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Everything posted by TheOtherErik

  1. Johnny's match is great. I went last year and placed 2nd C Lim. Very high round count and really fast hoser stages and some tough shots thrown into the mix. Who could ask for more... Shooting during the day and gambleing at night. I plan on being there.
  2. pull it out with a pair of pliers and measure the base. And as long as you dont take any material off the bullet you should still be able to masure it
  3. sure looks like the 125gr .375 bullets that is use for my revolver. Some people have been known to shoot .357 bullets in thie supers. If you have a bullet puller... you could pull it. measure the diameter and weigh it.
  4. Most chronos wont work well indoors they use the sunlight. Unless you have an artificial light source and the chrono is enclosed in a box. Some chronos use pick up sensors that are infa-red so they can be used indoors.
  5. IF you belong to a club try and get them to buy it. That way everyone could get to use it. Our club has a chrono, PACT I think, but it gets mistreated. Even though it's been shot a few times it still works. Im still hard pressed to belive that a club would concider spending $1600 on a chrono when one that cost $200 is more that sufficent.
  6. It wouldent make any difference except it might benifet an inexperienced shooter who isnt good with a double action. Pulling a double action trigger is alot faster than cocking the hammer or racking the slide. The good shooters are still going to use a double action first shot. I say don't change it. Shoot the first shot DA and if you yank it down you better shoot again. Most new shotoers dont dryfire let alone DA dryfire.
  7. Some of my inlaws live in Austin. I visted last year and took a detour to shoot the space city challenge near Houston. Very nice county. Remarkably clean. Anyway on the way back from Houston I was rearended in my rental car by a local. My shooting bag was ejected from the trunk flew 30 feet off the side of the road. My gear was intact but the poor honda civic sedan looked like a hatch back. The fun part was returning the car to the airport and seeing the look on the rental car employee's face when I checked in. The trunk was wired shut with coat hangers and the bumber dragin on the gorund. Brand spankin new car totaled. Who cares it wasn't mine.
  8. I ran into this problem with new .40 brass...I found that tumbling the new brass and increasing the case bell has cured this problem.
  9. ok so what good mounts don't use the rail....
  10. Kurt...I dont think your analogy is quite right. Being a mechanic I perform repairs on Tbirds like yours all day long. I could pull an engine on your car just as easy as I could on a nascar if given the opprotunity. The fundamentals are the same. The same as a 1911 or 2011. The major parts on my Kimber are the same as on my STI, just diffrent a"chassis" Some one that builds a quality 1911 ought to be able to build a 2011. Now the real question is trust. A NASCAR crew cheif wouldent trust me with one of his cars because i dont have experience on a NASCAR buit i certainly have the fundamentals to work on one. Ej45 obviously trusts whoever is building his gun and im sure it will be fine when its done. His magazine problem is really minisquel and can be worked out with a little tuning. Heck, my STI built by STI, used to lock back with one round left in the mag until I fixed it. They are suposed to be "the pros".
  11. Any one that can build a quality singlestack 1911 could most certianly build a double stack 2011. Procedures for fitting the slide, barrel,top end parts and trigger parts are identical to a 1911, the frame is just a little diffrent.
  12. I say you wasted a bunch of time but no procedurals. You met he course description by engaging the targets from the appropriate positions.
  13. Yeah it has a rail. However, won't anything mounted to the rail interfer with a holster. The Leupold looks like it will work... anyone use one of them?
  14. A friend of mine has a glock 24c that he wants to use for open divison in IPSC. He needs to know what scope mounts will work with what race holsters. He currently uses a ghost holster for limited.
  15. I run about 5.1 gr of n320 in my .40 with a 180 montana gold. OAL is 1.200. If you do some searching you'll find lots more of data. Remeber start low and work up.
  16. Quote: from Erik Warren on 11:18 am on Feb. 1, 2003 Mounts are supposed to be at about a one-degree angle, IIRC. Maybe yours was made wrong or the holes drilled wrong. That may be true but the 800MOA of adjustment that c-more claims to have should be able to compensate for that, like 9x25 said. The previous owner chewed the screw up pretty good. I know the screw is very stiff in bolth directions but I have reached the point where I feel it stops. you gonna be at the match tomorrow Erik? Maybe you could look at it after we're done. It's acceptable enough to shoot but its not quite where I want it.
  17. By the naked eye it looks perfectly paralell... but The elevation screw is VERY hard to turn in the directon i need to go. Im afraid if I turn it any more something will break. Going in the oposit direction is easy. Something Just looks funny about the elevation screw. Its almost as if the screw is coming out of the scope base. Well at this weekends match i'll have to look at a few to see. Then maybe try to take the elevation screw out
  18. I finally got my new(to me) Open blaster and went to check the zero. I found that it was about 1.5 inches too low at 15 yards. I then proceded to try and adjust the evevation and found that I could not turn the elevation screw(yes lock screw was loosened) any further to raise the point of impact. I think I have ran out of threads on the elevation screw and have bottomed out on something. Looking underneith the base of the lense at the elevation screw I see a shoulder on the elevation screw that is exposed from the base of the scope. I compared it to a friend's c-more and the shoulder on the evevation screw is not exposed. I also noticed that the angle from the lense base in relation to the scope base is much smaller on my C-more as compaired to my friend's. The posibilitys that I came up with are: The scope is messed up, the mount is not square, or the scope mount holes were not correctly machined into the frame. I am a little leary of taking the scope apart to see what the screw is bottoming out on. I had thought of shimming the front of the scope or trying a new mount. What is your guys' opnion on this matter.
  19. I second on the win small pistol primers in the .40 no signs of pressure....however when I do run out I probably will make the transion to exclusivly use small rifle in my 40 and super. The last gun show I went to the small rifle were cheaper than the small pistol by about 5 bucks per 10k.
  20. At our club we give out quarterly awards. You must compete in at least 3 matches to qualify. wi give out a division match wininner and 1st-3rd class winners. With 2 matches a month you have the opritunity to win 2 awards per quarter. Another club I go to gives out belt buckes calculated by year end points along with a nice banquet.
  21. Well before Christmas I placed an order at Amazon.com for to copys of the Band of Brothers DVD box set, One for personal use and one to give as a gift. Well I finally got around to opening my copy up and discoverd that the set had been misspackaged. My set contained two copys of "disk 3" and was missing "disk 4". Knowing that I was well beyond the 30 day return policy I emailed them anyway. I got a resposne back within 5 hours and they tod me that they would send me out a fresh copy and a prepaid mailing lable to send back the old one. A box showed up the next day with a new correct set and I sent off my old copy. Great service and fast turnaround...two thumbs up to Amazon (Edited by TheOtherErik at 2:03 pm on Jan. 28, 2003)
  22. Siglady...my situation is an every day occurence in the silicon valley ghetto. That reminds me of another thing I hate....Inflated cost of housing. Anyone with a 6 week class in web desgin flocked to Californina 5 years ago like it was the gold rush. Now a run down 2br apartment goes for well over $1200...and a 4br house...well over $400,000 no matter how old... now if i move to the state next door. that same apartment is 300 bucks and the house is going for $120,000 brand new. Anyonw know where a highy accredited auto technician can make a good living with cheap housing...dicent weather is a plus.
  23. That's a good idea Dave, but I was looking for something a little more perminant. Besides I coulden't see wasting good ground beef on a dog...I could use it cook something from scratch
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