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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. I picked up a 25-2, 5.5" in mint condition (except for cylinder roll) from a shop that was not exactly known for bargains a number of years ago. $350 seemed like a good deal at the time . I still haven't been able to bring myself to shoot this thing. If I get into 45 wheelgunning, I'll get a 625 and leave the 25-2 untouched.
  2. I recently upgraded my pinned Ghost to the new pinless style. As usual, Angus provided immediate shipment. The new block has a slightly different feel to it, and the gun can be rocked a bit more with the pinless mechanism, but I'm generally satisfied. My observations: 1. Ghost has substituted a single piece plastic knob/lever assembly for the old metal one with the aluminum lever. Although there's nothing wrong with the new design, it's an obvious cost cutting move and the old knob/lever is much nicer (once you loctite the lever into the knob). Fortunately, it's no problem to move the old knob to the new mechanism. 2. The mounting bolt holes no longer go through the block, and the existing bolt are too long. The upgrade kit does not contain new bolts, leaving you with a choice of cutting the existing bolts or a visit to the hardware store. Unless you have the correct tools to cut the bolts cleanly without messing up the starting point for the threads, it's easier to just buy new onces. I had no problem finding the necessary bolts at the local hardware store, however, it would probably be a good idea for Angus to add a set of shorter ones to the upgrade kit. 3. The mechanism allows you to move the lever up or down for "lock mode" (probably a change to facilitate conversion to its sinistral counterpart). I like the "up" position for walking around, since the lever is much less likely to catch on a coat that it is in the down position. Obviously, "up and locked" is not a useful drawing position. For me, at least, the new block has three states: Unlocked, Locked ready for draw and locked for walking around. I'm satisfied with the Ghost, the support from Angus (broke a part once - got an immediate replacement, free) and the upgrade kit. One more consideration: The pin in the original Ghost not only requires a modification to your frame, but it also will prevent you for using 90% of the loaner guns that will be offered if yours breaks mid-match.
  3. The brassman's DNS seems to be screwed up. A whois shows that his DNS servers are ns1.hotels-online.ws and ns1.point2point.ws, whereas a dig from a Linux box at work shows ns1.brassmanbrass.com and ns2.brassmanbrass.com (the first is at the same IP as brassmanbrass.com). I suspect that he might have better luck making his site available if he changed his DNS registration to match the ns1/ns2, and use a second or tertiary DNS server on a separate machine. Since he hosts his server at Godaddy, this is a service they should be able to provide. I am not able to resolve brassmanbrass.com from my home system (Comcast), but it does resolve from work. I have made a manual addition to the hosts file on my system at home, and am now able to get to the Brassman without use of DNS. If you want to set your windows system up to route to it manually, do the following on Windows: 1. Open a command window 2. cd %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc 3. notepad hosts add the following two lines (the first alone will actually be enouugh: www.brassmanbrass.com brassmanbrass.com Or, if you are on a Mac, Linux or Unix, make a similar change to "/etc/hosts" This will hard code the translation from the system name to the IP address and will get you on the site. The only "catch" is that if the Brassman changes web servers, you'll still route to the address you have in your hosts table.
  4. The JATO one has been around for over a decade, but still keeps coming up as "new" - The Mythbusters wanted to try this, but were turned down when they called the airforce asking for a Jato. http://www.snopes.com/autos/dream/jato.asp
  5. I recently took delivery of two new SVI's with 40 S&W AET barrels. Both exhibit the ring of which you speak about 1.7" from the muzzle. I spoke to Sandy Strayer about this, and he described the exact visual effect I was seeing (identical on both barrels by the way, including the location within the barrel). Since there is absolutely no trace of barrel bulge, the rings are in the exact same location on two new barrels, and his description of what I was seeing was totally accurace, I believe his explanation to be accurate. The gold colored coating is actually a multi-layer chemical vapor deposition coating applied in a vacuum chamber, and the cloud of vapor meets in the middle. In order for a double shot or proof load to ring the chamber mid-way down, you would need an obstruction. I find it inconceivable that an obstruction would result in this sort of internal marking, but absolutely no barrel bulging.... and that's before factoring in that I've seen this on multiple new AET barrelt. You also should know that I consult for SVI, so you're welcome to factor that into your evaluation of my comments.
  6. I am getting nervous because everyone seems to be out of Federal primers. Winchester work just as nicely (except for a few wheelgunners who need the softies), but when 50% of the primer supply dries up, it starts to bring back memories of the great famine. Time to stockpile.
  7. Rob Boudrie

    It's Math

    No, Verizon won. They got out of the mess by refunding one individual out of hundreds charged a rate 100x advertised, and were not compelled to review all billing records and issue refunds to all inappropriately billed people. By giving this individual a refund, they have removed his standing to be a member of a class action suit against the company. What would be really interesting is if one of those firms that trolls for contingency class action cases took it. The only thing is, the way class actions go, the attorneys would get paid in cash and members of the plaintiffs class would get discounts redeemable only with a purchase of additional Verizon services.
