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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. I thought the gun submitted for the military competition had a grip safety with no thumb safety. And it was for sure the thumb safety (manual safety) that the military requested. Here is a great link to some pics of JMB museum. http://forums.1911forum.com/showthread.php?t=227641
  2. +1 Here are a few things I have learned lately. The frame needs to blend in with the ramp as much as possible creating what amounts to an extension of the ramp. Also, if you look at Schuemann's instructions for ramped barrels, Schuemann states that the first cut into the magwell will be .315" deep, measured from the top of the frame rails. This number might be a little shallow. Many respected builders seem to think you have to go as deep as .350". Since .315 is more shallow than "print" specifying .360" for .45ACP. Some go as far as .400 measured in the same way. This makes sense to me since it will lower the barrel and therefore the round has a better angle to overcome. A lighter recoil spring will often help too because it won't pin the round on the ramp nearly as hard. I talked to a guy at STI about this once and he has had luck with making the ramp a little flatter. This makes the contact area with a hollow point smaller and of course causes less friction.
  3. Could an inertia feed. Here is a pic of it happening. Replacing the mag springs or increasing the mag spring power would be the fix.
  4. Email Brad, his email is on this link. http://www.tnsection.com/09state/09state.htm
  5. I don't get it???? I thought glock made a 40 cal?????? Why in the world would you want to shoot a 2011 that uses like 100 year old technology when you can shoot a glock???? Man your wierd.
  6. Shooting on Friday and RO'ing on Sat and Sun. I can't wait for the woods walk stage.
  7. I think it is your mags too. So I would make sure you have new mag springs and then if it has the same CM followers than I have I would bend the follower so it puts more pressure on the front of the round. Can't hurt to try.
  8. Just goes to show you it matters little what is in Sam's hand. He can still kick *ss. I wish I could have been there and enjoyed the day with everyone.
  9. Saw it today with my 10 year old. It was good in many ways.............but we both didn't like the ending. Nothing like ending a song on the 5 chord.
  10. Wow, I guess I don't shoot near enough.
  11. Wanna shoot for pinks next weekend Na your right....its not worth what my springers are Well, I'm not sure I can make it now that the start time got pushed back to 10am. It will really be tough for me to get back in Nashville in time for work that evening. But if I come I guess I can take you up on it if you insist. Damnit now I have to find a sigma single stack :roflol: I think you have to wash your hands after shooting those.
  12. Wanna shoot for pinks next weekend Na your right....its not worth what my springers are Well, I'm not sure I can make it now that the start time got pushed back to 10am. It will really be tough for me to get back in Nashville in time for work that evening. But if I come I guess I can take you up on it if you insist.
  13. Just bought this from a friend of mine.
  14. I'm saddened to say that I went through a drive through the other day and my buddy asked the girl cashier about them. He asked and I quote "are your holes tasty?" I thought I was going to die laughing..............I think coke squirted out my nose.
  15. +1 However, many awesome smiths do it after completing a trigger job and before function firing. Particularly if it is a gun that is giving them fits to get to 2lbs. But never as a common activity.
  16. Well no, allen550 gave you a great answer. It is most likely trigger bounce. With a 4+ pound trigger there should be enough pressure on your middle leaf to prevent that. So, it sounds like there is an unbalance between your left leaf and your middle leaf. You can go here and read a great article Bob wrote on tuning your trigger (click magazine articles). http://www.brazoscustom.com/Home.htm The original quesiton still hasn't been answered. That would be: This is a thread about how to function check for hammer follow. What 550 is trying to tell you is that if it is trigger bounce, then the gun may not have a problem at all. And if you drop the slide on an empty chamber you need to pin the trigger back first in order to eliminate trigger bounce. If it still falls then you may have a problem (or at least maybe not the optimum trigger job). If you have 16oz's of reset on a 4.25lb trigger then that should be plenty of pressure on the sear to prevent it from falling if there is no trigger bounce. If it still falls with all that pressure on the sear when you eliminate the bouncing possibility then it may be that the hammer sear relationship is not optimal. BTW, I never drop my slide on an empty chamber. If you just did a trigger job and are checking for follow then maybe. But not after every detail strip and clean on a gun that is running.
  17. Well no, allen550 gave you a great answer. It is most likely trigger bounce. With a 4+ pound trigger there should be enough pressure on your middle leaf to prevent that. So, it sounds like there is an unbalance between your left leaf and your middle leaf. You can go here and read a great article Bob wrote on tuning your trigger (click magazine articles). http://www.brazoscustom.com/Home.htm
  18. Here is my little corner of the world. I just built that shelving unit for our shooting bags.
  19. Yep, he is a brittany. He is a wonderful dog.
  20. That makes no sense. Is a diamond worth $10,000? Not to me. Ask my wife or a jewelry dealer and you'll get a different answer. Worth is always subjective. I read your thread on the other board, and on both boards you seem to be seeking something that doesn't exist. There is no absolute worth. There is only the worth you place on an item. The continued existence of a high end 1911/2011 market tells you that there are people who can justify the expense and think they are getting their money's worth. The fact that a lot of base models and cheaper guns are sold tells you that plenty of people are happy with less. c'est la vie. It wasn't my thread. That thread just got me wondering if other USPSA shooters who shoot a ton of rounds with custom guns feel the same as me.
  21. Will it last longer? Maybe. What will you use it for? If you'll shoot 5000 rounds through the gun over the course of it's life then no. A custom gun will last just as long as an off the shelf one. If you're going to shoot 40,000 rounds a year? Different story. I don't know - I'd never shoot a box stock gun 40,000 rounds a year - Less trouble? Yes, probably. The gun would function properly. And it'd hit what you aimed at assuming you did your job. The question in quotes has me scratching my head. If it isn't worth it to you, who would it be worth it to? A customer gun shoots better. Period. It's more accurate, it fits better, it's more comfortable to shoot, it functions better and more consistently. It was fitted by hand and has features that you want. It's a better gun in general, and it's a better gun for you. Is the gun itself worth it? Well . . . fair market value would indicate yes. If not more. The fact that people are willing to pay it indicates that the gun itself is worth the value. When people stop paying it - then no. Reference the housing market over the past year or two. Jack Sorry about the scratching the head bit. I guess what I'm asking is if you pay 1000 bucks for a Kimber or the like, is a full blown custom with all the best parts etc worth 3 times the amount. Will it last 3 times longer? Will you have 3 times fewer troubles if you put 100K rounds through it? I'm just curios of what the BE community has to say about this. For me, I have a Bedell Spitfire that I have put 60-70K rounds down range without a hiccup and I have trouble thinking any box stock Kimber, Springer etc could do that without parts breaking and just falling apart. But I don't know.
  22. I'm talking about a gun that is comprised of the best parts put together by an awesome gunsmith. And I'm not really asking if it is worth it to you but is the gun itself worth it. Would you be able to put more rounds through it with less trouble? Will it last longer? Because of the better fit will it not beat itself up?
  23. Sorry guys, I never did a poll before and screwed this all up.
  24. I was on another forum and this question came up and I thought it would be interesting to see how this group would answer this question. Please elaborate on your reason/reasons for your answer.
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