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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I'm not sure why are mad at me for presenting you with the facts as I understand them.
  2. I think you might be confusing 3GN with 3GN made for TV pro series.
  3. This is a strange thread to me. I shoot 3gun because it is almost guaranteed to be a different everywhere I go. Thats the awesome part, if I wanted exactly the same thing everywhere, I'd just shoot USPSA some more.
  4. This is a bit odd and may be regional, but I don't think I've shot a match in last couple of years that DIDN'T require a sling somewhere in the match. Maybe it's an East Coast thing, but around here it seems fairly normal to have a stage or two that require a slung rifle or shotgun. It is in no way dangerous, and personally I like the extra challenge.
  5. For us that is impossible. For one, I live nearly 1 hour away from the range where I ran the a match (accounting for traffic) and taking an extra half day from my life and finding another 5-6 people do it would be a non-starter. For another, this club has 2500+ members, the club would never allow us to take up part of the range for an extra half a day when no one is even using it and reduce the available shooting space for the membership. Lastly, some of our crap would probably get stolen or destroyed, again ... 2500 members, some are bound to be assholes.
  6. I think you can ask for whatever you wish, I think asking others to join in prayer is something that should stay off the range. We have many people of many different religious backgrounds who may not believe as you do. Is your plan to have them stand aside shuffling their feet while you conduct your prayer? Is it ok if he or she also then asks to conduct a different prayer? Then a third, or fourth? What about the non religious folks who now stand around for four different prayer services? It may have been accepted and understood in your community growing up and perhaps it was a more homogenous experience for you, but where I shoot there could probably 5 major religions represented at the range at the same time. So I don't think it is taboo, and I think you should feel free to take whatever time you want at the start of the match to address yourself in any way you wish to any higher power you wish to, and if that takes a bit longer, I have no issue with you being a bit later at your first stage, I'm ok with it. I do have an issue with asking others publicly to join you.
  7. Over here average match fee is $15-20 for a 6-7 stage match. Keep in mind, everything is more expensive, specially land, so in my case I end up paying quite a bit of money back to the club hosting it. We also pay back about 25%-35% as prizes for division and class placement. As a reference point, NJ median house value is $285k, Idaho $165k, and I'll bet you get more for that money.
  8. If you can tell me what witchcraft you have done, let me know. This has not been my experience, after years of patiently and gently explaining it to people.
  9. I rather none of those things happened. What you do for yourself, pledges, prayers, etc those are up to you and as far as I'm concerned you are welcomed to do them anywhere you want, the range included. However, what is the value of a pledge that I use social pressure to make you recite? There is a very short step between peer pressured recitals of pledges of allegiance and much worse things. I may be biased but I grew up in a country were lots of things like that were required and I'll be damned if I come even close to forcing someone else to do it. So my answer is .. not at a match I run, but I respect your personal choices as long as you don't impose them on anyone else.
  10. I see lots of new blood on the range, but very few end up volunteering to help. A lot of folks don't think of it as "our match", they think as consumers of a product they pay for, forgetting that the people putting it on don't get payed. Some do help, and that is appreciated, but we are seeing fewer people wanting to design stages and work on match management outside the shooting day. I know I just started my 10th year as a match director, and it is my last even if no one else steps up to take over. That and 3gun, which for lots of us is more fun.
  11. I shoot minor 40 in USPSA production and in 3gun, because I just use the same gun. As Jesse said, rarely will this set you back in anyway
  12. You might no even need a new barrel. What do you have on it now? as long as it has screw-in chokes and it is somewhere between the legal limit of 18. 5 and 26" you shouldn't need to touch it, slap an extended mag tube on it and shoot it until you decide what you want to do for your next shotgun.
  13. Ok I found a pretty big issue One of the bullets was a different profile and severely undersized. It was noticeably longer, it lacked the boat tail and it measured at 0.219. When sitting the bullet it felt very different, its OAL was way past mag length which was a great thing because it could be set back into the case with minimal finger pressure. The weight was correct at 55gr. So watch out for any bullets that don't sit correctly or look wrong.
  14. I would not put sights on a AP handguard, or at least not the gen1. Then again, I'm against putting any sights on any handguard so ..
  15. What does the brass look like? Do you have any pictures of the brass, including the primers?
  16. The question is though .. How many handguards are people breaking? Without a doubt putting holes in things makes things weaker, but do we care as long as a threshold isn't passed? I think the biggest problem with the AP handguard is the narrow mounting trunion and the 3 screws holding it. I think a lot of the perceived flex was from that area. The Gen 2 with the more mounting surface might solve that. That said, I like my AP hanguard and haven't snapped in half yet.
  17. Felt recoil is not a valid unit of measure. No one knows what your shoulder feels or how good your comp is or how you hold your rifle or how much it weights. The chrono is important, but so are your signs of pressure. What signs exactly were you seeing?
  18. To be fair, AP just released their new Gen II tube with a better mounting system, an end cap and maybe a top rail if you want it. That would probably be more rigid. I'm not sure you can get a no flex tube, even aluminium flexes a bit.
  19. Holes in everything do that, aluminum included. My AP handguard does not feel flimsy at all At 15" it does flex a bit, at 13" it feels more rigid. The hadnguard is screwed to the barrel nut trunion (which uses the factory barrel nut) so it can't rotate.
  20. Err are you saying that the ENTIRE bullet compresses while in the barrel? I'm not sure thats how it works.
  21. I'm forced to agree, it looks identical to the YHM ones (heck it might be a YHM one) and that was nothing but trouble in my experience.
  22. In my opinion the handguard has two big jobs to do. First it needs to be a good fit as an connector between your hand and the rifle. Seeing how you mostly aim with your "weak" hand that is pushing the handguard, it needs to be long enough, narrow or thick enough, etc to act as a conduit for proper control. Secondly it needs to protect your barrel from touching anything else so it needs to be log enough so you can rest against props and so on without touching the barrel, so it also needs to be rigid enough and far enough from the barrel to avoid contact. Once the handguard does those two things, you can worry about its weight and balance and lastly about what can you attach to it because mostly we just need somewhere for a sling and very rarely a light. Brands, attachment types, materials, looks, all of those are driven by fit, freefloat and balance. At least that's how I think of it.
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