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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. Sorry - It was there but not in the forum index . This should be fixed now.
  2. Yup. It was so small I didn't notice
  3. I have posted a notice about EzWinScore happending on www.uspsa.org/forums. I'm not trying to hijack discussion threads from the Enosverse, however, items that I post as official statements of USPSA will use the USPSA forums.
  4. Aimpoint had a small unit about 2" long that is not shows in the photos in this thread. I don't think it's going to become popular in our sport since the tube diameter is rather small (less than a 1" tube scope), but it's an interesting and expensive bit of engineering.
  5. Aimpoint told me their new small scope will retail in the $600+ range.
  6. As was pointed out by a dear friend at the Crazy Croc match a few years ago following an identical incident - by statute, the bit with the serial number IS "the gun," and, as such, he was still holding "the gun" (albeit radically lightened) - no DQ ensued... Does this mean that the shooter would have been DQ'ed in Italy where the barrel is the part that is legally a firearms?
  7. This is not necessarily true. Netflix not only "de-prioritizes" rentals from heavy users - it would appear that they actually sit on them for a day or two if you have exceed a certain threshold. Google for netflix and throttle for details.
  8. Glock 21SF (Model 21, Short frame) looked interesting - much smaller grip front to back, and it takes the old Model 21 mags (but the old one does not take the new mags). Food was also a ripoff in Vegas, but at least you could walk across the street to a nice hotel restaurant. Same prices, but you got sit down restaurant quality food and a relaxes atmosphere and quick service, rather than standing in line for mediocre food. At least, there was better seating for eating in Orlando. The USPSA booth was, as is traditional, outside the main floor in the lobby (where the non-profits get free space). Traffic was way down this year since there were at least 5 entrances, and the USPSA booth was not in a choke point. It was nice to see NRA president Sandra Froman spending a couple of hours at the women's booth next to the USPSA one, making her self available to talk to anyone, not just people who may have something to offer the NRA. Shot show time is at a premium for everyone who is there to do business, so it was impressive that she made herself available to the little guy. Las Vegas is a much nicer place to be parked in a hotel without a rental car - many more "walk to" food options. I didn't meet anyone who indicated that they considered Orlando to be as good a location, and the general impression of many is that the attendance seemed lighter than last year.
  9. FYI, the Alexanders are the masterminds behind the paint job for the AWARE props. Those who have been to one know of what I speak.
  10. One important point - the advance request Sedro is required since observers are welcomed on a space available basis. That means that we will accomodate as many people as we reasonably can given the room size; we don't take the requests and then rent a room large enough to handle any number of people who submit the request. That being said, we have never run out of observer space and the average number of members taking advantage of this option per-meeting is about 0.25. Rob
  11. The next USPSA Board Meeting will be held March 3-4 in Dallas (though we haven't booked the specific hotel yet). USPSA members are welcome to observe the meeting, subject to available space. Anyone wishing to do this needs to submit their request to Dave Thomas at USPSA HQ 30 or more days in advance of the meeting. So - is someone on this list willing to watch the board in action and deliver a first hand report?
  12. While this is very likely true, quoting an article that refers to Indian Rupees and uses the Indian, rather than the US, numbering system to do so would not seem all that relevant when researching how US courts would handle the situation.
  13. For a nice read on innumeracy in action Google Verizon and ".02 cents".
  14. That's because your account was different - I just fixed it 4U.
  15. Must be something about fluffernutter and guns. One of the main gun banners in the MA state legislature introduced a bill to ban fluffernutter in schools, or at least from the menu in schools. Yup, he figured there actually needed to be a new law for this. I hope his husband gives him grief over the issue.
  16. While you're at it, you might as well wire the place with three phase power if you think you might ever want to install your own lathe or milling machine. Pre-wire any place you may want data lines, and run separate 20A dedicated circuits to outlets near your office and tool areas.
