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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I think safari land makes a 3gun soft case with an extension for tubes.
  2. Yeah, stop that I have 1 or 2 dummies I have dedicated to practicing match saver use, and you can quickly see the difference in flattened rim compared with the other shells. The manual actually recommends you depress the lifter and hit the shell release button but that ends up with bruised knuckles and I find it easier to rock the bolt release slightly.
  3. Are you cycling your dummy rounds through the chamber to unload? If you do you are probably flattening the rim of the cases making them wider and under heavy spring pressure they won't clear the shell stop thingie. When you push them back you are probably changing the geometry or alignment slightly. Try it with fresh shells and see if you have the same issue. If that is the issue, then stop cycling the gun with the dummies. You can unload the gun very quickly without it. Put your index finger (mostly its first knuckle in the loading port and touch the shell in the magazine. Using your thumb rock back the bolt release slightly, this will release a shell onto your finger. Let go the bolt release and let the shell fall out. Repeat until tube is empty. The trick is to get your index finger in contact with the shell and be ready to guide it out before you rock back the button, because otherwise it will have velocity as it smacks into your finger.
  4. Have you cleaned the funnel lately? It does need some cleaning now and then.
  5. I fear about long this can go on, before match directors burn out. I'm planing on 4-6 large/majors myself.
  6. Depends on whether you plan on sneezing on me again
  7. I'm skipping working it this year. After 3 years in a row, I want to see how the other half lives so I'm just shooting it this year.
  8. Heheh .... have we been so conditioned by bad registration processes that now we treat a working one with suspicion?
  9. Oh god .. was that CC done by a drunk version of Siri
  10. I feel that my comments and feelings about USPSA would probably get this thread closed and me an admonishment, so instead of actually leaving my true comments, I'm just here to leave behind this slightly ambiguous and borderline passive aggressive paragraph.
  11. On Pat's and Kurt's general advise I've went to LM as the default choke and I I'm fairly happy. It even shoots slugs really well, or at least the Briley version does.
  12. So does anyone actually think charges in the 0.0X of a grain make a damn difference to anything except mollifying our OCD?
  13. I have one. I run it with nordic's 18" barrel and no adjustable gas, and an empty rifle buffer, on a standard rifle spring. So far I like it I can't really compare it to other light setups because it is my only lightened setup and just shooting some other people's guns set up for them is not something I feel is a good comparison.
  14. I general inertia guns like M3000 will have a bit more recoil then gas operated ones but a bit less then OU's or pumps. Personally I can't really tell the difference between different semi-auto shotguns unless I shoot them back to back, and I'm not that good of a shotgun shooter. The best I can suggest is ... roll with it. Shotgun have recoil, absorb it and move on.
  15. So what do you attach it to in the front of a shotgun?
  16. The Beretta sling mount conversation got me to think how do you guys mount slings on the m3000? The rear point I guess its easy, install whatever on the factory stock stud/thing and then clip to it it. The front is trickier, you have to either a clamp or what? Anyone have any clever solutions?
  17. Man you have to learn that projected release dates for firearms are a complete fabrications made of magical spider webs and fairy dust. Only muggles believe in them. Sorry, but this a lesson best learned early.
  18. To me the clumping of powder is suspect. That is not going to happen after the primer went boom, it is happening before and probably the cause of poor ignition. Take your loaded ammo that has been sitting around for a while, shake it and listen to it. Does it sound like the powder is loose in there or clumped? Go through every single round and if one sounds funny pull the bullet and see what you have inside.
  19. Oh I get it, I actually ordered the fellraiser specifically because they had more lugs (or looked like they had more lugs), and I expected them to be a bit froggy on hard surfaces. My comment was mostly meant to point out that the problem doesn't go away completely, it is more tolerable with the Fellraisers.
  20. Do Steve's books come with random dog barks? I don't know if I could read his books with VanHalen and dog noises
  21. Funny, never having tried on the Speedcross ones, I've recently bought a pair of Fellraiser's and walking on hard surfaces I feel the squirmy. Not bad enough to really bother me, but I do feel it which makes me wonder how much squirm one has to deal with the Speedcross.
  22. Why do you believe you are not sitting them fully? The first thing I'd recommend is making sure that the sitting stem is adjusted as per the manual and that your shell plate is sufficiently tight. Different stems might not even work anyway, as the cup and stem have to fit under the primer tube, and the primer has to fit in the cup. I'd think if the stem was longer/higher you wouldn't be able to pick up primer from the tube.
  23. I used to think this mattered a lot more until I've started seeing 300+ people gear up at their cars with 3 guns at a time without hurting themselves. Personally, while I'm running a match, if you are a competitor un-gearing at the car you will hear from me with words including the letters D and Q. However .. if you get in your car with your gun on, drive over to one of the pits in use by the general public and then get out of your car an un-gear in a manner that wouldn't get a normal club member in trouble I wouldn't bitch about it. What is the difference? Nil. Why am I behaving differently? Because you've proven that you have engaged your brain. We all need to use those more instead of rocking over the holly rule books while chanting rule numbers. But that's me.
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