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Everything posted by EkuJustice

  1. I have the dawson adjustible rear on mine that is made for fixed sight guns. It works very well and doesnt require milling the slide
  2. First 25, was with 12 ga at a local fun "trophy shoot" 1st 100 28 ga at a very large NSSA shoot. Followed it up like a week later with the 20 and 410 in an equally as large match. 12 Ga was like a month later at our Zone shoot. Hat was shot for the first 25, and first 100.
  3. For dots, I like the eotech over any of the tubes out there. It is very bright if need be and the 65moa circle is good for the close and med range targets. For the distance the 1moa dot is alot finer than the single 4 moa dots on some optics. I have also tried switching sholders and it is just much easier to use the eotech for that
  4. There is a guy that comes in the shop down here that must not have a clue what soap and water are. He works outside, so when summer hits you can smell it when he hits the door from the back of the shop. We have eventually got air freshner to hoze the place down after he leaves if its really bad.
  5. Inner belt is put on like a regular belt, overlap in the front. For limited and 3 gun the outer belt is overlapped in the back so I can use the front of the belt for holding stuff as more equipment is toward the front especially in 3 gun with the shotshell holders. In singlestack and production the outer belt overlaps in the front same as the inner belt since nothing is placed in the front and more is placed farther around the back
  6. Whats the deadline to sign up and the cost?
  7. For an SBR the noveske is tops with the leveag linear a close 2nd and about a quarter the price, smaller and lighter.
  8. Not a bad trigger but there are many better triggers out there. The 2 pound jard is one of them
  9. It is not plastic cased. It is a polymer coated, steel case that replaced the old laquer case wolf ammo
  10. I will say keep the different divisions the way they are and be done with it. I might want to shoot a single stack 1911, but a 223 scoped rifle. Does that mean we should have a special class for that since Its not competative in tactical where people are shooting the 20+ round mags? They key difference between the open shotgun and the limited shotgun is the reload plain and simple. With the saiga the reloading skill would be gone especially with the bolt hold open, mag well where you dont need to rock the mag in etc. People wouldnt shoot the saiga because they have such a love for the saiga platform,they would do it because they want every advantage they can get, it would be shot because it is what would be required to win on the shotgun stages. Allow it in anything but open and you force the tactical people to have to upgrade to a new shotgun to stay competative. Whats easier cranking in 8 shells by hand or slapping in a 10 round mag downloaded to 8 that would load like the ar if you have the magwell on the gun. Take 2 like talent shooters and the saiga will be much faster. If the other shooters in tactical have to load their mag one at a time with no speed loaders then if they want a saiga in tactical they should have 1 mag and load that 1 at a time just like the other shooters in the division do.
  11. I like the saiga in open where it is right now. Put them in tactical and its buy one or stay home because your not going to be competative with one when you are loading them one at a time. With the new mag well that they have had come out where you can load it straight in like an ar instead of having to rock it in like the ak just makes the advantge even greater. The longer the stage the more of an advantage they are. They are really popular over seas and the outlaw matches where they dont have the capacity limit we do. At the outlaws where it is 8+1 on the start, and whatever after that the saiga goes 9 rounds to start then loads the drum in. On a long course of fire the guy with strippers loading them single would not have a prayer. Allowing them in anything but open would then turn tactical/limited into a shoot saiga or your wasting your money match.
  12. YES!! I use his in all of my guns (Glock, M&P, 1911) and they work great! Just paypal him the money and you'll have them within 3-5 days, no shit. Do those hold onto a CR speed belt very well or do they wobble much. Never tried the mag holders with the clip like that on it that hooks over the belt, only the ones that slide through the belt
  13. For singlestack they quads are withing the 2 inches. I had one but much prefer the singles/doubles. The quad keeps them close to the front but they are harder to get out for the outer mags as you cant get a finger on the inside as the other mag is there
  14. When the stage calls for mags placed off the belt, when the buzzer goes off it is freestyle as the mags on table satisfied the placement for the stage. If its an unloaded start you can load the first one of the table which is fine you don't need to pouch the mag then load the gun. There is nothing that will usually even say you have to store the mags. So if its a non moving situation you just load from the table etc like mini mart. If its movement involved there is nothing to say you cant come back and grab a mag at a time off the table(even though it would be foolish to do so) which would be legal even though the mags arnt within 2 inches. Look at 3 gun for where all ammo starts on the person. If it is a stage like we shot at the KY state a couple years ago where you have to do a reload where most were shooting prone. Most just grabbed the mag the second the buzzer went off and dropped it. Still followed the rule yet the mag went from the ground into the gun not from the pouch into the gun
  15. The older the kimber the better it is. I have 2 kimbers, one I compete with and 1 I carry. Both are the older kimbers and are very well made guns. Like was said the new ones are nice guns but the old ones are MUCH better made guns. When they went as popular/big they spent alot more attention to detail.
  16. Wouldnt you technically be able to put them all in a pocket and them being used as additional mags. As to placement other than the pocket what would stop someone from grabbing his handful of mags off the table and shooting strong hand only with his 4 single stack mags in his weak hand and then loading from the hand, does not fit with in the distance from belt or location of belt. When the stage starts the mags are in the correct position per the stage description and would seem like they could be stored and used as needed once the buzzer goes off. Look at minimart, the mag for the reload comes from the shelf not the belt so it appears stage description overrules equipment placement on the belt once the buzzer goes off
  17. NEVER had a single failure to ignite of any shell I have put in the glock with the vanek trigger. That includes some old wolf ammo I used up for limited 10 and a steady diet of CCI blazer/Blazer Brass which is suppose to have one of the hardest primers out there.
  18. Polishing and RP springs make it light but not near the quality of a vanek trigger which is light and amazingly crisp with a great reset. Its not mushy at all like most light springs connectors and polish jobs i have seen
  19. That one stage Flex posted was definately a 180 NIGHTMARE. You are responsible for watcing the 180 but stage makers need to avoid the major 180 traps where you dont really have a choice but to shoot on the 180. That includes stages like that, hidden target stages where you cant really see a target till you are about 175 and take an extra half step and you just broke the 180. If you choose to game a stage and push right up to the 180 is one thing but it shouldn't be expected to have to ride the 180 that closely
  20. Shot tons of it and havent seen the low power you speak of. Mine was doing 178 PF+ on the chrono at the state shoot and that was out of the 16 inch gun. Not exactly cutting it close on PF
  21. Shoot wolf all the time in mine. From what I have seen it is not near as Underpowered as people claim it is. I shot it over a chrono at the state match and was getting roughly 2875FPS with a 62 grain bullet. So 178+ powerfactor out of a 16 inch gun. It has never had a bit of trouble in my guns and shoots fine for most of the shooting I do. If its steel targets or VERY long shots I will switch over to something a little better but this works just fine for alot less coin than the brass. Never a FTF, FTE, bad primer nothing out of either one of the rifles and that is with a light trigger in the guns
  22. The mec is a pretty good machine but it depends on the volume you are doing. When were were shooting skeet big time we loaded all the practice shells and went through alot of ammo. We ended up with 4 spolar machines with hydraulic on all 4 of the machines. Built like a tank. I know when I was competing big time in skeet I was going through aproximately 60k a year myself in practice and thats not counting the rest of the family. Those machines were well worth it in the volume we were doing
  23. Usually that stuff just happens. The more you try for it the harder it is to hit. Still have my hat from my first 25.
  24. end of the stage just go prone if you dont need to get back out of it
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