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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. I think some of it has to do with the fact that disagreements are now almost against the forum rules. This is not to complain about the forum rules, but some previous threads have brought some tightening of the rules and to the credit of the members of this forum people have been trying really hard not to go against the rules. Also, keep in mind that this is the middle of the shooting season so a lot of us are out shooting
  2. Last year our local 3gun match involved shooting rifles out of the passager window if a sedan while sitting in the driver sit. With both front door windows down there was no danger of rest of the windows getting damaged. However my comp did set the headlinner on fire for a brief few seconds. I think as long as one window is open you should be ok while shooting from the inside. As you dont want to put hole in your car I assume one will be.
  3. This is oh so right for me. I noticed I shoot at my best when "i dont care" but which I dont mean that I dont care about my shooting, but that I dont care what the outcome is and just SHOOT for the fun of it. Things seem to flow better. I guess thats where the trusting comes in. If I over think a stage or start worring if I can make a shot or not, it goes down the drain.
  4. " Do you wanna gossip or do you wanna shoot somebody?" --Spartan
  5. Let me tell you, I'm really feeling it today. Not only was the rifle getting heavy towards the end, but putting the walls away was .. a labor of love. Jim and Dave worked even harder then everyone else. I was however a great match. I too can't wait for the shotgun match, though I get to look forward to shoulder pains as well as work pains
  6. One amusing note. Swingline has not made a red stapler in AGES and they have restarted making them due to their overwhelming popularity following the movie. What would YOU do with a million dollars? Besides two chicks at once? Well yea. So Peter I see you have been missing a lot of work lately. Well Bob, I wouldn't say that I was missing it.
  7. I agree with the sentiment. However the way I look at it, the shuttle was the first of its kind. It turns out like all prototypes it has countless flaws and pitfalls, but discovering those is its job. I think we are long overdue for a replacement with a real orbit truck. I think we need to thank the shuttle fleet for all its work and for all the things it has taught us, some bad some good, and tow them to a museum. In retrospective its is clear what went wrong and what the mistakes where, but almost 30 years ago when the design started we didn't know those things. Now we do. Its time to stop wasting money and build a replacement that does what we need, not what we thought we where going to need and turned up to be wrong.
  8. Vlad


    I went a different route for my 3gun "cart". I picked a Harper nylon hand truck, which holds about 600lb and weighs very little. To the base I hava attached a large cooler which servers its original purpose as well as doubling as a chair with the upright part acting as a chair back. My longguns are attached to the sides of the hand trunk on the rear side. When moving from stage to stage my range bag sits in top of the cooler. For this year I want get some better gun mounts and add a folding umbrella. The coolest part is that all the add on's are removable and most of the year I still have a hand truck. This is the closest model in their website, mine doesn't have the extra folding base thingie. Total investments is less the $100 (the cart was like $60 at HD) and I also got a hand truck
  9. I'm not really fond of his tendency to invent things that dont exist and pretend that they are real. His writing style is captivating but readedin Deception Point I found myself hating the story and hating it even more for not being able to stop reading it. It was kinda like my relationship to smoking before I quit.
  10. Heh, tell them they need to up the power factor of their .223 ammo. out of my 16" AR the 62gr ammo only makes 161.5 PF. Thats to close for comfort. However its cool thatr they are interested in sponsoring shooters.
  11. Huh ... watch out for the bridge?
  12. Meh. I hated this thing. 106 points in 25.somthing for about 63% in production. Last stage of the match after 7 hours in the sun did not make for me being spry and bendy. This is one of those stages to be shot early in the day. Specially the left side, which I ended up shooting weak hand only for the lower port. However it would make a great practice scenario so I'll try to set it up for practice.
  13. I think that deserves extra style points.
  14. I dont mind seedless. Call me names is you must but its easier to eat indoors. The wife doesnt mind if I dry fire at the TV but I think live fire is out, even with seeds. The sad part is that it doesnt matter. Around where I live you can only buy seedless melons at the local supermarkets. I guess no one wanted to buy the old fashioned ones and they stoped stocking it. On the bright side I am a fairly good melon chooser so life is good.
  15. My only problem with it is that the pressured versions sometimes has faulty nozzles, which I think it mostly has to do with lube build up in bottles sitting on the shelf for too long. You can generally get them going. What puzzles me is the "puddle" type comments. How do you guys get it to puddle? How much are you using? Me, I use a 550 so no case feeder. I use a AcroBin about 1gallon sized to hold my brass. I spray a mist over the top layer for about 3 seconds and I leave alone while I refill my primer tube, my bullet tray and change a CD, maybe about 5min tops. The lube is supposed to migrate inside and outside the case, and if you just mist the damn stuff I dont see how it could puddle. I never seen any buildup (well some in the sizing die, but thats to be expected) my mags dont gum up, no brass color change (brass or nickle) or any other problems.
  16. I think this is the one you wanted? Gransfors Bruks Double-bit felling Axe for $158.
  17. http://www.knifeoutlet.com/shop/10Expand.a...oductCode=GR490 though that one looks like the throwing version, even though they look the same to me. But I dont know axes.
  18. http://www.evannappen.com/lawupdate1gunbook/ scroll down a bit and look for Jun 28 2002 entry. Upon receiving a large number of letters about the subject that particular issue was shelved and the old rules readopted. I do repeat that I have no idea what would stand in court, I'm just saying that that particular document never came to be in relation with the magazine capacity. Not really trying to start a fight or anything and the law is confusing on the subject.
  19. That MAY or NOT be true. The current interpretation of the law is unclear. The link above is to a PROPOSAL that got shot down a number of years ago and never become policy. That is not to say that the final result of a court case would not agree with the policy listed above. As far as I know no court case ever addressed it, and I sure as heck dont want to find out
  20. Oh and one more thing, it seems that the weather will be in the mid 80's this weekend which should be a pleasent change from the last couple of matches when the temperature was been in the high 90's with humidity to match.
  21. Well the next match is in two days, this Sunday, and new folks are always welcomed. We are only running 6 stages this month because we are short some (important) people who are at the nationals. The hollow point thing is actually a misconception. The law doesnt prohibit the ownership, transportation or use of hollowpoints. It is kinda strange and what it prohibits is wiered. It basically says that you treat HP ammo as firearms, in other words dont walk around with it in your pocket when you are shoe shoping. Here is the NJ police official statement on it http://www.njsp.org/about/fire_hollow.html As for capacity .. Wood dowels make nice plugs and everyone uses them to transport their magazines around. Thats all I can say, but I shoot production and L10.
  22. No personal direct interest, but I'm curious .. No self defence guns .. Ok .. But .. What are all the production guns? Does that mean no Glocks? CZ? Sigs? Berettas?
  23. Clean the primer magazine tube. Mine had a bunch of crud piled up on the inside walls slowing down the primers to makeing them fall at add angles.
  24. This is a specific and kinda rare problem. All of us CZ shooters have seen it at some point or another. I take the oportunity to explain to the RO's the rules every time one has a problem.
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