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Everything posted by muncie21

  1. The Bayou bullets are just as good as any. I worked up some Bayou 147gr bullet loads using VV N320, for a CZ. Being made for a CZ the OAL was shorter (1.070-1.090) than other pistols. Ended up shelving this project as the bullet seating depth was close too close to the powder, which could have created pressure spikes and other 'fun' stuff. Being that I use mixed brass and don't measure each and every projectile and powder throw, I thought it best to leave this for another day. I'm sure you'll find hordes of folks with the opposite experience, so choose your own path and let us know how things turn out.
  2. We get it Quack, we really get it
  3. Well for anyone that runs across this thread, here's the answer from Eagle- The Xcalibur uses a different sear spring from the other pistols in the Grand Power lineup. Oh, and they are currently out of stock
  4. I picked up a used Xcal a few months back to use as a product gun. Put several hundred rounds through it and then started to get light primer strikes. Being a used gun, I decided to replace all the springs and perform a detailed strip of the internals. Everything was going good until I got to the sear spring or what GP calls the 'hammer catch spring', which is part GP26 in the exploded online diagram. The spring that came out of my pistol is the one at the bottom, the one Eagle sent is the top one. Not only are they different size, they are wound differently too. Anyone have a good part number for the Xcal sear spring and/or other place to purchase them from other than Eagle? P.S. I submitted a ticket at Eagle, let's see what they have to say.
  5. This safety look about as wide as the one provided with the Shadow 2, can anyone confirm? I'm looking to see if anyone besides CZC makes the wider safety for the TS and Shadow 2.
  6. The base pads are CZ custom. Not sure about the springs, as I'm using what was in them when I bought the setup, used. I'll be replacing them with CZ +10% in the future.
  7. I ended up getting a TSO .40 from a local USPSA guy I squad with from time to time. Spent some time getting used to that fantastic trigger before I take it to a match. Doesn't look much (any?) different than your run of the mill TSO, however this one is mine and so far I'm lovin'it. P.S. you will notice that i removed the thumb rest as I didn't like how if impacted by grip. I may revisit that decision at a later date. Also looking to add the wide safety, similar to the package shelf that the Grand Power Xcal gives you. When shooting my Xcal, my thumb rests on top of the safety, preventing unintentional actuation which I've encountered a few times with the TSO.
  8. Looking for suggestions on where to get new Tactical Sport Orange .40 mag (140mm) springs? Are these the same as the CZ 75 full size mag springs?
  9. Looking to get replacement recoil, hammer and mag springs for the Grand Power Xcalibur. I checked Wolf, they don't seem to carry springs specifically for the GP models. Does anyone else sell GP specific springs, besides the importer- Eagle? I realize the mags are similar to CZ 75, anyone tried using those springs? Is the recoil spring a close match for other guns/models?
  10. OK, so the first couple of thousands rounds with the platform was total bliss. The pistol shot everything I threw at it and did it accurately and with no complaints/malfunctions. Seems this honeymoon may be coming to an end I'm having light primer strikes very frequently, like 1-2 per 20 rounds. The same reloads function fine in my other pistols and worked well in the GP for the first several 1000 rounds. I've taken the firing pin out, cleaned the channel and replaced the FP spring, cleaned and lubed 'er up and still having the light strikes. If I exclude the ammo, I'm left with: Hammer spring Hammer dragging on??? Weak recoil spring allowing pistol to fire slightly out of battery Firing pin spring too heavy Firing pin F'd up Since I put a factory new firing pin spring and cleaned up the hammer mechanism, I'm kinda left with, bad hammer spring, weak recoil spring or something's F'd up that shouldn't be Thoughts?
  11. muncie21

    Hammers - Production

    Good to know, thanks gtaylor
  12. muncie21

    Hammers - Production

    Eh? What's this rule change you're referring to? Want to know before I go out and order a different hammer.
  13. The Trigger Return Spring (TRS) fails more frequently than the trigger pin. However the factory pin can sometimes be a bit stubborn, so many folks replace it with the CGW 'floating trigger pin' when replacing their TRS.
  14. @RMCNAYLOR is that wide safety from CZ customs or elsewhere? BTW, nice looking thumb rest!
  15. Just finished chrono'ing some 180gr loads for my CZ TSO. These were all loaded with Prima V powder at 4.3 gr and 1.125 OAL Bullet Charge Velocity SD PF Bayou 180 4.3 949.1 5.1 170.838 BBI 180 4.3 950.1 6.4 171.018 BBI 180 4.3 943 6.5 169.74 Bayou 180 4.3 953.9 7.2 171.702
  16. OP hasn't posted in this thread since early May. Perhaps he got the issue resolved. BTW, Tanfarm is correct these if these are 0.358, they are clearly not Bayou 135 9mm, as Bayou advertises their 135's as being 0.356.
  17. I've used N320 in the past, however I'm going to work up a load this weekend using Prima V to see how it works out.
  18. Different guns require different holding/shooting techniques. When I started shooting Glocks, it was always low/left. I've since focused on and improved my grip and general technique such that I'm just a tad low/left with the Glock Point being, had I adjusted my sites, I would not have recognized the root of the issue was with me and not the gun.
  19. If you're looking at the place in eastern PA that's selling TSO's for that coin, I'd suggest ordering one online and having it delivered to your FFL. Wingnut, PM me, if you want a suggestion. I was this close |..| to pulling the trigger for a TSO .40 yesterday (Sunday) from an online dealer for $1700 (shipping included, no tax) and decided to complete the transaction after finishing the local USPSA match that day. However while at the match, I get to talking to one of the gents on my squad and find out he's selling his TSO and TS. Long story-short, I'm picking up a new-to-me TSO and some extra 'stuff' tomorrow. Can't wait to test'er our this weekend!!
  20. I've reloaded Ba9.5, Prima V and N320 for 9mm minor. I've found Prima V and N320 to be very comparable. I started working up loads for Ba9.5, after a few ladders I noticed that it was slower than the other two powders, using the same charge. With no clear advantages for continuing the load development, I stopped. Between Prima V and N320, I prefer the Prima V, as SD, cleanliness, accuracy and charge are very similar and the cost is 1/2 of N320.
  21. @selecw, that lightened slide really makes the pistol unique, first time I've seen that.
  22. Interesting and informative responses. I should add that I'm not prepared to fork over the $2200 for a TSO at the moment, however the alternative is to wait (who knows how long) until more become available at the more (somewhat) reasonable $1500-1600 range.
  23. I like shooting the SP-01 in production, so now I'm looking for a CZ platform to use in limited. Any compelling reasons to get the TS Orange over the standard TS? Looks like the TS can be picked up for ~$1000 and almost nobody has the Orange in stock for MSRP. I found a place where I can order the Orange, but they want like $2200. Not sure if changes are worth that kind of coin over the standard TS.
  24. I run 3.5gr of VV N320 under a bayou or BBI 135gr round. This makes ~135PF from my CZ SP01
  25. I have shot my X-cal at several local matches. Really fun gun to shoot and for me, makes me look a bit better than I actually am:) One thing I did notice, you definitely need to lube the gun more than your typical Glock. I went a few hundred rounds between lubing it and started to get failure to eject malfunctions. Little bit of Mobile 1 on the rotating contact parts of the barrel and breech face (not sure that's necessary is it probably burns off very quickly) and it was good to go. As I purchased this pistol used, I decided to order a set of springs to do a tune-up in the coming weeks. The prices and shipping from Eagle were not half bad; not sure if there's any other place to order replacement parts for this, here in the US.
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