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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Anyone know if you can mount this scope on a raiser and have enough room for a ARMS 40 rear sight folded down?
  2. My AR loves the new stuff. However it does not make minor in a 16" gun, not by a long shot. Rumor has it that they are fixing that. In my gun it chronos very consistent but only around 2650ft/s.
  3. I'm glad that your wife is ok. As someone keeps on reminding me, MRI's are expsensive. The machines cost insane amounts of money and only have so many opertating hours into them before the the bite the dust or get replaced with the next version. They need to be payed off within that time and thus their price per hour is very high before you even count the price of the specialized staff running it. This isnt however a defence of medical billing practices. It is one of my biggest pet peeves. I suspect the current system if going to see a "crash" sooner or later as its heading to the loony bin right now.
  4. Penny from the top of the Empire State building was rather amusing. They used a 6.5mm Mauser (if I remember correctly) shooting blanks and with a muzzle attachment to shoot pennies. The placed the penny in a strange device at the muzzle and used the blanks loaded at different levels to get different speeds out of the penny. FUN!
  5. No no no .. Excedrin QuickTab are headache removing goodness in lozange shape, though they call it a "fast dissolving tablet". Pashaw I say! They are shaped just like cough drops and they are a miracle of science. They leave your tongue as they found it though maybe a bit "dusty" and a the leave a strange flavor in the deep corners of you mouth. They call it peppermint. I have seen, picked, boiled, and drank peppermint. The QuickTabs arent it.
  6. After my fits of laughter ended, I decide that having nothing to add as funny as the posts already submited, I should try to present a serious answer to a most unserious question. Leaving it geometric origins aside, the modern american usage of the word is most often associated with medical matters. As such, my definition of a lozenge does not allow for great taste. It may taste terrible, tolerable, or just ok but it can not be "tasty" regardless of how amazing its other properties may be. No candy may be a lozenge. My favorite all times bar non winner is the Exedrin QuickTab. It takes away pain quickly and does not taste offensive, though no one would call it yummy.
  7. Well, it sound right exept that there were no broken addresses, and this error was generated when Thunderbird was my default mail program. In fact after I configured Outlook and started it before EzWin, it gave me notifications that some program was trying to send mail and asked for permission, but the list of addresses it saw was a long string of ";;;;;;" so I don't know. I guess that blank email addresses would be wrong format. However the fact that it saves a temp addr file is very usefull and I use the data from that. I didnt want to use Outlook anyway. In fact, if I may make a sugestion, exporting the email addresses of the shooters in a match might be easier for everyone anyway. That way they can paste that into their favorite mail software and attach the exported results. So whatever bug fixes show up in the next version, at least keep that temp file around so I can get the address without hassle or have an export button for them. thanx
  8. Never mind. I found a way. It seems that it creates a temp file containing all the addresses. However even with outlook it doesnt generate a usefull mail message. With the addresses and the exported scores I can be happy.
  9. What the heck is this thing trying to do? When trying to email out results even through a default mail program EzWin start generating an infinite number of the following errors in a "microsoft mail" error window: Error Resolving Name(s) The name(s) not underlined were unresolveble It seems that it starts up the default mail program but then calls some windows services to resolve the hostnames? Does anyone have a manual that actually explains what EzWin actually does versus what it says it does?
  10. I'm new at this scoring thing so I'm trying to figure out how to email out some scores. What I would like is the ability to get a list of email addresses of shooter from a match. As I use a web email client as opposed to Outlook or such other program that can be set as the default email client the Email button under the results tab is kinda not usefull. Even if I use Outlook or Thunderbird, how configured do they have to be, do I really have to set up email account? I'm hoping that when I click Send Email in EzWin it doesnt actually try to send email but it just creates a message. So .. Am I crazy? Is there a button I missed? Whats the right thing to do here?
  11. It seems to be built on the 945 frame, which is one of the guns that best fits my hand. I have no need for a .38Super but the .45 has been on my list of "Cool guns to aquire at some point" list for quite some time. Assuming the the ergonomics are similar to the .45 it should be one sweet gun.
  12. Browsing the web lets me know that there are at least 3 types of chemical plating and though I'm sure about it I think that some of the options are not acid based. Now I have myself a project, finding more about plating process.
  13. My only real experience is with 9mm Federal plated brass of which I had about 200 cases mixed with my normal brass. I never have seen one split, chip, flake, exfoliate, or whatever. It has seen about 6 to 7 loadings. based on that experience I have recently purchased about 1500 mixed Speer and Federal 9mm cases and I have loaded and shot about 500 of them and picked up every single one I could find. They all look good as well, even though their first firing was through a Glock (police range was the source). I plan on using the rest of it, for about 5 loadings and then buy some more. At $9 per 1000 I don't care if I throw it out more often. It allows me to load close to 500 per hour in a 550B, the process is smoother. The mags load easier, the gun cycles better and the brass is easier to find. Now, I wonder if there is some history we can put together and see if some brands are better then others. So far I see to people complaining about RP. I have never seen Winchester nickle, and the other I have seen are Fed and Speer and I had no problems with those. May it be that there are multiple ways to plate brass?
  14. Not a big fan myself. Cooking can be fun and fast. Heck there are full meals that I can make almost as fast as a frozen dinner (my time, not the cooking with heat time). That being said, if you burn water and toast is hard for you then take a look at a the frozen meals in a bag type deals. Generally a bag containg vegetables some meat and maybe some pasta, that you throw in a pan and warmup/cook. Kind a like a quick stirfry though they may not actually be a stirfry. Some can even be cooked in the nuke box, assuming you do not have 7 precious minutes to stir this stuff on the gas range. Stouffers Skillet Sensations is one example of the breed.
  15. WWB is about medium for me. Also there are degrees of dirty. For example Titegroup leaves a fine residue that doesnt muck up, but it does also cover the outside of the gun around the muzzle covering up the fiber sights. On the other hand AA #5 must me the worst thing ever. I might just well take handfulls of dirt and throw them in the action. It leaves behind a mud like glue on the guts of the gun but never a trace on the muzzle. And then it all also depends on what pressure kind round you use. Something burn cleaner at higher or lower pressures.
  16. As far as I can tell the only way for the case to tip is if the shell plate is not tight enough. The wrong point would allow the case to slide out but not tip. But it does sound like you have it tight. So ... is anything bent? Is the shell plate itself bent or of the plate under it bent? Are the lips of one of the shell plate stations bent, worn, or thinner? Is the shellplate upside down?Is there some foreign matter between them? Is the detent ball/spring combo the right length? Is there something under the detent spring making them taller? Just some things to look into.
  17. Shot this yestarday. I'm B class production, using a CZ75B 100 points 16.56sec 6.0386HF. First string was in 7s and the second in the 8s. I dont know about this one. It felt very easy and I seemed to be moving very slow though I had the best production score and the second time, maybe the others screwed up bad. The NS's are an afterthought. I guess this is why this one has crazy high HFs. The locked elbows thing was refreshing and watching people fumble hand transitions is always amusing. All and all I liked it but I have no idea why and something about it seems wrong to me.
  18. I loose brass long before it splits. I just got a batch of 9mm nickle brass and it made reloading SO much faster and smoother.
  19. Vlad

