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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by TheOtherErik

  1. I never got my cd from the match. Looks like they turned out pretty good.
  2. Hopefully tomorrow the really good storys will get posted when most of our members will get home.
  3. One of the oldest and longest running charity matches in USPSA's history is just around the corner. This year we hope to break the $100k mark of money given to the Santa Clara county Toys for Tots program. Great people, Great fun, Great cause! Come join us! 5 great stages desgined by our forum members. Open Squadding. More info and entry form
  4. Update on the windmill situation. Finally ended up buying Robert Porter's windmill. He was good to deal with and responded to my e-mails promptly. As far as the product I give it a 7 out of 10. The windmill was constructed out of square and rectangle tubing. The welded joints were decient with very little splatter. My two biggest complaints where the with the base and the pole. The base was "H" shaped which was great but here were no holes in it for stakes to secure it to the ground. Next the upright. To save on shipping he used two 2' secions of 1'' square with a 1.5" square sleve about 6'' joining the two and secured by two cariage blolts. The windmill worked fine like this but it was very wobbly. I tried peening the tubes togeher like he sugeseted. but still ended up being unstable. If you have limited space its great because it can be broken down. I wanted a more solid piece so I replaced the sectioned upright with a length of 2'' square tubing and welded it to the base. Supplied with the windmill were two weights, 1lb and 5lb. The 5lb was the motor weight and was wound up on a pulley on the main center shaft. The 1lb weight was the starter weight and was looped around one of the target sticks. Prop the windmill up with an activator stick and your ready to go. Pull the activator stick out and vrooom. The windmill rotates with the starter weight and drops off at the bottom and the motor weight unwinds and keeps it going. you get about 20 or so revolutions before the motor weight is complelty unwound. It was however a little slow for my taste and am still experimenting with different weights. 10lb motor and a 5lb startder get it going super fast. With its origonal speed a C class shooter can easily get two shots per target as they go by. The darn thing works good but takes a bit of time to set up. It could possibly slow stage down. Im gonna try it at our match next weekend and will probably use a popper to activate it. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  5. Thanks for all the encouragement guys. Im on the 3rd week and doing great. I dont really get many cravings any more and the attitude is much better. I still eat too much but its starting to slow. I moved a step down on the patches and havent really noticed much difference. In fact twice the patch fell off during the day and didn't notice. I should be done with them in another week or so.
  6. I have used Clays, WST and n320 in 45 from bullets from 155-230 all are clean. Its a matter of preference You still wont be able to avoid cleaning your gun once in a while.
  7. I finally decided to quit smoking after 10 years. All the reasons were good.... my health...my family....and most important... my money. $1700 a year!!! Its been a little over two weeks now and its been a bumpy ride. At first, just about every one that annoyed me induced the urge to strangle them 'til their eyes pop out. The patch helps but its nothing like the real thing. Dry fire helps alot to calm the cravings, but I can't do that at work where I smoked the most. Shooting my first match one week after quiting really was horible. I was way to edgy, and couldn't relax. I made many mental errors and I hit a no shoot 3 feet in font of me. It really upset me all my errors were due fact that my body fet I was witholding somthing form it... a stupid cigarette. I also found myself eating more and have gained some weight, wich is even worse because I am allready overweight. I am running out of notches on my safariland belt! The second week has been alot better. The cravings are few and far between. People say that I have been more plesant to be around. Im going to shoot another match in two weeks, hopefully my head will be in the game. Shooter Grrl, your going to have to find a new smoking buddy... or maybe you should quit too!
  8. Erik and I know the rest of the guys they frequent the clubs in nothern Cal. Alex Umpa is primarily an open shooter, A open , B lim. Mike Ignacio is a B lim shooter and C Open. He has a really messed up knee. Ron Dows a C lim and C open... He is a character... and I think he placed in D open at last years Nats.
  9. Erik, Have you shot the 121s? How do they compair to the 115s and 124s?
  10. I dont think that the tight group is going to work well for you as it is a much faster powder than the others you mentioned. the slower powders will have more gas to work the comp.
  11. Im currently running the limcats for my race guns and am uning the 773s for my single stack bolth are good. The trouble I have with the limcats is when I bend over and my gut pushes the mag out. never have fallen out when running. The real awnser is carry more mags than you will possibly need. at least one ot two extra. then it wont matter if a full one hits the dirt.
  12. I wish i were going.... but looking at the open and limited stages it looks like they are going to use the same props with slight variations and change the target placement around a bit. not many completly different looking stages. I think that the people that shoot both guns will have a slight advantage the second week.
  13. Actually the thumb rest thing is kinda nice. A freind has one. It gives a more stable feeling grip and gives the gun more of a 1911 feel as if you were riding the thumb saftey. but as far as reducing recoil...yeah right. If i were to put one on my glock I would blend the edges down where it meets the back strap. THe other thing is that it would not be legal for production use.
  14. Welcome to the forums.... One thing to look, for assuming that you are right handed, is to make sure that you are not pushing it up with your left thumb and pushing on the pin with the your trigger finger when your finger is out of the trigger guard.
  15. I have also read that ramshot silouette is the same as the discontinued winchester WAP. Even if the powders are the same you should use the manufactures data for the powder you are using.
  16. If i recall correctly from talking with others the AP 38 super and the 38 super rimless have the same head stamp. the only difference is that you will have a lable on the box that says rimless. I have a few pieces of rimless that has the 02 mark on it. perhaps that is the year it was manufactured. The head stamp diameter is 0.385 Regular super runs about 0.403
  17. I second that...but arn't all costner movies like that. I could have used more gun fights the way the previews portrayed it. heck, I didnt even know it was about cattle hearders. thought it was just going to be shooot em up bang bang. but over all it was very good.
  18. I thought you were gonna have some Iraqi terrorist theme
  19. I saw some video of it used in a stage and it looks like its slow enough to get two shots off. windmill stage im sure you can adjust how fast it goes. Nolan what is the name of your stage?
  20. but you would..... even if it were just to get at the family fortune
  21. Well, Erik...i want to buy it just so i can watch you struggle with it...and you thought swingers were you freinds. Really its for the chairity match. I have to out do your stage.
  22. opps hada double post here.... i think i have it straight here... Robert's desgin is the one that was featured in the article but Dan was the first person to desgin and build one?
  23. Loita wrote of the one I am looking for, although that one with the steel no shoots looks ineresting. So who's is better/cheaper Dan's or Robert's. and whats the falure rate of this windmill prop? Is it going to work every time for a two day match with 100 shooters or so? How hard is it to reset. From what I remeber it has a rope with a weight on the end of it that you wind up on a spool on the back of the target stand. And would it be better to hand activate it or use a popper.
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