  8. The coder at SVEASOFT appears to be one talented individual. If you push, he has to give the software away for free (GPL), however, I think he charges $50 for the media - and $4.00 per copy is worth it for an easy, clean, build. The only thing I don't like about his operation is that tolerates NO dissent. Even my mention that he tolerates no dissent on is or any other forum would, if he noticed, probably result in one of my accounts being terminated. I won't mention exactly what factual, and non-offensive, comment on my part resulted in a termination threat since he would quite possible use that to identify me and discontinue my access to this so-called "GPL free software" that isn't. But, it's still a great value.
  9. Another option is to buy a Linksys WRT54GL (or a plain old WRT54G, rev 4 or earlier) and flash it with the www.sveasoft.com software. I set up a 4 unit WDS network covering a small hotel with three buildings using daisychained WDS systems to expand the wireless coverage area.
  10. This is easy. The table in the pointerator was not properly set. I have fixed this and tonites scan should remedy this solution. If you see something that seems to be inconsistent with policy, email dave@uspsa.org and it will be investigated. You can also post your observation here, however, there is no assurance that doing so will result in follow-up by USPSA staff. The point series is governed by the official policy for the current year. If you see something that doesn't look right - ask. The posting period will be held for a period of time early next year (the exact dates to be announced by HQ), after which no changes to the standings will be made.
  11. I received an answer from HQ: Someone at USPSA was asked why the nationals were not included in the point series results and mistakenly assumed that their non-inclusion was a clerical oversight - and then proceeded to use the administrative features of the results system to set the point series flags on the nationals. This was a mistake - plain and simple, not a change in policy. This has been fixed on the web and the nightly re-scan of results will not include the nationals in the point series results. Mistakes can happen. I just wish they were all this easy to correct.
  12. I am looking into this, and will have an answer from Sedro by the end of Monday. I am not aware of any action to change policy on the Nationals - it is possible that a mistake was made by someone at HQ assuming the nationals were included. If a mistake has been made, it will be corrected - that's what posting periods are for. I will post an answer in this thread when I have the answer.
  13. Minutes of a recent on-line board meeting posted in the members area show that the point series has been discontinued due to lack of participation.
  14. The request for an upload area cam in yesterday at 6:45, and has just been created. Hint to match directors: Ask for an upload area BEFORE you major match.
  15. The AWARE in VT has generally had plenty of slots, however, this is the first year when it's also been the Area 7 so a fill-up is quite possible. There will be 9 squads of 8 shooters on Thrus, Fri and Sat (one shoot time per day). The AWARE match has moved more than many floating card games. It was originally held at the Harvard club in MA; moved to the Long Island Practical Shooters; then on to Watervliet, NY (near Albany); and has now arrived at its current home in Morrisville, VT. This match was originally started as a local match to benefit www.aware.org, about 12 years ago, and grew into a first rate major match. If you are going to do a great circle route and shoot both matches, I expect you'll get reasonable cooperation form the match staff at each end. I believe AWARE will have Fri, Sat and Sun shooting and *possibly* some on Thursday. The registration fee and match info will be on www.area7aware.com in the not too distant future. You can expect great stages, mostly grass turf shooting ranges (I think one range has dirt instead of grass), and artwork that is absolutely second to none.
  16. It's not as easy finding a site to host the Area 7 Championship as some seem to think. The Metro East Section chose not to exercise their option in the rotation, and there was no big push from any other clubs wanting to run it. Also, there has been Area growth in parts northeast. We have two clubs in Vermont and two in Maine, so it seemed reasonable when the GMPS folks ask that I consider adding their quadrant to the rotation. I also did not get any objections from any of the SCs when I called and asked them. Although I would have had some thinking to do if one of the SC's said "give it to my club so it doesn't become merged with the AWARE", there is also a question of general fairness. It might not be reasonable to tell a club "Sorry, you're doing too good a job of running a match that is not an Area Championship so I'll disqualify you because you did too much hard work for the sport and the members." The upside is that the GMPS crew knows how run an absolutely first rate match. The squadding model is going to be 9 rotations, and you'll do chrono right after shooting one stage, so you will not "consume" one of those 9 rotations without getting in a stage. There will be one shot time per day, but the squad size will be small (Scott Chapman asked me to set up on-line squadding with 8 per squad), to the RO's should be finished with their work by mid afternoon. You won't have megasquads running a really long day. Rob
  17. I have had the hammer pin replaced on my S&W 686. From what I can tell, the part is not welded to the frame but staked in. This repair requires rebuffing the exterior of the frame, and refinishing if the gun is blued. The pin is staked in from the inside and, when the gun is detail stripped, it's obvious that the pin had been replaced as these guns do not originally come with such staking marks. Even though the job looks ugly from the inside, it looks find form the outside and the gun has not given me any trouble since this happened about 15 years ago (although I don't shoot this gun that much). Hopefully, you'll find that this is covered under the S&W lifetime warrantee if you encounter a situation where the only problem is a broken pin rather than a blown up gun.
