping about the sight problem. The one thing all contestants on that show had under their absolute control was the amount of class they showed when they did not do well (it's easy to show class in victory).

Mike handled himself with a level of honor and dignity that is far to uncommon in these "blame someone else" times.

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True champions are gracious in victory, as well as in defeat.

The only mistake you made in this "Survivor like" game was choosing to shoot against Kelly, the rifle expert. But that's how champions are, they always want to shoot against the best.

I do know Mike.

Phil is much more of a cock, or cockier I should say. ;) Don't get all bent out of shape Phil, I'm just kidding.


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I actually know Mike. I worked with him as a police officer in Knoxville. We were in the police academy together. I can tell you from 1st hand experience, he was the best pistol shooter I have ever dealt with. I saw him on the show and was blown away that he went home after one round. Mike was always a great guy and very humble. He was quite, but polite. I read some of the post that spoke on his attitude, Mike has no attitude. He is just not a very outspoken in-your-face kind of guy. He is good, and he knows he is good. He was always, always willing to lend a hand and help out those of us who are not "blessed" with an eagle eye. I never thought Mike was cocky or big headed. I knew that if things went south, you wanted him with you, and I knew he was a guy you could count on. And if he couldn't shoot you, he could take you out with his hands! If your reading Mike, good luck in all you do buddy. 98-A rules!!

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:cheers: Mike; i was really hoping that one of you guys from the action pistol world would win. I have seen two episodes, the one with you and the last one with Blake and JJ getting thrown under the bus by one of there team mates. You can hold your head high, you got on the show. I wish the best to JJ and blake and wish you were there with them. That show could use some more integrity. I wouldn't turn my back to anyone with a badge on that show.
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