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Everything posted by Darqusoull13

  1. Well, it's the end of the year so I'll pipe in. We are just over 25K on a GMR13 and I finally hit 20K on my first GMR13. I trust my GMRs more than any other gun I own. Reliability has won me matches when I simply wasn't the best shooter. All that aside, I have run random factory and a plethora of reloads from folks shooting the GMR in matches. The JP had eaten every bullet profile and power factor from major down to 60 PF. If it's 9mm and it fits a GLOCK mag it will work. If you want to buy a PCC that you can take out of the box and go win matches without wasting time screwing with it getting it to run, get the JP. I'm biased though.
  2. Well, I heard back on the 40 bull barrel Tac Sport..that's a no go or no plans or just waiting for SHOT.... Here's to hoping starting a rumor will generate demand
  3. I must be the only person that has not done a single thing to the MBX, TF or TTI extensions/mag bodies/followers and had 100% reliable function.
  4. Gosh darn it, I really don't need another CZ. If I just don't click it maybe I wont be tempted.... Too late. Stuart, will these be offered in 40 for a TS frame since they are based on a TS slide?
  5. I believe Josh Froelich would be the person to ask. From what I understand he put quite a few rounds (70,000+) on a VEPR this year and won a couple of bigger matches. Open really comes down to reliability, just like any other gun in any other division. The Dissident VEPR's flat run. You don't have to waste your time tinkering, you don't have to constantly fiddle with them and you certainly don't need to use your unicorn blood for sacrifices anymore. I personally don't want to put up with 99% reliability, it's not worth the frustration or the potential for affecting my performance. Disclaimer: Lan (Dissident) did up my M2 back before they got big and we run a match or 2 together in Texas. I still troll him on a bi-weekly basis
  6. L9x25 nailed it. Just as a heads up, I'm at approximately 22k on my current generation firing pin and still going strong. I keep a spare, but mostly in case someone else breaks a pin.
  7. You will enjoy the heck out of it. I got another bag of 60 grit from Oldawan Tools. Shipped out fast and at a great price. The above advice is extremely important. Be absolutely meticulous with preparing the surface for treatment. Isopropanol does a great job of removing oils from your paws. I'd also suggest using a can of air to blow off any dust and definitely use gloves when you're working to prevent contaminating the surface. Once you sprinkle the silicon carbide on, don't touch it. Do not press it in, do not even fondle it. Let it sit for 24 hours and you will be rewarded with an awesome finish that will last a good long while.
  8. I did my M&P with JB weld at the suggestion of a friend. The JB weld obviously holds up extremely well with silicon carbide. I would definitely recommend practicing on something like small panels of a P-mag first as there's an art to it. Clean everything very well with isopropanol before you start. You do not want to press the silicon carbide in, rather, just dust liberally and let it sit for 24 hours. During this time you can also figure out which grit of silicon carbide you want to use. You can get really, REALLY aggressive textures but that might not be the best idea. As far as how well it holds up, my grip had a year of dry fire and live fire on it. After some live fire sessions in Texas my pistol would be too hot to physically hold because that damn slide release lever got scorching hot under my thumb. Despite my sweaty palms I did not have any issues with my grip on the pistol or degradation of the grip surface or texture. My friend's original M&P grip has held up to 3+ years of use. I never cleaned my grip nor did I even feel replacing it was necessary. I did however switch to shooting CZ's so I only had about a solid year of heavy use on my M&P.
  9. The round in question is a fail. I do not have "practice" and "match" ammo, only ammo that passes QC. The Hundo makes it so easy to check ammo that it's not worth a failure in practice requiring me to waste time in a session with bad ammo. I can practice failure drills in dry fire. A couple of quick notes. Be sure you're cleaning your gauge from time to time. It's surprising how little "schmutz" it takes to start incorrectly failing rounds. You can also wipe off the rounds that fail with a paper towel or such to double check. I've had dog hairs cause rounds to fail the gauge.
  10. I went regular for USPSA Limited (40) and I'd do regular again for 3 gun (9mm). The TSO thumb rest is too short for me to use and I don't like thumb rests so all of that is a waste for me. I'd replace the aluminum grips as they are too slippery and too thin for my taste. The sights on the TSO are solid and the checkering and deeper undercut are both excellent, particularly for smaller hand shooters. I would would absolutely suggest a TSO for someone with small hands. However, for the increased price, there's a bunch of stuff that does nothing for me and my bear paws. I picked up a hardly used TS in 40 with 5 extended mags for less than the cost of a new TS.
