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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. 1. Yes, Limited is recognized. We also don't require you to fill in your USPSA number on the application twice. Both errors on form have been corrected and a new application uploaded. 2. The non-resident exemption does not provide an exemption from the NY AW ban. NY defined a high capacity feeding device as one taking more than 10 rounds made after than magic date in 1994 (ie, very similar to the old federal law and the current MA law). Pre-ban mags are still OK. rob
  2. It does not take away achievement, just the way we measure it. A post-performance analysis of 2+ seasons worth of data will no doubt be part of the DNROI decision making process, and he will be doing his best to select the most capable of winning team. I respect disagreement and the fact that opinions may very will differ on this issue. I do not respect clever statements that bury a position in an argument as if they are "established fact" any more than I respect questions like "do you still beat your wife". "Takes away achievement" is not an established fact, just your opinion. Likewise, assumption you bury into your statement that the board had to be "diverted" to vote for this since smart people obviously would vote as you would if they were not diverted, does nothing to add to the substance of the discussion at hand. Also, I fully expect DNROI to involve the board if he encounters any team selections that would present the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  3. I respect Dave w/credentials as a lawyer, so I would be very interested in specifics as to what legal advise from Ayoob he considers "less than solid". Agreed, but the ability of the defendant to cough up damages in settlement or to satisfy a judgment if the case is brought is probably more important than the actual merits of the case when seeking contingency fee counsel.
  4. No stage designs yet. We put the application up this week, sent a mailing out to 2008 A7 competitors today, and just made the deal with the local hotel. Metric buttloads of work remains to be done.
  5. The competition exemption is in NY penal code 265.10-13b and we have paperwork proving this is an officially recognized NRA match (referenced in the NY law). A copy of 265.20-13b will be sent with your match confirmation letter. Hotel info at http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php?show...amp;#entry10512
  6. Time for a reality check. If it's your typical criminal, he will have no attachable assets and as such there is no way you will interest contingency fee counsel in taking your case. Are you really prepared to spend tens of thousands pressing a case with no prospect of collection? You, on the other hand, probably have a home, savings, retirement accounts, a gun collection and insurance that may be relevant in some, but not all, cases. Chances are the other party (or his family) will have no trouble finding an attorney to take his case on a contingency fee basis.
  7. Traditionally the director of NROI, but it' ultimately a board appointment. Feedback from the last WS seems to validate we made a good decision.
  8. Fair enough request. It all boils down to what role the team serves with USPSA: A "contest" with a subsidized trip to the World Shoot, Team Uniform, and paid entry fee as the prize to be won A job where the team members are hired to win the team titles If the answer is #1, a formula is the right way to go as it allows everyone to be sure the contest is "fair". The downside is that the result of the formula does not necessarily product the optimum results, particularly if an unusual occurrence such as an atypical DQ by a big name, or personal reason preventing a name shooter from making an important qualifying match, skews the statistics. If the answer is #2, having someone like John Amidon pick the team is, in my opinion, the best way to pick the teams most likely to win. The consensus of the board was that teams are representatives of the USPSA membership who are hired to do a job - win. We did not feel that team slots were a "prize" and, as such, the vote (in my opinion) reflects our belief that this is the best way to accomplish that mission. If the mission were "construct a fair contest to see who gets the free trip", I would have voted for a formula based selection process. Take a look at the world of professional sports. Athlete's statistics, wins and performance are all considered by team owners and management when making picks for their teams. (And I'm sure John Amidon will be looking at match performances by prospects for the WS teams). That being said, I'm not aware of any major league sports team that publishes a formula where all the big names are told they can crank their statistics into an equationj, compare with other professionals, and know who will be offered a spot on the Red Sox, Patriots, etc. If you disagree with the selection process (and I encourage you to contact board members, Michael Voigt, etc. if you do), I suggest you include your opinions on a couple of points: Is it because you feel that another critera will select a team more likely to win? Are you concerned wiht the lack of objective fairness and, if that is a concern, would you be willing to sacrifice a bit of quality to obtain this result? As to "sneaking something by" - We just finished a World Shoot, and we wanted to let people know the process before the start of the 2009 season. As to the assertion it's a "stupid idea", I ask: It it your contention this process will select a less capable team than a formula? If you want to win, how can you announce a formula that will not break down in unusual circumstances? What is your view of "Is this a contest with a prize of a job some GMs are hired to do?" The team manager does not have any relatives that even remotely qualify for the team. (look up the definition of the word)
  9. It is my understanding that Dillon has some of the machined and cast parts made by outside contractors, so they are already in the business of providing a lifetime warranty on third party products. The real issue is "do they honor what they promise?" and, as far as written promises from Dillon goes, the answer is a resounding yes. They have always honored all written promises and then some. About half off the actual selling price price (not an artificial retail price that is routinely discounted 40% or so like another press mfgr does) is pretty good for aging motors or electronics. I can think of a number of electronic accessory manufacturers serving the USPSA market who won't give you a dime off a new unit when the old one reaches the end of its useful life.
