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Everything posted by spook

  1. I have one of the original "model of 1988" 625's and it has a round butt.
  2. I'm with you on this man. I never got that whole "trigger-prepping-during-recoil-thing" down. My splits are still slow as hell (never went below .20s). I do prep when I go from target to target though.
  3. I would also take a Dremel or a hobby knife and cut the grooves off. Simple, cheap and you already like/know the rest of the grip without the finger grooves
  4. FWIW, Ricardo Lopez shot a 12 lbs. trigger at the last WS. 96+% of Miculek isn't too shabby <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That just means he's a man... a manly man... a man in tights... tight tights. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Roaming the forest for fights? Well, he might look like a sissy, but he will put out your lights
  5. FWIW, Ricardo Lopez shot a 12 lbs. trigger at the last WS. 96+% of Miculek isn't too shabby
  6. Shred is right. HK has an IPSC team in Europe. The WS Standard Lady winner for instsnce is sponsored by them.
  7. There's a thread out here somewhere that deals with the "shooting .355 bullets in a .357 barrel". I remember that it doesn't matter for accuracy very much (accuracy still being plenty good enuff for our game). I know Tom Kilhoffer makes the 9mm L-Frame clips (used for his 9x23 conversions) and sells them for $34,95/10 clips. If you reload, you could relaod your 9mms with .357 bullets I guess.
  8. spook

    I hate that

    Guilty, until proven innocent! My favorite form of injustice ;-) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, you guys are probably right... Some things never change....
  9. spook

    I hate that

    I just use my TV as a monitor for DVD's. Wonder what they would have to say to me
  10. I agree with this, particularly since the rules can be interpreted to prohibit the introduction of the finger into the trigger guard during the loading process. Back when I was a pin-shooter, I always pulled back the trigger slightly and spun the cylinder to make sure everything was rotating properly. Now, I have all my moonclips loaded up before the match, and test every one of them the night before to make sure they're drop right in. This is a better practice anyway, it would seem, since you're not going to be able to do the spin-check on anything other than your first moonclip on each stage, right? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I also check the night before... I guess it's something all of us revolverinos can identify with; "Checking the clips the night before" Anyways, I might be a pussy, but I'd be just as scared to put a hole in the hotel room wall as to have an AD online The small hammers look great. I have an old old 625 sitting in my safe that I am going to butcher tomorrow. I hope the result will be as good as your guns (anyone who has ever seen me wield a powertool, please stop lauging )
  11. Hi Spook, I bobber the hammer and now the trigger is very smooth, I'm not problem to transfer the gun from right to left hand. I have a question, is it possible change the original cylinder with Ti, the rule permitted this? Best, Igor <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Igor, The rules permit the Ti cylinder ONLY IF S&W ever offered the 625 in that configuration. You will have to ask the factory if they ever made a gun like that. I did the same thing for my wide serrated trigger. Got an email back that they made 625 with those triggers, so I was good to go Bjorn
  12. I still have the spur. I use it to transfer the gun from my strong hand to my weak hand. Also, I use it to check if my clips are bent. It's safer than pulling back the trigger a little.
  13. Geez, just read the Rosie O' Donnell interview with Tom Selleck. I am GLAD that her show doesn't air here. +1 on the hollywood hypocrits. I think Arnold Schwarzenegger would be on that list too
  14. So true... I have said this before, but too much dryfire will result in a shooter competing in 2 games; shooting and dryfire. When my dryfire ratio was too high, it did more harm than good. Now I always dryfire with the live fire in mind.
  15. Or, you can continue to dry fire. The blister will go away and you will get used to it (I swear! )
  16. Hi Sascha! Yes, I know them. Great Steel Shooters. They still shoot with speedloaders and are FAST with those things. I am a right hander and I reload holding the clip in my left hand. I feel this technique is slightly faster when executed the right way (maybe .15 avg). I can get down to 1.7s on demand this way (7yd. targets). And it all depends on how fast you can do it on demand. If you screw up one reload out of every ten, your advantage is gone. Like Hopalong said: pick one way and practice it.
  17. Hi Igor!! Welcome!! Yes Hopalong is a great guy. Your English is very understandable. I think you will like t here Ciao! Bjorn Dietrich
  18. Thanks guys! Hopalong, thanks for the words man. It is much appreciated. I must admit however that I am very disappointed with my own performance. I made three very costly (and stupid) mistakes that cost me over 100 matchpoints. I don't even want to think about the fact that I had Ricardo at 92% at last years European Championships (of course, that was a home court advantage for me) It was very cool to talk to Jerry during/after the Shoot-Off. He is a very laid back friendly man. And of course he shoots like an animal! And I had the pleasure to meet Cliff Walsh. Too bad we didn't roll with the same squad. Cliff is a great guy. I tried his gun in the safety area and all I can say is “WOW”. Randy Lee turned that revolver into a miracle! If you ever want your wheelgun tuned, look no further. I have seriously never seen anything like it before. I would like to thank Merlin Orr, Stewart Lewis (Hey Quicksdraw!), Henny Schmitz (Schmitz) for their awesome support! Thanks guys! You have made a dream come true. Fortunately I didn’t cash the check by shooting a brilliant match But it it wasn’t for guys like you I wouldn’t have even attended the match! I will not forget this! I don't know if I'm going to try for the title again in 2008. I must say that I’d rather go to the US Nationals next year to try and beat Jerry than to go to another World Shoot. Of course, I just got back and am tired as hell, so the last thing I want to thing about now is traveling to another match. It was a fun match and I had a ball both on and off the stages with my friends. But I must also admit that it was “just another match”. Besides the presence of the world’s best shooters, I cannot point out anything that made this match better than some others. I seriously hope that the current powers that be will choose a civilized country for the 2011 WS. I got really sick twice from eating at the two most expensive hotels in the country (or maybe I’m just a pussy). Also, on the second day, the cab we took from the range to the hotel “ran out of gas” (the meter said the tank was still half full. So we have to push our cab of the highway and into the berm of an exit. The driver tells us that there’s a gas station 2 miles down the road. He stops a cab and tells us that he’s going to get some gas. About two minutes later, Ricardo Lopez, his dad and two of his friends drive by and see us standing in the side of the road. They ask us what is going on and we tell them the story. The four guys get out of their car and tell us that they are going to wait until the cabdriver gets back. The two friends pull up their shirts and show us the Glocks they are carrying. Ricardo tells us that the cabdriver might be getting a friend with a gun rather than gas, because the driver knows we have guns. He told us that stuff like that happens a lot in Ecuador. Nice place to host a big match… BTW, Jerry let me know that he would like to shoot some matches in Europe next year. Of course, this is great news. I promised to send him some information on the matches with lots of revolver shooters (like last month’s German Nationals, that had 50). Anyways, time for a vacation I guess. Thanks a lot guys! Bjorn
  19. Hi guys, Don't have much time cause I gotta go to bed early for the Shoot Off tomorrow. But Jerry won, Ricardo is 2nd and I'm 3rd. Ricardo has about 98% and I will most likely come in at 94-96% It has been a tough match for all of us. I'll tell you all about it when I get back!
  20. Leavin' for the airport in 5 minutes! See you guys after the World Shoot!
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