  11. I'm a bit torn on this. I came into the sport after the "Top 16" had largely faded away. However, there's no doubt in my mind that the Top 16 shooters at Nationals earned something special. In my experience, shoot offs have been the most enjoyable parts of matches. They are low stress, super fun ways for competitors to let loose and have some fun. They are also EXCELLENT opportunities to highlight match sponsors. I love attending matches with a end of match celebration. Texas 3-Gun Championship does one of the best end of match events and I think this is a larger draw for the match, and sponsors, than folks believe. A big lunch gathering with buffet style awesome BBQ, beer and fun before awards start is a great way for folks to relax and catch up with old friends and it really does make the match more memorable. I realize the rule book stipulates 3rd place D class Open has to be recognized if the requirement is met. I get the classification system takes these data for matches that meet specific requirements. But to Charlie's point, could mailing out certificates for recognition meet the requirements for the rule books? Instead of handing out plaques we could take the time at the match to have some fun during the hour arbitration and before the top 16 awards? Heck, if you set up the shoot off beside the vendors tents could you also have folks perusing products in between shooters running the shoot off?
  12. Hey Dave, In addition to Cha-lee and others have suggested, I would like to suggest the following: Ask the shooter their plan. You're trying to help them save ammo, they can tell you the plan so you can follow them as best as you're able. Ensure the sensor is pointed towards the shooter and hold the timer out away from your body. If the shots are too quiet to pick up standing near the shooter, the ejection port is your best option Tell the shooter the re-shoot Gods are cruel and fickle. One big reason I'm using a loud comp is to ensure the RO doesn't have to hug me to get a time. At the end of the day they should at least be meeting power factor in USPSA so they shouldn't be too mouse fart there. If it's 3 gun just have the PCCers time each other. Everyone should be learning how to RO so they can pitch in anyways. PS: Dave just doesn't like PCC because his snoot is sensitive about getting hit with brass
  13. Toss them, it's not worth it. Get them wet and they wont go off when you dispose of them.
  14. If I'm at the range from 7am to 5pm I'd like to be shooting the whole match that day. Not many other folks want to shoot a 10 stage 3 gun match or 12+ stage USPSA match in a day and that's fine. 1/2 day format at least allows me to arrive the morning of, spend fewer nights in a hotel, then leave early the next day. The 1 on 1 off all day format usually just ends up being sitting around waiting for another squad to shoot which is incredibly inefficient in my mind. I really don't care about taking time off to relax between stages. From the perspective of providing sponsors value, get folks engaged months before on social media. Make the awards mean something if you want folks to stick around. Have a shoot off, VS3G did an AWESOME job of this last year. Get a good caterer, I heard Walking Dead had Babes Fried Chicken (!!!) cater the match. If shooters are spending time with shooting friends eating GOOD food and drinking GOOD beer (or sweet tea) at the awards ceremony and perusing the sponsors tables everyone is excited. If you want to provide value for sponsors then do it! We all have our preferences. If you find you pack the match with shooters using a 1 on 1 off format then you've got a good match. If you pack the match with half day, then that's good too. Shooters will decide where the value is for them and attend accordingly.
  15. The differences are minor in my experience. I have loaded equivalent charges and obtained nearly identical velocities for a given bullet and OAL. Generally Titegroup burns a bit dirtier and hotter compared to Bullseye but both powders are excellent for 9 minor in my experience.
  16. Yes, it works. I've been using the GLS for months with my Shadow 2 in 3 gun.
  17. Use it a lot or massage the spring. A week or two of dry fire will do it.
  18. 18 is a bit low with 6 being what folks generally call a classifier. Hopefully the match staff fill the other 12 stages up heavy to ensure the shooting part of the match has a "nationals" level feel?
  19. Buy the JP and you and all your buddies can all run the same gun. I'm around 20k and 15k on my JPs and they just keep running. The 15 has an improved mag release, last round bolt hold, lighter receiver and a few other minor modifications. Reloads are easy and fast, take 5 minutes of practice a week and you will smoke them. You can add a Techwell magwell if you want to look super cool, I didn't find it terribly necessary. The JP barrel accepts loooong reloads too so you won't have to fiddle with ammo. If it fits in a GLOCK mag you're good. Tuning the SCS can reduce your dot movement to near zero if you don't want to change your production/3gun load. Ping me a PM if you'd like to ask me anything about the GMRs
  20. Agreed with Kuan, that definitely looks like pieces of primer. Your firing pin definitely borked although whether that is a cause or a result of the issue is hard to tell. Federal GMM is not loaded close to what you'd need to do that to a primer. Did you save your brass so you can post pictures of the fired primers and can you post pictures?
  21. Are the "metal shavings" pieces or primer you're blowing out? What do your fired primers look like? What is your load and velocity?
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