  10. For any sort of crime involving discharge of a firearm into another person, the "few rainy-day bucks" are going to be on the order of $50 - $100K. A former shooter who prevailed in the legal aftermath of pointing a gun at some criminals (whose sole role at the trial was "wittness/victim" since the DA preferred to charge an adult for assault rather than charge minors with breaking and entering) "Justice is a commodity just like any other, and how much you get depends on how much you can afford to pay for".
  11. It's gone now because Infinity now makes all their barrels in-house. Their website states this directly :
  12. A duplicate of a post I just added to the USPSA forums: The application for the 2009 Area 7 Championship is in www.uspsa7.org/2009A7.pdf A note from Match Director Pete Goloski: Dear Competitors, The dinosaurs have risen and are walking on the ranges at Pathfinder Practical Shooters. Over the past several years, many people have approached me and other members of the old Miller/S&W Invitational crew and asked if we would reprise the match. A few months ago, Joe Cominolli, Mark Doneburgh, Larry Burlingame and I got together to explore the possibility of doing just that. The first order of business was to contact Pathfinder F&G to see if it would be possible to hold a major match there. We have since entered into an agreement with Pathfinder which retains all of the positive aspects of our previous relationship and eliminates the problem areas. We have contacted USPSA Area 7 Director, Rob Boudrie and have secured rights to hold the 2009 Area 7 Championship in conjunction with this match. It will be held on August 6-9, 2009. Our reasons for jumping back into the frying pan so to speak are many and varied. Many of us have often thought that we would like to hold some sort of “Reunion Match”. We all made so many friends and great memories at the old Miller/S&W. It would be nice to have the opportunity to get back together again. This match will definitely have a nostalgic flare. We are also looking forward to meeting many new friends and to showing them what the old match was like. I have even been told that the infamous ‘Rosa’ will once again show her ugly face at the match! We also want to return to the philosophy that the match exists for the shooters. We will have the best prize table that we can set, and as in the past, we will take very good care of our Range Officers and workers. Over the years, many people from across the shooting spectrum have asked me to try to re-create this match using the match production values that made it so great. So, we are going to give it a try. Please accept this invitation to come out and shoot out match. We are looking forward to seeing you. Peter G. Goloski Match Director pgg16718@hotmail.com
  13. The tremendous availability of low cost once fires 40 S&W cases, compared to the almost non-existent supply of once fired 10mm at reasonable prices. You can use once fired 40 brass and leave it on the ground with each case costing about the same as the primer. Try that with 10mm
  14. One trick that really helps is to use inner boxes wrapped with Tyvek (using the free mailers the USPS provides for this purpose).
  15. That feature has existed for quite some time - too bad so few clubs use it. Clubs can list their local matches in their club profile (www.uspsa.org/club_services - the link is on the Additional Content page, select "Edit Club Info/Schedule". Clubs can list their ICBM location, some info about the club, and their match schedule, which will then show up with their club listing in the clubfinder. Go to www.uspsa.org and enter NJ in the clubfinder to see an example.
