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Everything posted by muncie21

  1. One the one hand, no response could indicate that DC is busy reloading on his newly re-furbed 650. That's the angle I'm holding out for anyway.
  2. If you're tired of hunting/pecking primers try out a VibraPrime unit Paulie. It costs~$35-40 and loads a box of primers (100) in about 10 seconds. About every second/third stop to add primers I add bullets to my bullet tray and check the level of my powder & cases (I have a case feeder) along with quick double-check that dies have not loosened.
  3. Seems you have the Pelosi edition. Just be thankful that you don't have the 'Burn edition' as that one hits farther left! ? If it helps, my X-cal hits point of aim and like you mentioned is extremely flat shooting.
  4. My standard 9mm load is a 135gr coated (BBI or Bayou) bullet over 3.5gr of N320 or Prima V. at an OAL of 1.080. This gets me ~130PF from my CZ and Grand Power. Depending on the barrel your loads will be fired from, you could likely increase the OAL a bit, which in turn 'may' require more powder to hit 130PF. I'd suggest making a few dummy rounds to confirm OAL and then starting low and working your way up to the PF/velocity you would like to target.
  5. I believe the factory installed recoil spring is 16 lbs and the other two springs are 14 and 12.
  6. If you're looking for 9mm, LMK the OAL you're looking for and I can put together some for you.
  7. I was at the range today shooting my .40 tactical sport and wanted to see what would happen if I switched out the 14# recoil spring I normally shoot with for a 10# one I had in my bag. First thing I noticed was that the sights appeared to come back on target quicker. I had a 13# spring (CGW green one) with me, so I tried that one also. In short, while the difference isn't dramatic the 10# seemed to be a tad quicker than either the 13 or 14 pound springs. That could also be my imagination BTW, I picked up the spent brass before switching springs to see if there was a difference in ejection pattern or distance; there was not. I'd be interested to hear from anyone using 10/11 pound recoil springs in their CZ, with major PF loads (mine are 168-172).
  8. I replaced the TRC on my SP01 the same (well similar, couple of false starts getting the spring to cooperate) in the vid. Installed the CGW trigger pin while I was at it.
  9. Another 135gr bullet loader here. I tested 124/125, 135 and 147gr bullets (all coated) and found the 135 worked the best for me and my pistol. 3.5gr of Prima V or N320 nets me ~132PF when shot from my CZs.
  10. I would use the case feeder to orient and singulate the cases. Now that we have all the cases in one orientation in a single file line, use a starwheel or roller to create uniform space between the cases. After this, is your inspection camera followed by a series of air or mechanical 'blow offs' that push the cases off the conveyor and down a chute to a collection bin.
  11. I've got yellow and red bullets. No compensation needed, just let me know the OAL you're targeting.
  12. I estimate that my TSO .40 mags have close to 20K rounds through them, between me and the original owner. I have encountered a broken slide stop/release and the factory adjustable sight came apart, however the mags are good to go. You may need to squeeze the feed lips every now and again if you experience feeding issues. However I haven't experienced any other issues (I have a 9mm TSO also) with either of my guns. Unlike other platforms, these mags don't require 'tuning' out of the box in order to function
  13. Yep, the .40 mag has 10/11 coil spring kit, which holds 20 rounds, slide locks ~80% of the time.
  14. @stuey93 - That follower looks pretty normal for a CZC follower. I have both (CZC and Grams) they work, however I prefer the grams.
  15. My setup locks back about 80% of the time. However shooting limited you should not be running your gun dry very often.
  16. That' is what I get (20) in my TSO .40 mags with grams guts and CZC base pads
  17. What is the approximate manufacturing date that this started? By Manf. Date, I'm referring to the last two digits of the year that is on the slide
  18. I believe the bottom is flush with the underside of the slide (don't have mine in front of me) and that's where it is staked. So yes, tap it out from top to bottom
  19. The pin comes out pretty easily. The replacement and reassembly is straight forward.
  20. When I had inconsistent trigger movement on my TS, i changed the TRS. That seemed to clear up the issue. If you only have 10K rounds through the pistol, I woldn't think this is the problem, however cheap enough to try out. BTW, visually I could not tell the new and old spring apart.
  21. Thanks for sharing @B_RAD the PF with the xtremes is a bit too close to min for my liking, however this info provides a good starting point for me. Thanks!
  22. LOL, the fixed sight IS my slide racker. Just grab a handful of sight (not afraid to break or mis-align it) and go to town. I really only need to do this for empty start stages.
  23. Happened to me on my TSO .40. I'm running a fixed sight/slide racker :) on mine now.
  24. Thanks for sharing Corbin. I've got some SV on the shelf that I need to work up some .40 test loads one of these days. I've been using N320 and Prima V mostly, so interested in +/- 's of SV.
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