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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. I suspect group of heavily armed ISPC shooters might not be a good target for the terrorist types. It is my understanding that the WS host nation does permit visitors to carry for protection and, the last I checked, competitors will be required by law to leave their guns in an armory which will be set up at at least one of the major hotels and may not even keep the guns in their hotel room for the evening. My guess is that it would be a serious violation of law to carry a hot gun to the range, even on a direct route from your hotel room. So, with the possible exception of events at the range, this assertion would appear to be irrelevant.
  2. No, but you might be ablt start building some stages.
  3. There is a problem with your T1 - it's either a factional T1, or shared between many users hogging the bandwidth.
  4. The USPSA web site allows viewing of match results, including the nationals, without a password but limits display of the name for first name + last initial. If you enter the via the members area (using the password) and use the Major Match Results in the menu bar on the left porition fo the screen, you will see the entire names.
  5. Too bad you didn't catch this earlier - you could have sent him a batch which contained lapping compound Won't work in a restaurant. If they take the impression in front of you, it's not going to be hard for them to memorize the CVV2 value while checking the signature. The real benefit of watching the card is that they can't run an extra slip and have it processed as a "card present" transaction.
  6. Find out who their blocking service is. If it's Websense, you can look up the categories that the sites are in so you can formulate your complaint more precisely. Chances are the individual stores get their service configured by HQ, so a letter to corporate will probably do more than talking to a manager. Of course, if you are in Massachusetts, you can also complain the Massachsetts Comission Against Discrimination if you find that any sites pertaining to alternate lifestyles which are equally valid under state law have been blocked. I just did some googling - It appears that Panera uses Sonic Wall riltering. You can go to www.sonicwall.com and use that site to look up a URL's categories - USPSA.ORG is in "hobbies and recreation" and "weapons". USPSA.COM/.NET/.BIZ and .INFO also map to USPSA.ORG - and only the .ORG and .COM flavors are currently rated - though there is a chance they will rate the other flavors since I looked up the ratings for them.
  7. Probably the choice of the law enforcment agency which originally generated the surplus which made it your way.
  8. Losing a money order sucks, since you typically have to wait for a 6 month period for it to "go stale and remain uncashed" before the issuing bank will replace it. I once had a caterer lose a money order after an event and contact me for a replacement. He was not amused when I offered full cooperation, but told him he would have to wait a full 6 months before the bank released the replacement funds - and that I would have been able to have a replacement check to him immediately if he had not made such a big deal about "cash or money order only before he food is served, no personal or business checks accepted."
  9. Nope. Prices in stored here in the US are marked "before tax" and tax is added at the register.
  10. There is a HUGE variance in weight when one says "safe". A gun safe can weigh from a few hundred lbs, to about 1500lbs for a nice one still in the "gun safe" category, or over 3,000 lbs if you get a TL30 rated safe like the high end AMSEC. Some fo the advice given may not be applicable to the higher weight ends of the spectrum - particularly for units with non-removeable doors. Also, if there is ANY chance you will subject the safe to an impact you should take the panel off the interior of the door and disable the relockers - or move with the safe unlocked. And, if one of these puppies starts to fall over DONT TRY TO CATCH IT.
  11. When you look at your smith's hourly rate, remember the time you pay him for also has to pay for the time he can't charge for. There is a way to make a small fortune in the gunsmithing business. Start with a large one.
  12. Dave is also proof that Arizona does not have a monopoly on greatness - he was a product of the frozen northeast (CT) before migrating to GA.
  13. Current Single Stack scores reported: Classifiers: 3076 shot at 246 clubs in 896 matches.
  14. Any animal suspected of rabies, including agressive dogs should not be shot in the head. A negative finding of rabies can be made only if a complete cross section of the brain can be examined (see http://michigan.gov/documents/Clark_Pres1_159036_7.pdf or google "rabies test brain" for some information on this). If you shoot an agressive dog in the head, and vaccination records cannot be obtained, the rabies vaccination series may be indicated as a precaution - even though you have the body. My best wishes to buddy and buddy's buddy for a full recovery. You so often hear of dogs protecting their people, that it's good to see our species do its part every now and then.
  15. I believe the security deposit also has to be held in a separate escrow account (not sure - it may be one escrow account per tenant) and you must be given interest upon departure. I'm not 100% sure of this, but it's worth a check. At this point, I would send them a certified letter demanding the security deposit, information on where the required by law escrow accout is and the number of that account, and a copy of the bank statement showing interest earned to date. Even if they are sleazy, they are less likely to target a victim who (a) knows their rights, and ( hasn't moved a long distance away from the courthouse. Although leases generally prohibit deducting the security deposit from the last month's rent, there is little a landlord can do other than bellyache if you do this. There is no way they will be able to file, have notice served and have an eviction hearing before you would be out anyhow - and the judge will include the security deposit the calculation of "who owes what" before the court. The landlord will have no actual damages (other than the damage of "not liking what you did"). But, I would never recommend doing this.
  16. Is that second one a Westie? Reminds me of my little buddy Simon (a/k/a "Simon D'Og" for the various store membership cards) http://www.fsguns.com/images/simon.jpg (which explains the DNS server name for www.uspsa.org)
  17. Getting a landline installed for one match a year is not cost effective (unless, of course, there is already one in S&W hall). There are various cell/modem setups which would allow USPSA to do this without imposing such a burden on the facility. The real question is "How important is it to have near real-time web based results, as compared to later on in the day?. What price, both in terms of direct $$ cost and staff time (during some of the most critical moments of the match) should USPSA be willing to pay for this feature?" Once that question is answered, everything else is a minor implementation detail.
  18. I've been swabbed numerous times, and the only time it came up positive was in Bend, Oregon when they swabbed the inside of my luggage (no xray, everything was done by hand at that airport which was a one gate puddlehopper feeder to Portland and Seattle). The TSA functionary doing the swabing had already set my gun out on the table so she knew what was up. There was no problem, but the positive findingmeant they had to do a detailed hand check of all my luggage, and record the positive finding in a book. The extra time was somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes. More recently, the Germans were particularly interested in swabbing my laptop keyboard - I guess terrorists must check the bomb recipies on-line while building their devices. This was at the checkpoint inside the sterile area to get to the "US destination" gates which I believe must reach a specific standard to be accepted as feeders by the TSA. The only reason I don't ditch my LTC when traveling out of country is to have some evidence there could be a reasonable explaination for a positive swabbing if one should occur.
  19. Results are up, but there was a bit of a goof. Handguns in 3-gun matches should be registered as LIMITED or OPEN *ONLY*. We registered L10, Production and Revolver. This will be corrected this evening, and could change results. This is not only required by the rules, but makes sense. Someone winning Revolver should not get more points towards the aggregate result than an individual posting a score 90% as fast as a GM posting a great performance in Limited - which is what would happen if L10/Prod/Rev were separate divisions in 3 gun.
  20. Was the gun an HK USP? Perhaps the shooters had seen this HK catalog cover: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1082670/posts also quoted in http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=193608
  21. I'm referring to the background information prosecutors publish when presenting their qualifications to the public (generally when seeking elected office), not the data supplied to prospective hiring managers. I plead guilty to misuse of the term "resume".
  22. .0001% is equivalent to one out of a million (.1% is a tenth of a percent or one out of a thousand, .01% is one out of ten thousand, etc.). The innocence project has overturned 183 cases. Thie means that if there are any less than 182,999,817 others who remain convicted of similar crimes the figure of ".0001%" is too low. This is not a matter of speculation or opinion - just a simple reality of the conclusion which follows from the combination fo your quoted figure, and the clearance statistic claimed by the innocence project.
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