  16. The database used to be public, but "special people" (the kind who could get a carry permit under a discretionary system) could opt out; normal people could not. One of the papers published Excell spreadsheets of LTC holders from the counties in their readership area and there was some backlash that resulted in legislation making the data private. I received a letter from the RI AG a few years ago warning me that the newspapers had brought an action to obtain the complete list of carry permit holders and, if the AG lost, my name would be provided. I think the AG won because I never heard anything more about the issue.
  17. WA and MN. NV used to be an extra as well, but I believe that they now accept FL as well. FL recognizes many other states permits, but only resident permits from states that recognize FL permits - so unless you're in such a state, you'll still need FL to cover that state.
  18. No announcement will be made until USPSA is in possession of a signed contract from the match venue. It's bad business to make announcements when you "think you have it all worked out". Also, USPSA officials are refraining from public comment until such time as we are in a position to make a formal announcement. I do not expect any delay in the posting an announcement once both parties are in possession of signed contracts.
  19. drnoi@uspsa.org is a supported way of getting the JA take you seek. Posting your desire on the forum isn't a supported manner of submitting such a request.
  20. Not only that, but the tuition is inflated so that there will be money available for those who are "deserving". It's a huge scam, and when you're done, they expect you to donate. When I was in college there were two summer programs for high school students - a tuition based one for suburban kids, and a different one for minorities. Students attending the later were given special assistance with financial aid if they applied to the college, and were paid for attending the summer program (!!!!) to "compensate them for the loss of money from their summer job".
  21. I had my best and worst TSA experience at the Prividence (PVD) airport Best: Upon seeing my SVI at luggage inspection, the TSA agent asked for his supervisor who looked at the declaration form and said "That gun is fine, but I do my builds on Caspian frames". Worst: Loose round in luggage, 4 boxed rounds of 50. NO "spare hole" for the inspector to put the round in an ammo box, no mags in luggage (gun and mags shipped ahead). It took 3 TSA agents, one airline rep, and one airport cop to determine the procedure was to fill out three forms and for the airline to take the stray round. (remember, I'm talking about checked luggage here). They offered to fill out a fourth form which would have allowed them to store the round so I could pick it up after the return flight. Polite and professional treatment all the way around, but it took about 45 minutes. Lesson #1: Check bag for stray rounds Lesson #2: Leave a few free slots in the factory boxes "just in case" The shooter I was traveling with did not have any problems - but let's just say he would have had a similar problem if they looked in the bottom of his bag (he did a detailed check when we got to the hotel).
  22. I've used this free utility with great success: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/ You burn a CD with the utility, boot from the CD and a command line utility running under Linux will come up. Follow the instructions and use it to reset the password to Administrator on your hard drive (yes, the NT utility reads the NTFS file system), remove the CD, reboot, and login as Administrator. Or, you could track down the former sysadmin and waterboard him to get the password
  23. Female, Law, Mil, Jr, etc. are attributes set by match staff when they register you, not data that is downloaded from USPSA. So, if it's missing, it's because match staff didn't catch it, and you didn't request a correction during the posting period.
  24. Easy - Carpool 4 people, use a 2 x 2 cover formation (covered in Die Hard) to get to the unmarked door on the sidestreet . The way things work in MA, it's the locals with those dang "no concealed carry" Boston permits and not the "country folk" who have the naked journey.
  25. I had a local optometrist come up with the following (cool guy - he threw in the "refraction only" exam for free with the glasses, since I had a recent MD eye health exam) Wolverine brand industrial photogray polycarbonate safety glasses. These look like regular glasses, but have detachane polycarbonate side shields. My Rx (-4.75 / -5.00 with +1.75 presbyopia) is too strong for wraparound without inserts to work nicely, and I don't want an insert system with 4 surfaces to get dirty/sweaty/etc. Right eye focal point about 20" in front of the sight. I still have enough focusing ability and depth of field to bring the front sight into sharp focus, but this doesn't blur distance as much as an exact front sight focus would. Left eye corrected to same distance, and -.25 added to help a bit with distance without creating a strong asymetry between the two eyes. These work great, and the distance is good enough that I can put these on once I hit the range and not take them off until it's time to leave. He didn't cover the part about changing the optical center - I'll ask him the next time I have a pair made.
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