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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I'll take your word for it as I've never used them so they couldnt get in there. I use WSPs which look red, and more recently CCI which are kinda yellow (and those i've been using after the I removed the alien crud).
  2. When your primers dont drop or drop sideways like they did for me, try cleaning the primer magazine. I ran a patch through it and GREEN crud came out. What the hell? I never put anything green in there!! I assume that copper residue danced with oxygen in there.
  3. http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showth...?threadid=12582 And consider the source ..
  4. I dont get along with earmuffs. They gap around my glasses, they are hot in the summer and dont fit well with a hat in the winter. I cant shoot rifles without knocking them off. Maybe my head is funny shaped. Also I know myself and spending $300 on ear plugs which I will mostly likely lose or break is not gonna happen. My shooting buddy got me to try the cheap EAR foam plugs which have a NRR of 33 (more then pretty much anything else) and so comfrotable I forget I wear them. And when I'm done they go in the garbage can because 200 of them cost like $30. I have a handfull in my range bag. And as a side effect of the higher NR, my flinch has gone away.
  5. Vlad, With all respect I think you and several others have missed the point. Please do not think of this as a personal attack. I know you will understand I am supporting Gary's experiment here and not engaging in ad hominum attacks. Oh no problem. I think we should be able to disagree with each other. Now, if this is nothing but a marketing move, then I'm ok with it. But then its a bad one anyway because of the feature limitations. ALL the big name 1911 manufacturers offer cone barrels, rails, and whatnot. And they are really pushing those features. If this is a marketing vehicle and then should make sure it matches the market.
  6. Why dont you call them? They do make a LW 5" gun and their online catalog is not always right. They might very well make what you need. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In fact check this out: The custom shop offers the PC9102 Custom Carry in many sizes and frames.
  7. Why dont you call them? They do make a LW 5" gun and their online catalog is not always right. They might very well make what you need.
  8. As far as their current website seems to imply they do not want to sell you anything unless you are law enforcemnt or military. Screw them. Buy a Springfield. Cheaper, and based on the guns I've handled, higher quality plus they actually do want to sell you a gun.
  9. I've said this before and I still believe it: This is a bad idea. Sorry Gary, I know its your baby and you obvioulsy care about it. I can admire that. But a devision dedicated to a SINGLE pistol design is a terrible idea. I would have been less opposed to a single stack division where other toys like SIG220 could have participated. That would have actually made sense filling a void in the current divion line up. I have no trouble with the idea of a division for slim carry guns with "low" capacity in major calibers. I shoot L10 with a Springer Milspec. I'll keep on shooting L10 with it, when I'm not shooting production even if the new division is available in my area. Why would I shoot against "better" guns and not make use of the new divison? Because I think it should die. This isnt a case of " trying different things" its a case of trying the same old things after they have been outclassed by other gear (or at least perceived to have been outclassed). It is protectionism. Further, the exclusion of cone barrel and light rails makes no sense either. More and more companies offer models incorporating those changes. Its true that the world does evolve and that we should try new things. But then lets actually try those new things. The TRP Operator has the heaviest front you will ever see on a single stack. Yes it has less nose flip but it also slows down transitions. It looks cool as hell, but I'm not sure it makes that much of a difference. How can we say we are trying new things if we mandate that the division doesnt allow for anything which wasnt available 20 years ago? It looks to me more like a place designed for people who put down $3000 on a hand made gun and who want a reason to take it out of the safe. Please understand that this is not meant to be a personl attack, I greatly respect Gary and the effort he put into it. I just think it is effort aimed in the wrong direction.
  10. I've heard that some people actually put the lock ring underneath the tool head. That seems wierd. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No need. I have mine mounted the usual way. I only have a couple of threads on one of them, but the lee rings are actually quite smart and hold well in.
  11. I use Lee dies in my 550 too, for both .45 and 9mm and I even use the Lee locking rings. A bit of a pain to set it up, but you only need to do it once so who cares.
  12. Yeah, a good dog adds a lot to ones life. Heres mine, Odin, an american bulldog, about 3years old 105lb: He was found wondering the streets of brooklyn weighting in at 45lb. Luckily the local animal control recognized him as well bred dog and called a rescue which spent 3 month getting him back on his feet and where my wife Kathy and I found him. They nap together:
  13. Another vote for CenDex. I cant imagine what else I could possibly want from a holster. I have about the same draw times with it a as I have from the race Bianchi I use for 1911 in L10, though I practice a lot more with my CZ.
  14. Grumble .. grumble ... I think this one stinks. I think its one of those classifiers that leaves huge gaps between thee top dogs and the lesser pups. My anger at this is not helped by the fact that I shot it yestarday with 2 penalties and a few charlies in 25sec. I even slowed down to make sure I get my hits and I didnt. Grumble .. Grumble . How does this resemble a field course? I really think classifiers should try to be more like field courses.. Grumble.
