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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. Thanks for the info. I had assumed it was banned due to the importation issue which I encountered when visiting Canada many years ago.
  2. One problem with guns shows is action - you need to give prospective members somethign specific to do. One show in Area 7 always promotes a intro to USPSA/IPSC course. Although we only took an "at show" signup once, we'veranged from 5 to 25 students each year we do this. If we just promoted matches, we'd probably still bewaiting for people to show up. We have picked up a number of regulars, including some who have become our most dedicated workers and another became very active, and then took a leave from USPSA/IPSC to attend federal air marshall school (gee, I guess the FAM recruiters didn't get the memo about how "IPSC will get you killed" )
  3. If any club would like to have a table a gun show, your area director can probably arrange for USPSA to pay the table fee.
  4. Try changing your name a bit when you deal with various companies so you can ID the source of the mailing list. My K9 companion gets a boatload of mail addressed to names such as Simon Og, Simon D. Og and Simon D'og.
  5. USPSA does not sell its mailing list, period. The only exception I know of was over a decade ago when the list was made available to a credit card company for a one-time mailing to offer an affiliated card of some sort - and I don't believe that would be repeated based on the current policies. Rob
  6. Sure, just change the registration information for that competitor number.
  7. I left the range at 5:08 immediately after Tom Dings who was working stats with me uploaded results to USPSA.ORG. REMINDER - The deadline for correction requests is MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY, NO EXCEPTIONS. Contact information is posted with the results. Rob
  8. RD - Regional Director. You get this by serving as USPSA President, but get to keep it thereafter.
  9. If you use a router, just leave it on so you can renew the lease automatically. I have Comcast cable and my IP addresses last an average of over 6 months using this approach.
  10. The shooters meeting is 30 minutes before the first shot, and the walk-through is 10 minutes befor ehte first shot. If you have to "check in", you can do that any time during the day - there is no set time limit, but there could be a crowd if you show up 10 minutes before the shooter meeting - an hour should be safe and give you time to hang around.... or, show up a couple of hours early and watch the AM squads shoot all the stages. Advance registration and self-serve squadding is closed, as all the match materials are packed - I leave for Rochester tonite. We'll be handling walk-ins at the match. Any squad changes will need to be approved by Bob Urban (match director). This won't be a problem as long as you won't make a squad go over limit.
  11. At least the post office doesn't have a track record of ignoring policy and leaving "signature required" packages unattended on doorsteps because it's easier and quicker for the driver. UPS drivers are under intense productivity pressure and taking the package back to the depot takes time.
  12. Yup. If you have a web browser and a 802.11b or 802.11g wifi card, you'll find that any web address will resolve to the results display. I'll be counting the DHCP leases so I know how many competitors took advantage of this extra service. I'm not sure how many PC's we'll have for results, so it can't hurt to have a laptop. If you want to get into real geekdom, you can carry one with you as many of the stages will be within wifi range. The results display at the match will run off a local web server, and we will update the scores on USPSA.ORG at the end of each day. This means that cell phones which access the web will not see results as quickly as the local results server.
  13. Things we are doing about the bottleneck: #1: Separate pit for each stage #2: Squad limit of 8 on Saturday #3: Tough squadding policy - everyone who couldn't talk us into "just one over" on a Sat squad know what I am talking about. #4: Squad attendance rosters. The RO's will be given an attendance roster for each squad. If you swap with someone, you MUST have the MD approve it, in writing, on the official roster. RO's will be asked to be alert for "extras" or "self-assigned transfers" which throw the squadding out of balance. We'll also have the computers with the match results display down at the tent by the match, so you can check your score as soon as you are done shooting. The Palm scoring system (courtesy of Harvard Sportsmens and www.autoscoringsystems.com will enable very fast match results, with updates throughout the day.
  14. Will they refund your shipping and insurance fee?
  15. Be careful when you declare "one procedural" for something that makes multiple shots easier. It is possible to accidently create courses of fire where intentionally takin the procedural will result in a higher score.
  16. You can get there via the "addiitonal content" link at www.uspsa.org, or directly at http://www.uspsa.org/classifier_services and select "status of uploaded classifiers" in the left column. This will let you see the status of classifiers submitted electronically, but not yet included in the monthly update from HQ. If a club does not use electronic submission, you will not be able to view the status until the scores are posted with the monthly update. If a club uses on-lin eelectronic submission, you will be able to view the status of that submission, and the raw scores, the instant the club completes the upload. You'll also be able to tell if the club paid the mission count fee on-line, or of USPSA is waiting for a check from the club. Rob
  17. The fundamental difference is how RO's and support staff are funded. Most of the RO's at Area matches do not involve any expense other than a bit of food, though some area matches may put a few up in hotes. The staff at USPSA National Championships stays in hotel rooms at USPSA expense, and I belive receives partial funding of their travel expenses. USPSA also bring out HQ staff to the nationals which causes a travel and lodging cost not incurrent at ARea Matches. Some of the money goes towards prizes, however, the majority of the fee goes towards operational expenses. Even if USPSA made the nationals "no prize" events, the match fee would not be drastically altered.
  18. My annoyance is more practical - these are two of the three holidays during which the local club closes their outdoor range (the third is Easter)
  19. My point exactly. It is not unheard of for miscreants to use tools found at the crime scene to break into containers.
  20. Law enforcement pricing does not have embedded FET; distributor pricing for civilian sales does.
  21. If you buy a rig, just remember that the cutting tips should be stored INSIDE your gun safe
  22. Bernie Ebers got 25 years in the WorldCom case. Now is not a good time to be a CEO convict awaiting sentencing.
  23. Although ammo does not have to be in a separate case, not all TSA agents know this. Also, when you are interested in getting to your flight without delay, do not expect the TSA agents to be appreciate of any free traning seminar you may wish to offer on the TSA policy regarding this issue. It's easier to just pack it in a different piece of luggage.
  24. Or, if they were not willing to spring $3K or so for an open gun they might just defect to IDPA or one of the other shooting sports where you can actually win with an out of the box gun.
  25. A quick shows that Erik Warren's classification in the on-line database (uploaded from HQ) matches his old data, not the new and rather strange card. The problem appears to be limited to the printing of the cards.
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