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Everything posted by muncie21

  1. I've been testing several different loads to shoot in my CZ SP01 this spring. I've started experimenting with 147 FP coated bullets from Bayou with VV N320 and found them to shoot very comfortably. I'm shooting mixed brass, so there are variations in case and OAL. My only concern with staying with this load is the depth that I need to seat the bullet to pass the plunk/spin test in my CZ. For the folks that shoot CZs and 147 bullets, what are your thoughts/recommendations?
  2. Thanks for sharing your progress. If the coated bullets and TG powder smoke a bit too much for your liking, consider switching to a different powder. Looking forward to future updates.
  3. Here's my N320 load, shot out of my CZ SP01 Coated 124g RN, 4.0g N320 with OAL of 114. Created Description Notes1 Notes2 1/20/2017 11:52 124 RN 4.0g 1.14 OAL # FPS FT-LBS PF 10 1068 314.11 132.43 9 1053 305.35 130.57 8 1087 325.38 134.79 7 1078 320.02 133.67 6 1064 311.76 131.94 5 1065 312.35 132.06 4 1083 322.99 134.29 3 1068 314.11 132.43 2 1067 313.52 132.31 1 1069 314.7 132.56 Avg StdDev Min Max 1070.2 9.9 1053 1087
  4. What's your approach to adjusting the cam pin?
  5. Wet for me, dawn, lemi-shine and some liquid car wax, no pins. I realize the inside of the case and primer pockets would come out better with pins, but I like the simplicity. Going to try replacing the dawn with car wash/wax to see how it turns out--worse case I re-tumble
  6. My thought was along the lines of your bullet diameter being large enough that you had to crimp at 379 versus a smaller 377/378 crimp.
  7. My mistake, not sure what I was thinking but whatever it was, it wasn't right.
  8. Not sure what type of bullet you're using, but on my coated lead ones, I need to be at 0.0377-0.378 to not leave an impression on the bullet. At 0.379, I'm confident that >50% of the rounds would have a noticeable impression on the bullet.
  9. Best bet is to buy a Glock to unload all those out of spec cartriges I definitely don't envy you, if you decide disassemble those rounds with a kinetic puller. You'd have more fun with the Glock and you could (honestly) tell Mrs. Bsands that it was a necessary 'tool' not 'another' firearms purchase
  10. muncie21


    Thanks for checking into this Sarge and letting us know.
  11. Interested to see how your rounds tested out...
  12. I was at the range today with a friend, mostly just to play with the new chrono. He had some HP-38, loaded to 4.1g using a lead 125 TC bullet. This load averaged 1162fps across a 10-shot group.
  13. I find the 'micro' adjustments on the Lee dies to be very useful as compared to loosening the large lock ring and making fine adjustments there. Just my $0.0001 cents being a new reloader
  14. Here's the data from the latest test set using 4.0g of N320 and a target OAL of 1.08. I'm pretty happy with these, now to crank out some and start practicing. Created: 01/20/17 11:48Description: 124 TCGNotes 1: 4.0gNotes 2: 1.08 OALDistance to Chrono(FT): 6.00Bullet Weight(gr): 124.00Temp: 49 °FBP: 29.76 inHg# FPS FT-LBS PF10 1048 302.45 129.959 1075 318.24 133.308 1076 318.83 133.427 1086 324.79 134.666 1086 324.79 134.665 1080 321.21 133.924 1103 335.03 136.773 1057 307.67 131.072 1085 324.19 134.541 1089 326.58 135.04Average: 1078.5 FPSSD: 15.9 FPSMin: 1048 FPSMax: 1103 FPSSpread: 55 FPSShot/sec: 0.6True MV: 1079 FPS
  15. Yep, as always you're both on point (Sarge/ID) I'm going to target a 132/133 PF. Loaded up another set and can't wait to try'em out! I'm also a bit curious to see if there is a noticeable difference in velocity between the TCG and RN bullets at this load. I'm really digging the intricacies and complexity that comes with reloading, but then again, I've always enjoyed a good puzzle.
  16. Looks like I'm headed (slowly) in the right direction. Created a test set at 3.8 and 3.9g and chrono'd them today. It looks like a 4.0g load will put me solidly in the 130PF range Set: 13Created: 01/19/17 11:54Description: 124 TCGNotes 1: 3.8grNotes 2: 1.08 COLDistance to Chrono(FT): 8.00Ballistic Coefficient: 1.000Bullet Weight(gr): 124.00Temp: 40 °FBP: 30.08 inHgAltitude: 0.00# FPS FT-LBS PF10 1028 291.02 127.479 1049 303.03 130.088 1028 291.02 127.477 1018 285.39 126.236 1032 293.29 127.975 1044 300.15 129.464 1017 284.83 126.113 1016 284.27 125.982 1029 291.59 127.601 1000 275.38 124.00Average: 1026.1 FPSSD: 14.2 FPSMin: 1000 FPSMax: 1049 FPSSpread: 49 FPS Set: 15Created: 01/19/17 11:59Description: 124 TCGNotes 1: 3.9gNotes 2: 1.08 COLDistance to Chrono(FT): 8.00Ballistic Coefficient: 1.000Bullet Weight(gr): 124.00Temp: 40 °FBP: 30.10 inHgAltitude: 0.00# FPS FT-LBS PF10 1037 296.14 128.599 993 271.54 123.138 1019 285.95 126.367 1053 305.35 130.576 1040 297.85 128.965 993 271.54 123.134 1050 303.61 130.203 1035 295.00 128.342 1048 302.45 129.951 1017 284.83 126.11Average: 1028.5 FPSSD: 22.2 FPSMin: 993 FPSMax: 1053 FPSSpread: 60 FPS
  17. Thanks again Sarge & ID, what you said makes sense. Now I need to load up some more test rounds and get out and test/chrono them. BTW, I was referring to the Bayou TCG bullet, not sure how TCN got lodged in my head.