    my range buddy

    Oh yeah .. nice doggie .. I also don't get the ear crop thing but at long as it is done in a painless matter I don't care all that much. I just think a floppy ears are better looking and they take some of the "mean" away from the looks of the dog. Given all the bull about the bull breeds and mastiffs, I am of the opinion that anything that makes people actually think rather then react to news reports is usefull so no ear cropping for my dogs.
  20. Vlad

    my range buddy

    Like he has a choice there ... The dog will be well fed one way or another. Plus these "mean" dogs make the most amazing "I'm starving" faces I have ever seen. My American Bulldog has made my mother cry, I kid you not. She stayed with us for a couple of weeks and I had to put the foot down on her feeding him all the time and she burst into tears saying that she just couldnt stand to see him with that suffering face on.
  21. Tuica = Romania (pronounced like Tzuica) It is a clear brandy made out of fermented plums. It is VERY smooth and with a pleasent flavor, which is also its biggest downfall because it has an alcohol content higher then vodka and you can knock yourself out before you have a clue.
  22. Since when is he shooting Limited? No C-more on the blaster
  23. Picture from SHOT: So is that production legal .. and is the bayo minor or major? ps: picture from www.cutom-glock.com
  24. More general Shot Show picks from GunBlast: http://www.gunblast.com/SHOT_Show_2005.htm
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