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Everything posted by TheOtherErik

  1. I dont know an exact total but, it's gonna be just shy of 180 rounds. bring extra, probably about 300 to be safe .
  2. I got a late start in this topic but ....IMHO L10 should become singlestack with no other change to rules regarding equipment. Production should be as it is but with major scoring.
  3. Geez guys the man wants to chop up his current gun not buy a new one. These cuts are cool and alog with some internal lighenting you get a light slide without the internals exposed to the elements. link to pic
  4. Cloverleaf Never heard that term before. Must be refering to the pattern of the group right?
  5. I recall a something on the discovery channel about crazy safes and vaults. A utility closet had a false back to it that opend up the the vault door. Another, wood panneling in the kitchen wall opened up if you filped the secret switch. There was another where you had to crawl into the fireplace and the side opend up to a stair case leading down to a vault.
  6. I don't have much data for the 45 but with my open and limited gun using Vit powders I get much more consistant results than what you stated. With the .40 I can get SD's less than 16 with ES's of less than 35. With the super I get SD of less than 13 and ES of less than 30. I mostly atribute the results to how well the powder meeters. Not saying that that the Vit is better quality than Clays. Besides are you ever gonna feel 20fpf difference? If you are worried about Extreme spread, check your reloading practices.
  7. Never hurt to ask... You could easily get one back to the large bay. the public side im not too sure of. I haven't really looked over there in a while. I bet they give you a deal if they are empty Its not like we are using them for backstops geez.... As if rotten railroad ties are better? They worked really well at Area 2. The stages were set so that no shots would even come close to the dumpsters. Maybe someoen wo has worked the A2 match can chime in here.
  8. I know im chiming in late here but, I too just reciently ditched the gloified gym locker for a real safe after having ammo lifted from my garrage. "If he has ammo he must have guns too" I ended up buying an American Sercurity safe and am very happy with the quality of it. Nothing is nicer than peace of mind.
  9. Erik, GO BIG! Divide those big ranges up with dumpsters like they do at Area2. Keeps the stage count up and eliminates the bottleneck
  10. I have never done stats but i coud immagine how much time it saves over hand entering all those scores
  11. OK guys less than two weeks to go. Get your entry forms in. Walk-ins are welcome too.
  12. Stage 4 was tossed because on RO inconsistancies. The First group of ROs required the shooters to engage form the 50 yard mark while the others would let you run up as far as you wanted. It didn't meet my expectations. This was match was billed as very high caliber. Prize table yeah, food maybe, but the managment no. We were consistantly 2 hours behind. Our squad started with 10 and by the second day ended up with 6. People were squad jumping and shooting through all over the place. It might as well been open-squadding. But when has a major match ever run on schedual? The PDA scoring worked pretty good once people got the hang of things. but I blame the PDAs for much of the delays. It would have been faster if the if they had small thermal printers to print the scores instead of transfering them to paper for the competitor and the back up copy. I managed 3rd c open, stage 7 and 5 being my best.
  13. Before you take delivery of a handgun in CA you must show proficency in loading and unloading it. There for new guns must come with at least one mag. Insert dummy round in mag, insert mag in gun, cycle slide, apply safety, remove mag, cycle slide... dummy round falls out of gun.....
  14. 6 points now?!?! why not go all out and make a 8 pointed star?
  15. Reading thre Pact chrono decription in the midway flyer What are they and used for? Forumula?
  16. My STI did...im sure that SVI would as well. If the gun is going to CA it must have a mag.....
  17. Um, why? Just 'cause some people don't have the sense to turn around and run (keeping the gun safely down range) doesn't mean it is unsafe to go uprange. Ok I revise my statement. Running uprange is Ok as long as it is done safely. However, the probability of a mishap is greater.
  18. Im just saying that people are more prone to falling on their a$$es running backwards.
  19. Reverse movement is dangerous. I shot a stage where you had to move backwards, saw half a dozen people trip over thier own two feet. One guy fell backwards and landed with his gun pointed toward the crowd. Other stages look ok...some on the unusual side. Too many weird stringy thingys. John, I had a hard time getting them to show. Make sure that you have the latest reader or try another browser. I guess we see what they really look like next weekend
  20. Looks the same as every other comp.
  21. If you still have bolth peices and it was a clean break right at the seam it can be repaired. Member Nolan wrote an article for Front Sight a while back, can't remeber which issue,on how to repair them
  22. Even if there had been no cake pan i still would have DQed him. It was usafe plane and simple. And as Muser said 8.5.1 says you must have a sight picture while engaging targets. NO way there is a sight picture if you are reaching to pick up your gun.
  23. Perfect! Keep it like that. THen it woulden't be a good challenge for a soooper-doooper like you.... you gona be there for the maiden voyage this weekend?
  24. The windmill will start in the same place every time but when it eventually comes to a rest, it might not allways end up in the same place. Most shooters will have finished the stage by the time the thing as eventually comes to a complete stop. Really dont think 4.5.1 adresses this specificly...the windmill hasen't failed. It operated exactly the way it was suposed to. It spins 4 targets around a pivot numerous times powed by a weight. When the weight reaches the end of its travle, gravity and friction are the only factors that remain. The chalenge has been presented "as fairly as possible"
  25. Im going to using a texas windmill in large match in the near future and I have a few questions regarding (9.9.1) as it would be applied to this prop. 9.1.1 moving targets. After completing desgined movement, moving target must either present at least a portion of the higest scoring area("A" zone) when at rest or disappear completly...... The windmill will do both! Im going to have it set up behind baricades so that only one side of the windmill will be exposed. When the thing eventualycomes to a stop 1 of 4 targets or 2 of 4 targests will be exposed. Or possiblly a partial exposeure(NO A zone) at rest. totaly random Its in my opinion that you if you let the thing come to a rest its your own darn fault. You should have shot it while it was moving. But what about the whiners? "when he shot it, the thing had two targets showing. I had this stupid jam and when i got there only one was showing! thats not fair! I want this stage thrown out!" Help me defend my stage.
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