  18. Thanks (both) for your feedback. ID you're correct in that I'm trying to be safe/conservative with the load. My worry is with the TCN bullet. It needs to be seated ~1.08 in order to pass the plunk test. The load chart on VV's web site list the OAL as 1.142 (except Megashock) and max powder at 4.1.
  19. I've been shooting USPSA for several years, however only decided to start reloading recently. I'm working to develop a minor load using Bayou 124g TCN and RN bullets, using VV N320 powder. In my most recent tests: I've got the RN loaded with 3.8g and seated at 1.15 OAL, they are chrono'ing at an average of 982 FPS. The TCNs chrno a bit faster than the RNs using the same load. So the TCNs are averaging 985 with 3.7g, when seated at 1.08 (I'm shooting a CZ, so need shorter than typical OAL) With the 124 bullet, both loads (RN & TCN) are below minor PF. VV's website shows max velocity for FP & RN to be 1096 and 1070 respectively. So here's my question, I'd rather not load to max, to get to a 130 PF (I like a little bit of cushion), any suggestions? BTW, I plunk test every round, so I'm confident the bullets are not engaging the rifling. I've also pulled the bullets on some loaded rounds to check for crimp marks on the bullets, very light to no marks on the samples I've pulled.
  20. Best of luck to ya Mikey! Come back and let us know how your loads turned out.
  21. If you have a 650 you can easily remove the primer 'indexing arm spring" see the Dillon diagram for more details- https://www.dillonprecision.com/docs/650_Pg_53.pdf Whatever you do, don't remove the primer magazine (like I did) in an attempt to dump all your primers. If you do, you'll quickly become more intimate with the disassembly of your press...which isn't always a bad idea, it just depends on your timing and priorities at the time.
  22. I'm working up a minor load using 124g RN from Bayou for my CZ using VV N320; not quite there yet. Here's latest chrono data Created: 01/16/17 12:26 Description: 124 RN Notes 1: 3.8gr VV N320 Notes 2: OAL 1.14 Distance to Chrono(FT): 8.00 Ballistic Coefficient: 1.000 Bullet Weight(gr): 1.24 Temp: 33 °F BP: 30.29 inHg Altitude: 0.00 # FPS FT-LBS PF 16 949 0.00 0.00 15 984 0.00 0.00 14 1007 0.00 0.00 13 975 0.00 0.00 12 978 0.00 0.00 11 969 0.00 0.00 10 988 0.00 0.00 9 972 0.00 0.00 8 986 0.00 0.00 7 991 0.00 0.00 6 1003 0.00 0.00 5 953 0.00 0.00 4 987 0.00 0.00 3 986 0.00 0.00 2 1013 0.00 0.00 1 ERROR 10 Average: 982.7 FPS SD: 17.9 FPS Min: 949 FPS Max: 1013 FPS Spread: 64 FPS Shot/sec: 0.3 True MV: 983 FPS
  23. Yea, I'm pretty bummed that I missed the free hazmat deal from Grafs. I'm currently using N320 and wanted to try the Prima V out.
  24. I started reloading recently and found myself wanting to collect objective data on my reloads, beyond 'ok they function' and 'feels kinda soft, snappy, etc.'. So I started looking around at entry level (ready cheap) chronographs. I found the Caldwell Premium Kit on Amazon for less than $100 (it has since gone up to $125'ish in 2 days since I ordered mine...sheesh) and promptly ordered it. The premium kit comes with: Chrono Carry bag/case Tripod (pretty cheap/flimsy, but wasn't expecting much) Serial cable LED light kit Sun shades AC cable & battery case for the light kit Directions and setup was super easy. Mounted it on the tripod and was collecting data in less than 5 minutes. Best part about this gizmo is being able to connect the chrono to a smart phone or tablet (I used an Apple 5S phone) to store your data. The app tracks the velocity of each shot, min/max, average and std. deviation for each string of shots. It also can collect temp/barometric pressure using GPS to store in the data file. Once you're done shooting, just email the file to yourself and you've got all the info at your finger tips! Can't believe I didn't think to get one of these earlier!
  25. Looking to see what deals are out there for primers and powder, especially if it's a no-hazmat charge like Grafs had at the end of last year.
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