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Everything posted by tpcdvc

  1. Angelina: Stop, I have a gun!!!! Bad guys: What gun?????
  2. The most powerful weapon in the world doesn't require a permit.
  3. Loved the range, loved the stages, I had a blast shooting with squad 81. Thanks to all who made the match possible.
  4. I think it is so very important to take your kids out to the range and set up milk jugs full of water and melons and show them the destruction a gun can do. Also, I agree with some guys here that you need to remove all mystery from guns. I told both my boys that they can hold/handle my guns if they ask me, but never ever without my permission. All my long guns and pistols are in a locked gun cabinet. My carry gun is either on my hip, in the cabinet or at night it is next to our bed. I too grew up in a home where I knew where all the guns were and where the ammo was. They were not loked up they were mostly in corners in closets. Dad also kept a loaded 12ga by the door and a loaded 45 next to his bed. He used the 12ga more than once in the 70's during the gas shortage when we had folks trying to steel gas from our pump on our farm (he just scared the s%$ out of them by shooting over their heads). I never once thought about touching any without permission. I also, walked along hunting with my dad from the age of six and of course saw what a gun could do to flesh.
  5. Also, the 1911 has two safties. The thumb and the grip. The half cock should never be used as a safety. It is there only to prevent a hammer follow discharge.
  6. I didn't have a problem with it either. I missed why he was only using one hand though? For me, I don't know if I would call what I do point shooting. It would be more like seeing only what I need to see to get good hits. 7 yards and in my sight picture looks nothing like it does at 20 ect.....ect......
  7. No, I too think it would destroy our game.
  8. Huh? You live in Brentwood right? Pretty good area dude. I gues you can move to Belle Meade or completely out of Nashville. I hear shots out here too but it is usually someone coon hunting or me killing opossums getting into my trash.
  9. tpcdvc


    What vehicle do they drive in Nashville? I will show them a little Humility. Make sure you take your dog. As delusional as this guy is he has to be on something!!!
  10. tpcdvc


    See......it's not bragging when you tell it in story form. It pays to know the rules. :roflol:
  11. tpcdvc


    Yep. You win the prize!!!!
  12. tpcdvc


    Dude, I have no idea what you are talking about. The person that got me thinking about this I'm sure doesn't even own a gun.
  13. tpcdvc


    Maybe it's just me or maybe I'm getting old, but I sure hate it when people boast on themselves. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Trust me, if you are deserving of accolades others will take care of it. We all love talent, hard work and determination and enjoy recognizing it. ----------Here are a few great quotes------- The only safe way to boast is by constructive deeds not by words. We wound our modesty and make foul the clearness of our deservings, when of ourselves we publish them. Where boasting ends, there dignity begins. Great boast, small roast. Humility makes great men twice honorable ~ (Ben Franklin) Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues. (AND MY FAVORITE) Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. ~
  14. I have to agree with most of this. It is really finicky. At best, you might be able to get 200 rounds an hour out of it. I had to constantly monitor the areas mentioned above. You really get what you pay for. It's cheap and will reload ammo but it will give you fits.
  15. I've had and used one for many years and I will say if you are not going to do a ton of shooting it will be fine. But if you are going to shoot as much as most people do in the USPSA I would not recommend the 1000. When I bought my dillon 650 I could have kicked myself for not just saving the money and getting a 650 from the start. Wow what a huge difference! If you can, I would save up and get a dillon. And Dillon is the best company I have ever dealt with.
  16. Hi Scott, I could have been mistaken about it being a classifier. I shot it at the Single Stack Classic back in 1997 before USPSA took over the match. Wow! that stage has been around a long time! It sure is a fun one.
  17. As close as I can remember you started facing up range and at the beep you activated the swingers by pushing over a pepper popper (all three targets were swinging). It was a 60 point stage so we must have done the mandatory reload.
  18. This was a stage shot first at the TN sectional in 04 stage 9(as far as I know). It is not a classifier but it was an awesome stage. I was my second match so I remember it well. I shot L10 with a SS45 and I was just glad I didn't DQ.
  19. Dang, I didn't know you guys were shooting this weekend or I would have made plans to be there. I've made plans to take the dog out for one last bird hunt this weekend. I'll see you all next month.
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