  17. I'm limiting my comments on rules issues to the official uspsa forums, www.uspsa.org/forums until the new rulebook is in it's final, ratified, form. Since the official forums are the only ones being monitored regularly by board members, comments in that venue will actually be read by those who will be casting the final vote. If this question shows up in the official forums, I'll answer it. Rob
  18. I'm limiting my comments on rules issues to the official uspsa forums, www.uspsa.org/forums until the new rulebook is in it's final, ratified, form. Since the official forums are the only ones being monitored regularly by board members, comments in that venue will actually be read by those who will be casting the final vote. If this question shows up in the official forums, I'll answer it. Rob
  19. I can tell you why I voted against Time-Plus : I had already concluded Time Plus was a bad idea for handgun, and did not want an inconsistency between the fundamental scoring concepts in handgun and three gun and/or multigun. The difference would mean, for example, that the same stage shot as part of a handgun match would be scored in a fundamentally different way if part of a multigun. Now, on to why I think it's a bad idea (in no particular order) 1. The "speed of results" is a solution to a non-existent problem. I've never seen a match scored without a computer; there is no "Live media" covering matches; and media that covers matches for later viewing has all the time necessary to know hit factors when adding commentary to the film. 2. Time plus does not solve the "flipping" issue - in which the performance of person "C" can actually switch the relative position of persons "A" and "B". Although IPSC originally claimed multi-gun would fix this perceived problem, I proved by counter example that it does not. 3. Now, the most important reason - It changes the stage weighting considerably if you have stages that vary significantly in the time required to complete. For example, under time plus a competitor who cuts 2 seconds off a 30 second field course receives exactly the same scoring benefit as the competitor who shaves 2 seconds off a 6 second El-Prez. Yamil's observation proves that people will attend great matches even if they are run with time-plus. It does not prove that time-plus is better, or that this scoring is the reason for the high level of attendance.
  20. Lee offers a complete rebuild for 50% of the current retail price of a press. Unlike Dillon, Lee uses a traditional distributor model and it is very easy to find Lee presses for substantially less than retail. For example, the Lee Pro 1000 retails for $201.98, but is available from Natchez Shooting Supply for $119.99. The "50% of retail rebuild" will cost $100.99 or 84% of the street price of a completely new press. The do offer a free labor, parts only, repair option that is most likely cheaper than the 84% of new price rebuild. But, neither of these should be confused with a lifetime warranty.
  21. Dillon used to be a lot "looser" with support for the 1050. When I originally bought mine, the salesman told me that they would never enforce the one year limit on repairs unless it was commercial use or obvious abuse like repeatedly breaking shellplates by mis-adjusting the press. Several years later, a Dillon telephone rep told me that word came down from Mike Dillon that the one year term was to be enforced, and that the unofficial providing of free parts for the 1050 was no longer the practice. Dillon has never had the "no BS warranty" on the 1050, and it was no doubt a mistake that their rep used the phrase "would never enforce" when I bought mine. This comment about "because it's a commercial press" seems disingenuous - a more direct answer to the support question would probably read like "The cost of offering a lifetime warranty on a press that has no peer in the marketplace would exceed the marketing benefit Dillon would receive from such a policy." I place the "commercial press" statement in the same category as when a store states they require ID when cashing checks "for your protection." The good news is that even though Dillon doesn't provide free support for the 1050 any more, they still do a great job of shipping replacement parts quickly and it's still the best press out there short of the automated ones used by the ammo factories.
  22. How to solve the 7-up problem: 1. Let X represent the number you provide to 7-up. 2. Let Y = the sum of the digits of X 3. If Y>9 then: Let X=y, and go to step 1 4. Your result is 9-Y For example, if you give 7=UP the number 87456 1. X=87456 2. Y=8+7+4+5+6=30 3. Since Y>10, X-30, go to step 1 1. Y=3+0=3 4. Results=9-Y=6 Missing digit is 6.
  23. ( 10A+B )-( A+B )=9A, therefore, the result is always a multiple of 9. This one is actually fairly easy - just Google for "Casting out 9s". Since the two numbers being used have the same digits, they have the same modulo 9 remainder on the sum of digits, so the difference in this remainder is 0. From this it follows that the sum of the digits of the number remaining must be a multiple of 9 (sum recursively and you will always end with 9). For example, if you have 7654-4657, the result is 2997. 2+9+9+7=27, 2+7=9 Therefore, if you are only given 2, 9 and 9, the remaining digit to leave a remainder of 0 modulo 9 is 7.
  24. You found the right machine. That is a shared server, and addressing the server numerically pulls of the default web site (or the de-facto default if the web server is not configured with an explicit default). You need to make the change in the hosts file that I described and then address it by name. The URL is then passed to the web server which uses the name to determine which of many sites hosted on that machine is the one you are looking for. I emailed Brassmanbrass, and they are in contact with their web person to get this issue resolved.
  25. One easy way to see if it's a browser problem or something else. Open a command window Issue the command "nslookup brassmanbrass.com". If you don't see in the output, your system is not resolving the name to the IP address.
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