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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. There are some spoilers of Sniper 3 in this post, but don't worry, I doubt it is possible to "ruin" this movie. Oh, I think Sniper 3 was worse than 2 (which was awful too). I mean... The vietnamese dude running around with 2 pistols, the final stupid standoff, the way TB "kills" the bad guy. The fact that after TB kills him, the entire mob following the bad guy now adores him... For God's sake it was hideous! Note I only said "not as bad" as opposed to "not bad". They were both terrible, we just have the order reveresed. I can live with that.
  2. Oh .. and for pure cheese made with milk from happy cows .. "Night of the Comet"
  3. Sniper 2 was awfull .. specially when he admires his "Mauser" which is a Mosin. Sniper 3 was not as bad, except for those hundred yard hangun head shots while in a roll dive. Who the hell scripted that? The rest was no where near as absurd. Vlad
  4. That and Torque ... Which was extra evil because for some reason I couldnt stop watching despite a lack of any value what so ever. ... Well it did have a very funny line. The protagonist walks away saying "I live my life a 1/4 mile at a time" and his girlfriend says "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard" which was a pretty cool because I hate that line in The Fast and the Furious. Vlad
  5. Whoa there! You mean L. Ron Hubbard not Heinlein. You put Heinlein in the same bag with the scientalogists people are going to come after you with torches and pitchforks. And I'll be one of them .... Vlad
  6. Check this thread out. Oh my god .. I'm slowly turning into Flex. Vlad edited to add BerKim go to it a second or so before me.
  7. I like to see my irons through the dot, but I'm new at this dot thing so take that for what is worth. However I like the irons to line up somewhere in the lower half, under the dot when centered. Vlad
  8. Oh and another very cool thing about that knife I got. The folks giving it to me purchased those knives from one the regular sponsors of our matches. How cool is that, you got to thank your helpers and support your sponsors. I suspect even gift certificates or some other gear from your sponsors would be a nice way to spread the love all around. Vlad
  9. I got a knife recently (I suspect from the same person Nik referenced) and I thought it was a way cool thing to do. I played with that little SOG all nite and then it went into my backpack and goes with me almost everywhere. Vlad
  10. OMG that Segal cover is so wrong. Nevermind the gun, look at the size of his head compared with his hands .. are those even his hands? He looks like a Segal Mini-me. Vlad
  11. But ... but .. Battlefield earth is so much worse because it seems like every bad decission in making that movie was intentional and made by people who should know better. My additions to the list are: Resident Evil 2 Empire of the Ants Battlefield Earth Starship Troopers Day after Tomorow Face/Off Vlad
  12. Try something like the TIKI-T deal from SVI Of course that means that you have to admit that you won the lottery assuming they even make it anymore. Vlad
  13. And other than SSP, CDP is by far the most popular division in IDPA. There's a lesson there, I think. I hate to disagree with you here, as I hold great respect for your opinions. But as far as I can tell IDPA was designed such that the 1911 was the ideal gun for it. It is no different the cowboy sports being protectionist of their gear and designing the game around it. If you design a game aimed at shooting standing on one foot it is going to be popular with people missing a leg. Vlad
  14. A lot of people had constructive advice and critisism in this thread and I think that most of what I could contribute about the "creation" of this division has been already said. However I have a different question. When and how do we decide it has worked or that it has failed? How many shooters do we need to see involved? After how long do we call it a failure or success? If those benchmarks are not set at the outset then how will we ever know if the effort is worth it. Personally I predict failure. You are asking to create a different game within a game. What other design do we protect with its own DIVISION? Why is Flex's question not given more attention? There are a LOT more glocks used then 1911s and I've even sure that a lot more of them are being sold everyday. If the only real reason is to make a class where the SS can be trully competitive because of their capacity issues then why not allow the Sig220 or Taurus 945 or the Ruger whatever, all of them single stack 45s. I really think it is out of character for USPSA to create a protectionist division for the 1911. Think of it this way ... Would you support a USPSA Division for the Colt Single Action Army revolver? After all it can not compete against the high zoot double action revolvers and pivoting cylinders. And think of all the shooters and sponsors we might attract from CASS*! Does this sound like a good idea to anyone? I get that lots of people love the old gun. I do to. I shoot mine in L10 and it is one of my night stand guns. But I do not feel the need to claim that it is the ULTIMATE boom stick of instant death and request a pool in which it can swim by itself. Folks, please rememeber that there is a P somewhere in USPSA and IPSC and we should try to see what works best, not only what worked best at some point. Vlad *The SSA idea was shamelesly stolen from forum member raz-0 who had that idea in our office the other day.
