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Everything posted by TheOtherErik

  1. I dont have the rule book handy but, if Luiz quoted it exactly, you dont know which direction they are refering to... Roll, pitch or yaw. Its not clear.
  2. Rene the owner is a good guy...I order lots of stuff from him.
  3. check speed shooters international www.speedshooter.com they say they have them in stock on their page.
  4. it wouldent be that much to fix up the SV all you would need is a new barrel and breach face and to have them fitted if you wanted to go the limited routed. The gun smith issue is a problem at least for northern california. Nobody I know of specializes in IPSC guns. Any major work would have to be sent out. I think Mellow's best bet is to go with the Para or look for a good used gun. He would be shooting sooner. I think he can go the Dawson route as long as the frame that the gun was built on was on the drop test list. I'd check with the CA DOJ or you local gun shop that knows the laws.
  5. A target that is 90 degrees from upright would be horizontal or parallel to the ground
  6. I've been through this crap reciently. Lets break down your options. IF you want to buy a new gun in california it must be on the DOJ aproved list. You can do whatever you want with it after that. You CAN'T purchase a new frame in california from any manufacuter. USED guns do not have to be on the list but the must be registered in the state to private party transfer Options: 1. private party transefer a NIB frame from some one who is willing to give it up that lives in the state. 2. Private party transfer a used race gun from some one that lives in the state. I've seen plenty on nice limited guns for sale in california. open guns are bit harder to come by. 3. Buy a new Para p16 limited. have a gunsmith touch it up. 4. buy the SV gun that is aproved and have a new top end built for it. The SV is only avalible in .45 in california. 5. buy a glock 35 and try and find hi caps 6. move out of state Options 3 and 4 are your best bet. If your just starting out I would recomend the para p16 limited because its less expensive and basically ready to go. all you would need to buy is a magwell. If money is no object I would go with the SV and you can have what ever options you want built on your new top end. I was lucky enough to get a CA Edge when they first came out and just PPT an very nice used open gun. good luck...
  7. The other thing I ment to say is that I dont think there is a specific rule that states how much time a competitor has to LAMR. There should be if there isn't. Erik-
  8. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. It should take you less than a min to load your gun a make ready. There is no need to take a 15 sight pictures and dry fire on every visible target from the start box. Also you shoulden't be able to practice your draw and exit from the start position 10 times. Once is sufficent. Dry firing and draw practice should be done at home. Some people also mentaly visualise the entire COF after the LAMR in the starting box using thier hands. This should be done during the walkthru or when your are on deck. When you are called to shoot you should be ready equipment wise and mentally. Doing your preparation in the start box only delays everyone else.
  9. OK lets talk load data now... where is a rough place to start with a 115g bullet and a 124g bullet with n350. The gun has a 4 port comp and two barrel ports.
  10. Yeah its pretty much like all of them except the external shape of the comp it a bit different. It has the guide rod that extends all the way to the end of the comp. It does have two holes in the barrel. It has a C-more. He shot the gun in one match and hung it up. I got basicly brand new gun. (Edited by TheOtherErik at 10:42 pm on Jan. 12, 2003)
  11. OK im covinced. Im going to make the transition to small rifle for everything when I run out of small pistol primers. I dont know what firing pin is in there right now. The gun is still on lock down by the great state of california for 6 more days. I have a limcat firing pin that I purchased for my limited gun as a spare. I guess I should throw it in for good measure when I pickup the gun. Erik, I vaguely remeber your problems with the factory primed brass. I thought just had a few duds. Guess it was more serious than that. The gun was built by Dan Ruff so it should be really similar to yours.
  12. You could use the compressed air to run a pump that presureizes the water.... quick call the pattent office.
  13. So is it almost positive that I would expect to see primer flow when using a small pistol primer with a major PF load?
  14. I did a search and couldent find exactly what I wanted. Im going start shooting open in a few weeks and need to work up some loads. I will be using 115 and 124 gr bullets with n350. I the question is are rifle primers neccessary or are they just used as a extra precaution? I have a ton of small pistol primers that I'd like to use.
  15. if you ask my mother she would tell you to look under your bed
  16. The real point is that it shouldn't matter. We compete with in our given division. If your an L10 shooter your going to have to do a standing reload between the two arays, but your not competeing against the open shooter won't have to. It really only matters if you really care about the combined overall scores. Its a lame rule in my opinion.
  17. Now you have to get some air tools Erik. 1/2 impact gun and a 3/8 and 1/4 air ratchets and a die grinder air drill and air saw. Air tools are awesom. I dont go a day without using them. I remeber one time at work when the power was out almost the whole day, I thought I was going to die because I had to resort to hand tools.
  18. I dont really see that there is a proplem with ammo. In the many matches that i have been here in the US i cant recall ever seeing loaded ammo in the vendors area. Components yes but ammo no. I do however think that there should be some gide lines for the vendor area regarding guns. Its a really uncomfrotable feeling being swept by the muzzle of a gun across the chest. Erik-
  19. Best: 1 case of montana gold .40 180gr cmjs and brians book. Worst: Ugly red and yellow plad flannel shirt among other hideous artilces of clothing. I really don't like when people give me clothes as gifts. It usualy never my style and allways the wrong size.
  20. If your really worried about it you could wear latex gloves. A good scrubbing with water and soap is good enough.
  21. Weather or not the RM made the right call, he still should have discussed the matter with you before making his final decision.
  22. No matter what combination of basepand and follower you use, being able to reload the mag with 20 rnds in it is almost next to impossible without a tuned mag tube. I have some Grams base pads springs and followers and am able to get 20 rnds into it but I can't hit the reload. There just isnt enough give to fully reach the mag catch. I know if pay the money to have my tubes tuned it would be no problem. But they work perfect the way they are and rarely encounter an situation where that 1 extra round is necessary. Grams and Dawson, among many others, offer tube tuning services.
  23. TheOtherErik


    I hate it too...It takes me 30-45 min to travel 10 miles to work!!! 15 of which are waiting to get on the freeway! I hate meetering lights!!! I would take sdurface streets but there is no real direct route they are just as congested and the signal light timing is horrible. and public transit would take even longer. Can't win! I think half of the Califonians should more to North Dakota
  24. I think he should have bought a FORD lightning...and he whouldn't have these decisions to make.
  25. Its coincidence this topic just started. Just the other day at my local indoor range someone blew up thier glock. Personally I think that it was his ammo that he had loaded. looked like it was about 1.100, couldent tell for sure but it was deffinatly short. Along with the unsupported chamber ment disaster for this guy. its funny though, he shot about 30 rounds before the misshap. The only other glock explosions I personally know of are squib explsoions. One the guy was shooting lead and the lead built up in the barrel and stoped the bullet form exiting the barrel and he fired a second shot. BOOM The other was from poor reloading. Agan, antother squib and a follwing shot. Bolth instances the guns were complely distroyed. I really have never heard of a problem with glocks and factory ammo but thats not to say that there isnt. Most of problems i am aware of are with reloads, which glock doenst recommend. I you choose to go against thier guidlines it is at your own risk. I do own a glock 35 and shoot IPSC production with my own reloads. The loads are really low pressure for minor. Even with a 130PF the cases still bulged. I argree that the chamber does need to be tightend up and supported more.
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