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Everything posted by Vlad

  1. Please no. Not again. Do we want production to become a division where you have to buy the gun that holds most rounds to compete? The SP-01 is reported to fit 19rd of 9mm. Do you really think that your 13rd or 15rd wonder 9 will still be competitive? We don't need another gear race. Plus it is more fun. If you want to shoot forever without reloading, shoot limited or open. Argh .. Vlad
  2. I requested some clarifications: To which JA answered: Maybe this is more clear. Vlad
  3. I still don't get why we can't make a SS 1911 Division and leave L10 the way it is. There are more people shooting L10 with non-1911 guns that there people shooting ALL revolvers. Why is it that we have to muck with that as opposed to making something new to fill a perceived void? Vlad
  4. So let me understand .. You think that it would more inclusive because it is easier for 1911's single stacks to compete while excluding USPs, CZs, Glocks, S&Ws, SIGs, High Powers,etc, etc from the game completly? I could buy a Glock 22 and shoot it in 3 Divisions without changes. right now. I can buy a SS and shoot it in 2. By making a SS only division at the expense of L10 you REDUCE options not expand them. If you want to ADD a new SS division, I think it is a bit protectionist for the old workhorse, but I don't much care and I may even shoot in it, but dont exclude so many other guns (and potential shooters) just to make IDPA exiles happy. Vlad
  5. Oh just leave it alone. There are about 15 guns I could name of the top of my head which shoot major ammo and can not hold more 13 or 14 rounds. These guns are popular models, owned by many people, and for which there are no race upgrades for the most part. IF you make L10 a SS division owners of those guns have no place to shoot unless their guns are usable in production and then they better reload so they can shoot minor. If people want a SS divison, then make one. If the SS is so superior then why are its proponents afraid of going head to head against other guns? (NOTE I shoot a SS Springfield in L10). Why should so many guns no longer have a home? In my opinion those who are fanatical about their SS guns will proabably shoot anyway and find a niche, while the new gun owner may get pushed away buy not giving him a place where he can compete? Regardless of what the purpose of this new division is, we should make sure that we dont throw out a good thing. If money is the main issue why you want to replace a division with another as opposed to making a new one, I strongly suggest you look at the numbers from the nationals and take a long hard look at that division with 17 competitors before you screw around with L10. Vlad
  6. Also in the interest of clarity this is the message which I initially sent him, in case it makes the original answer less cryptic: Vlad
  7. More info .. I further asked: To which JA answered: Just sharing .. Don't you wish there was a website or something containing all these answers Wait ... Do we still have the 2000 thing? I though we had a list? What happens with all those "production" guns like the SP01 which are used in competition but of which only 100 where made? Vlad
  8. Another vote for Cat Crap. It is not perfect and somedays NOTHING helps, but so far it has been better then anything else I tried. vlad
  9. John Amidon wrote to me: "Extended, beveled, or enlarged mag wells are not allowed in Production, technically, being as it is considered part of the grip body is another issue to look at along with whether it is external or internal." So the answer is no. I assume that if the factory sells it beveled you are good. Vlad
  10. I'm curious if a production gun can have it magwell beveled. Is it an internal modification or external? I'm sure that under IPSC it is a no-no but how about USPSA? Vlad
  11. My wife runs a non profit doing spay/neuter and release. She recently hit the 2000 cats mark. She uses the Tru Catch traps ( 36 inch model prefered). Ideally get 2 traps (borrowed or bought) because if the two cats are really bonded to each other you may have some serious problems with one traped and one loose, such as one trying to free the other one and breaking nails and spraying blood all over the place. No matter which trap you get, line the bottom with a towel such that it hides the trigger plate and use smelly fishy bait. DO NOT put the bate in a glass or ceramic plate as they are likely to brake it and cut themselves. Use a sheet to cover most of the trap it will make it more inviting and it will keep them calmer once trapped. Otherwise some beat themselves against the cage trying to get out. If you need more help send me an email and you can call us and talk to my wife. She really knows her stuff. Vlad
  12. Oh I agree. I'm not out to outlaw SIG's I'm just pointing out a small flaw in the rules. And on topic, Jon does raise and interesting point. The CZ75 platform has a safety model and a decocker model. The decocker model drops the hammer to the 1/2 cock notch (as far as I've been told, I havent seen one). Jon could make an argument that the standard model should only be decocked as far as well. Honestly I don't think it makes that much of a difference. Detlef, I omited that because it made no difference and I aknowledged the production requierments eliminate one of the options. Sorry if that confused anyone. Personally I see no disagreement between and the Production rules. adresses Selective Action guns used in ALL divisions not just production. I could use my CZ in DA for Production or in SA in L10 and the rule gives me the flexibility to start in SA in L10. Vlad