  15. Cabela 7 pocket pants Because the front pockets fit 30 12gauge shells I suspect a lot of us wear some for of BDU inspired pants, even if they look more presentable now. Vlad
  16. Hey SigLady ... not fair listing the contents of your purse. I could start telling you about what I carry in my backpack ... The thing weights about 15lb before I add my 10lb laptop to it. It serves as my laptop bag AND urban survival pack containing my 2day "get me home" bug-out-bag type of gear with everything from food to GPS via spare knives and rain gear. Vlad
  17. Whataheck .. Left Front pocket Streamlight Scorpion and cellphone (unless I forgat the cellphone somewhere in my car, home, or office. I never forget the flashlight). Right front pocket has my key ring and my wallet depending on season (wallet sits in my jacket during the chilly seasons). The key ring includes the usual mess of keys plus my USB drive, and my one time password card for work. My DDR3 folder rides in its one pocket along my right thigh (I love the Cabelas 7 pocket hiker pants). I carry nothing in my rear pockets, but small front pockets (the change type) often have listerine strips or spare rounds to top of my 10 rounders during USPSA matches. My belt has my leatherman WAVE about 50% of the time, the rest of the time in end up in a pocket somewhere as well. I think that also depends on the weather and the number of garments I'm wearing I note that lots of us have LARGE pockets. Vlad
  18. That movie was a pleasent suprise. I added to my blockbuster movie queue based on this thread, and I actually caught it on some premium cable channel last night. I wouldn't call it earthshattering cinema but I enjoyed it. Catch it if you havent already and thanx Erik for pointing it out. Vlad
  19. I broke a Lee 9mm one in my 550 when I was cleaning the press and I forced the ram to high without the shell plate in place. The pin pressed on the shell plate carrier and snapped. Completly my own stupid move. Vlad
  20. Well sorta cheap but not really .. I mean it doesnt include a keyboard, mouse, or monitor in that price. Not to mention that once you add those "accessories" which take a lot of desk space, who cares how small the computer itself is? For $500 you can get Dell Inspirion 1000 Notebook (not from the website but in their paper adds) with the same specs and a better CPU and it already includes the monitor and keyboard. The latest Dell ad I got had a comparable desktop for $249 (without monitor or keyboard). And I'm not even that big of a fan of Dell machines, I'm just using them as an example. I started my professional CS life on macs, but for the last 10 years I have yet to find a single reason to go back. Its Unix and Windows for me. Vlad
  21. I have a Cen-dex for my CZ and a UC for my 1911. I like the Cen-dex quite a bit, but I have no complains about the UC. Vlad
  22. Thank you, Shred. According to Mr Pinto in some older threads, if you refinish your IPSC production gun, you can only have it done at factory. You can not reblue a blued gun at your local gunsmith, for example. Vlad
  23. Heh that would be funny, but I doubt it. I was involved in the role of the sysadmin running a 40k user system from which such an email originated, I wasn't the target of their investigation ... just the guy digging through logs and trying to explain mail forwarding and RFC822 mail headers to two guys who never heard of either. Hey George, we are not trying to scare you. I think its a good idea and more people should do it. However you may be better off trying to get a prepackaged deal managed by someone else (thus removing the liability to some extent) assuming the pricing is reasonable. Vlad
  24. Hey George, what you would need is a wireless router. They run about $50 if you shop around. However you should give some thought to potential liability. It only take one a-hole to give you grief. First off you will be responsible for the behavior of your customers to the cable company. Even more annoying, I hope you never have to deal with the Secret Service when some idiot sends a threat to the President from your shop. TRUST ME! I've had to deal with that problem and they have no sense of humor. That being said, I suspect there are ways to fix some of these problems. Maybe you should talk to your broadband supplier and ask if they have a business account of a type suitable for what you want. They might even have a prepackaged solution for you. Maybe walk into Borders and ask them who their provider is? Vlad
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