  15. It all depends on how busy people are. Our local match scores were sometimes a month late. I noticed that the people doing the score where the same guys setting up matches, tearing down, hand holding new shooters, etc. So I volunteered to do them. Sometimes we all get busy. I wish I could say that I get them done in 1 day. Sometimes I do, sometimes it takes me a few days.
  16. Vlad

    Gas Prices

    $1.98 for regular 2.25 for premium this morning in NJ at a Wawa gas station. Is anyone really driving any less? The AAA says that in effect Americans dont care and drive just as much. I use about a gas tank every week which means that $0.50 more per gallon is about $300 a year. How much do you spend on primers?
  17. ALL of the guns I've listed are on dealer shelves, except the STGs. There is no reason why STGs can not be legal. The substantially Identical language is pretty much ignored. There was a court case a few years back where a judge threw out that part (sorta) as being unclear and not meaningfull. If the beat cop knows that or not it is a different issue. In fact you can buy SARs which are about as identical to as AKs as it gets. The rule of thumb is that if it was "post-ban" legal by federal standards and it it wasnt named in the list of no-no guns you should be ok to own it. Otherwise how could we all own Bushies and RRAs as they are quite similar to ARs? The AR10s, Saigas, M1A, PTR91, VEPRs and so on are common fare. Go to Rays some day and you should see most of them on display, for a lot more money then they are worth. The Saiga's and VEPRs are kinda rare because most people dont want them but you can order them. Also find a decent transfer dealer. Most of them will not blink at charging you $80 or more for a transfer. I'm not a lawyer. If you are unsure contact one. Evan Nappen is the big cheese when it comes to the NJ law and guns, having writen a few books on the subject.
  18. AR-10, and all 308 AR types, Saiga 308, M1A, PTR91, DSA STGs, 308 VEPRs, Rem 7400, Browning BARs. Basically anything that doesnt say FAL, G3, or CETME on it. The 308 Dragunov types are a maybe. And then you have to find NJ legal mags for any of the above.
  19. I'm an offended and I will never forgive you!!! On a serious note, Nik's most excelent pictures dont even show the whole destruction. The frame was cracked on the underside around the triger hole, and the parts of chamber not visible are further split into 2 or 3 other petals. I am amazed that no one was seriously hurt, though the stage design might have helped there. The gun blew up at his last shot on the stage. Well of course it was his last shot on stage as he wasnt gonna shoot that again, but what I mean is that it was also he last planned shot for the stage. That stage ended with 3 steel poppers shot through a platic barrel. It may be that the gun blew up while in the barrel and the plastic contained or deflected bits which might have injured others. On the issue of the 550, I think you have to be particularly distracted to get a double charge. I don't watch TV, eat, pet the cat, or ponder the meaning of life while reloading. If you established a correct procedure it is hard to screw up. The only time you can foul up is when you stop to refill the primer tube and even then a bit of care goes along way. That being said, I'm glad a shot a CZ75. I dont want to ever have a double charge but If I do, I want huge hunks of steel around my chamber and a slide running under the frame.
  20. I loved that movie. It was light hearted and very funny. It was a surprised because it looked like a dumb movie.
  21. Absolutly! I have been watching it since it came out and it is one of the two reasons to get Showtime, the second being Penn&Teller's Bullshit. Dead Like Me is one of the coolest shows in my opionion. Not only is both smart and funny and sad all at once, but the artistic part of the show appeals to me as well. It is just so well done.
  22. I am a bit amused that when I pointed out that the SP-01 was a race gun some time ago, people who have just voted to remove it where singing its praises as manufacturers reacting to needs of IPSC and blessing it as a good thing. The most bizzare thing is the twisted logic. When did we decide that long dust covers are a bad thing? Damn it, I like nose heavy guns for everyday shooting not just USPSA. By what rule and definition of production did people come up with this? When I pointed out that having a list as opposed to a definition and a production count, certain people basically told me to shove it. Now it turns out there is a problem with lists and factory race guns. Vince please come back. I have some questions. EDITED: it seems that I somewhat mistaken. Vince was not involved in that voting. However the problem is still the same.
  23. I am rarely speachless, but this mess comes close. Anything I could say about this would proabably break some forum rule but I'll take a trip down memory lane and produced this thread in which we see the PO-1 added to the list. Also there are some interesting comments you should read towards the bottom. And then there is this one in which the issue gets brought up. Given that the decission was unanimous, I have to wonder what has changed to change peoples minds.
  24. Not that different then the price tag for and H1. Makes you think.
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