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Everything posted by TheOtherErik

  1. I hate loud noises when im trying to sleep. Kids with systems in thier cars drive by and the bass rattles my upstairs windows.... I have a stereo cabible of shaking the house but I dont drive at 11pm with the amp cranked up in a residential area. Kids with thier Import cars drive by with obnoxious mufflers...I have a car with a loud muffler but I dont downshift though 4 gears comming to a stop sign and proceed to floor it at 11PM I also hate the POS cars with thier squeeling belts, popping CV joints and howling wheel bearings. Most of all I hate the City bus. Not only is it noisy when it drives by every half hour, but as soon as the driver opens the door a loud speaker comes on and says.."line 77, Great Mall" The bus stop is over 75 yards away around the corner. Also does any one know how to mute a dog? The neighbor has a few that howl all night...Shooting them isnt quite legal... I think I need to double plug
  2. THe limcat comes with two different inserts one for STI/SVI(installed form factory) and one for singlestacks and paras with the rounded trigger guard.
  3. Scooter, every try to get ahold of Johnny when you need something done? Almost next to impossible. As for Bruce Gray...I have heard the name but idont know of anyone who uses him.
  4. Anybody use one...the price seems nice and it has the intagrated blast sheild...how does it compare to the others out there.
  5. just immagine what kind of post game riots will break out in oakland if the Raiders win the superbowl.
  6. I have 8 different IPSC clubs that I conscider local. All are within a 1.5 hr drive. Some clubs average 10 shooters some others average 40+. Some arn't worth geting out of bed for. I could if I wanted(afford) to, shoot every day of the weekend during ther month. I think the format of the club has a lot to do with attendance... i.e. individual bays, number of stages...etc. The club that I am board member of has one large bay where we set up 2 stages in the morning tear down and do 2 more in the afternoon and 2 squads alternating. Makes for quite a long day. We average 25 shooters. A club that has 5 bays, 4 squads and has stages allready set up when you get there by its club members averages 35+. A club that has 4 bays, open squadding and lets you shoot multiple guns has 80 guns go trough on a good day... I hate to say it..less work and more shooting is going to bring attendance. When your dedicated club members do all the work...they eventually get burned out...and the club suffers.
  7. It would tickle me pink to see the Bucs beat the Raiders. Teach 'ol Al Davis a lesson for getting rid of a good coach. The Bay Area isn't a very good place to be a coach. Every Professional team in the area has replaced thier head choach with in the last year.
  8. This Isn't an Area 5 specific comment, however I feel that its high time we revise the classifers. Im tired of shooting the same dozen over and over again. Many of them look great on paper but are a royal pain to set up so nobody puts them on.
  9. ... ranting drift mode Quote: from BDH on 5:27 am on Jan. 17, 2003 Maybe I'm just a dreamer, but I sure would like to see USPSA grow to the next level, expecially since we are under a pro-gun administration right now, and not being hammered on the nightly news about how evil guns are, etc........ The Bush Admin...can't really control what the individual states do....look at California. We can't nuy new frames and new race guns are almost out of the picture. At our club we get 3 or four new shooters every month... maybe 1 sticks around for the next 3. I think the cost has a lot to do with it and the inabilty to get race guns in our state. A new shooter show up with his glock or single stack and shoots a few matches. He spends 40 bucks on ammo and 20 on a match fee for a few weeks.. He then realizes that he should spend 500 bucks on a new reloader and suplies. He then ponders the idea of a race gun rig,(which he probalby wont be albe to get easily), to play with the big boys. Fianlly he realizes that this IS expesnive and gets discouraged. ... ranting drift off I like USPSA matches because of the fun, competition, and chanlenges. The biggest reason however is the Friends....trophys are nice too.
  10. Geroge, is that for a 125g bullet?
  11. Thanks for the info guys... Im going to try some of the loads you suggested and see what I like best. I have a ruger GP100 6'' that I will be using in a indoor PPC league. I also wanted a load that is soft for my wife to shoot, yet fast enough for the bullet exit the barrel. I don't own a .22
  12. acc-u-rails break too...I've seen it happen a few times.
  13. IPSC is the worldwide governing body of practical shooting. USPSA is the governing body in the United States. IPSC and USPSA share many of the same rules, however you suould only be concerned with the USPSA rules and divisions if you live in the USA. The divisions in USPSA are Open, Limited, Limited 10, Production, and Revolver.
  14. The two things I forgot to mention that you should get if you haven't allready is the bullet tray and the strong mount. THe bullet tray is really nice. It puts the bullets really close to the seating die. It lets you move your arm only a few incehs to grab a bullet and put it in the seating station. Although the strong mount is not necessary, it really gives the press a much more solid feeling. It can also make up for a lack luster loading bench. Again, I would get the video.
  15. Im looking to work up some loads for my 38 special that are really soft shooting. I prefer the 125gr fp. They need to be around 800-850 fps. I'd also like to use Vv powder. I have lots of n320 and n350. I also have quite a bit of Clays and Win WST. I also have a bit of AA2 improved that I'd like to use up. Most of the data I found puts the velocity at well over 950fps.
  16. Actually the video is really informative...It will show you how to set up the machine and it will also show you how to set the dies. if you havent done any reloading I recomend it.
  17. IT that were the case Sam, you should just can L10 divison and allow SA pistols in production. I think it is fine the way it is. L10 lets the guys use the racey holsters and makes a single stack just as competitive as a double stack.
  18. I knew that the paras could get an easy 20 because of the taper, but never heard of 21. Must be a tight fit...Is it reloadable?
  19. That awnsers my question....the product isnt worth the packaging...
  20. wow! thats news to me.... what is your setup?
  21. What about those sprays that say the prevent comp fouling? Do they work or are they just a waste of money?
  22. id like measure your para mag....i havent heard of or seen a para mag get 21 in it with the correct length base pad. we are talking .40 s&W
  23. Also if you are using mixed brass you could come up with variations in OAL due to the thickness in the headstamp/rim area.
  24. Any one know where the area 1 website went? I think it was hosted by All Vertical which went under. Has it moved or changed names? The link from uspsa's site doesn't work.
  25. You cant forget about rifle ammunition... I think a large majority that load for rifles use a single stage. Hunters and Hipower rifle people what to control every every little detal for accuracy. An automatic powder drop in progresive press is is not as accureate as hand measuring each powder charge. Where as the IPSC shooter can live with one or two tents of a grain difference, a rifle shooter wont. This is, I think, the main reason many people still use a single stage press.
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