  13. Sorry Jon, but there is Hangun Ready Positions/Self-loading Pistols/Selective Action which reads: "Selective Action - Chamber loded with hammer fully down or chamber loaded and hammer cocked with external safety engaged." However the rules for production exclude the second option. Which leaves you with "hammer FULLY down" hence no half cock. I would also like to start my CZ that way but it is not to be. What I think is an issue that no one wants to touch is that a lot of guns can't even "fully" do what the rule asks. For example SIGs have the hammer fully down only when actually firing and a decocked SIG is most certainly not "fully" down. The Decocker version of the CZ also only drops the hammer to the safety notch as far as I understant and that fine for that gun. Yet I'm not holding my breath waiting for those guns to be taken of the list because they can not comply with the rules. Vlad
  14. Huh .. no .. You have to start hammer down but you can cock it as you draw. What that does to the half cock I don't know. I wonder if that wording allows for a half cock start. However on the bright side, I belive that the CZ firing pin is shorter then the channel in which it resides which means that it would have to be an HUGE blow to the hammer to push it out the firing pin hole. I think if you just push the pin from the back of the slide to be flush, the front does not come out of the firing pin hole. I'll have to check that on my 75B and you should check it on your 85. Vlad
  15. Not that you should ever try it, but I know that I have done at least 3 times. All of those where about me being stupid and tiered and not intentional. Every time I've done it it was a clear sign that I need to stop and go to sleep. No a single one went boom. That however does not mean that the 4th one won't. I wear safety glass when I load and so should everyone else. Vlad
  16. I highly recommend Cabelas 7 Pocket pants, in all variation. I own about 7 pairs of their shorts and 5 or so of their pants. One pair is the 3% Spandex one and it did me well at our 3gun match. I do not yet own the flanel lined version but I think I will shortly. Clearly I love the design or I wouldn't own so many pairs. They all wear well and the only problems I have seen with them is that a few have lost their button though that has more to do with my "shape" then with the pants. What really rocks are the front pockets. The two main front pockets are HUGE but colapse well. I can fit 35 loose 12ga shells on either side and they dont jump out while running The knife pocket on the right side is also pretty cool and it actually holds my knife pretty well. Try a pair. They are cheap too. They may not be your cup of latte but I like them. Vlad
  17. I built a couple out of PVC pipe and joints. Take the sticks you want to use and see which ones fit what diameter pipe. In my case I found a combo that mated rock solid, but I don't remember the dimenssions and it is too damn cold to go the garage and mesure them right now. A couple of feet of pipe combined with a couple of T joints and elbows will run you about $4. use the elbows as ends pointing up in which you plant the stick. Use the two T joints between the elbows connected with bits of pipe. Add two bits of pipe to each T joint to stabilize the whole thing, and make the whole thing look like a damaged cross. $4 of materials and 10min of work. It's very light too. Vlad
  18. In my experience AT tires are a good all around tire but they stink in any one extreme environment when compared with tires designed for that problem, and that shouldn't be a real surprise. I like Pirelli Scorpions AT for general off road driving. Mud tires are great in mud but horrible on roads and ice. Remeber, 4W drive helps you NOT get stuck. Once you are stuck .. you need a friend. Vlad
  19. Foamy rocks. All the Foamy cartoons are a riot. www.illwillpress.com Vlad
  20. How about this one? Not only does it have a fiber front sight but it is stainless and it seems to have a different frame with an extended beavertail. I don't know if it is worth $900 as you still might want to add some rear sights. Vlad
  21. What if the rules are wrong? Are governments and courts without fault or failure? That thread drift aside, I now need to know what was the error that Duane pointed out. I can't seem to find it with a search. Vlad
  22. Well DSA thinks you can make them really short. Like 16" short. They also have a gunsmithing service and they might be willing to answer some questions. Here is a neat little gun for you. Vlad
  23. This stuff is fun to read, but just so you know there are still places where things like this still get shot. At my clubs 3gun matches we use 2 real vechicles (a truck and a sedan) and we do start shooting from inside or around and recovering weapons form trunks and so on. The fun part is when you start shooting your 16" comped AR from the driver sit out the passager side window and you set the headliner on fire. Vlad PS: When retrieving shotguns from trunks make sure that you dont rip the sights of the gun and have to shoot 8 targets with slugs and without a front sight. Don't ask me how I learned this.
  24. That after years of being smug about my 20/20 vision and ignoring my mild astigmatism I jumped one class within one month after getting glasses. What I really learn is that sometimes you have to put aside pride, vanity and the like and just do the right thing. It pays off more then you might expect. Vlad
  25. I've been flirting with the idea of a Saiga .308. AK design 16" or 20" barrel for about $300 new. I want one just because but it might make a fun Heavy metal gun anyway. Vlad
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