  18. I will find out if USPSA is allowed to post a ISO image of the DVD to the site. If we are, I'll add it and club can download an image to burn directly to a DVD for use on regular DVD players.
  19. www.casepro.net A bit pricey, but a great product offered by great people. I first saw one of these when it was sent to me while serving as a major match prize coordinator, and I just knew I had to have my own.
  20. Long distance - the next best thing to being there.
  21. Also, whose going to want to spend a lot of $$ to go to the big match and use magazines that have not personally tested, in their match gun, to the point of absolute confidence? As to the second point - when this issue was depated a long time ago, the same people who were claiming "there is no advantage with good course design" were also saying "don't take away the advantage I paid big money to buy." Some of my thoughts: As an Area Director, it is my responsibility to look out for both the good of the sport as well as the interests of the current members. Sometimes, it may be necessary to vote against popular sentiment for the long term health or good of the sport (if that were not the case, we could have an on-line voting system for all issues and due away with the expense of board meetings). I listened to all that was said regarding L10 to see if this was one of those times, and if there was a reason to compel those currently dedicated to L10 to bite the bullet. I could not find out how the presence of L10 was causing harm to USPSA - sure there are more divisions, but I've never heard of someone refusing to join because USPSA had too many divisions. As to "not enough competition in a divsion" - I don't think that one really becomes "better" in a division simply because you have a bunch of people with guns that are at a disadvantage propping up the scoresheet. I have received one member complaint about the large number of divisions, however, I have to discount his comments somewhat since he's an open shooter who has expressed a willingness to get rid of some divisions other people shoot. If I start to get this sort of comment from a large number of members who have mostly L10 classifiers on record, it would have considerable additional credibility. The other factor in my decision was not based on current membership reaction, but the long term health of the sport and the organization (which I regard as my primary responsibility). The fact of the matter is that we have to recruit members in states that have mag bans - some like MA and NY have grandfathering, some don't (NJ and HI), and one (CA) has grandfathering but only for people who personall owned pre-ban equipment (i.e., NO legal way to buy them at ANY PRICE if you do not already have them). I believe that it is very important that USPSA present a welcoming image to prosepective members in these, and other, hostile jurisdictions. Telling them that their only option is either production or Single Stack (defined in a very limited, near out of the box manner) is to tell them that they don't have the option of pushing the edge with their gun design. Even if a shooter from one of these does not ultimately choose L10 and opts for Ltd or SS instead, the message of welcome an inclusiveness enhances the appeal of our sport. As I have mentioned, there are times when it may be necessary to vote against popular sentiment, in which case I will owe the membership an explaination of my reasoning. I did not consider this to be one of those times.
  22. This is correct - one match is both this year. The Metro East section was offered the Area 7 Championship, as they were the next in the rotation. Their section coordinator checked with the members, and declined the offer on behalf of the section. I did not detect a strong desire from clubs in other sections to take over the Area 7, and our friends in the north had already stepped forward to make it clear they were interested if an opportunity presented itself. I have every confidence that Scott Chapman, Ed Boadway and his band of merry men and women will put on a great match. The match will have the same on-line squadding procedure used for the 2006 match, and virutally instantaneous Palm-scored match results (with a paper reciept of your hits and time). Rob
  23. That information may have come from the original Die Hard movie where the character played by Bruce Willis stated that the bad guys were using a very expensive ceramic German made Glock 7. Of course, when he went to use a payphone in Washington, DC it was labeled "Pacific Bell", so the incompetence on the part of the producers was not confined to just the guns.
  24. The USPSA web site has an on-line polling system that is managed by HQ, so we have the technical capability. It would also be straightforward to add the "filtering results by area" feature. I'll see what the sentiment is for a poll on the proposed 2008 book once published for review by the membership. One advantage of the USPSA polling system over the Enosverse is that is is non-stuffable. The reason we require you PIN to use the poll is not so we can track your specific responses (we don't), but to assure that the results do not become contaiminated with repeated votes by individuals who want their opinion to previal. We currently have 598 responses to the multi-gun poll that is now in progress. Rob
  25. One problem with IL is that state law specifically gives towns and cities the authority to pass any local bun bans they wish. Any town in IL is just a city council vote away from a complete, no grandfathering, ban on handgun ownership (as the residents of Oak Grove, Morton Gove and I think Evanston have learned).
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