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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. (Drooling) Why did you have to bring up Randall, and so close to Christmas?
  2. Caspian, that way I can have it done right the first time. The Springfield Operator/TRP is pretty good too. BTW my SVI .40 race gun has a light rail on it, and I have used it to practice in the dark when the day light is short. It works better than headlights. I have a light on my house pistol, that way I can blind anyone who shouldn't be in my house and if needed ...
  3. I think the real "propaganda" is that you need to clean your guns often. I have a open gun frame/slide combo that is still tightttttt after 150,000 of not cleaning it often. Carbon build up acting as lapping compound, that was a good one
  4. You can put 17 in the 16's I have without any modifications.
  5. That can be taken care of two if you like a crisp 2 -2.5 trigger with minimal overtravel I carry one in 9mm because you can hold 17+1 in the new mags. The XD points perfect for me, and they shoot well enough I sold all my Glocks. Having the gun point the same and a similiar trigger was a big deal to me in my choice. I also carry a Sig p226 in the car because that is what the local police use.
  6. Do a seach and this topic has been covered to death... That being said, I have no dominant eye so I shoot with a piece of black tape on my glasses when shooting iron sites, BE uses clear tape. Closing one eye has some draws backs, but blocking it with tape hasn't hurt me any.
  7. Unless you are shooting open, or I am greatly mistaken, tightening the rails isn't going to do much for you, because the acuracy is in the barrel slide fit/lock up. With the XD you can remove the rail and weld it easily and re-fit it.
  8. My latest knife purchase look like it fits your needs except the finger grove, but they aren't deep enough to prevent you from using it either way. It comes with a Blackhawk sheath, and you can even get one with no markings if you need. It is well balanced and just fits me. http://www.gerbertools.com/Img_L/6977.jpg Gerber Silver Trident
  9. Putting any extra money in a Glock?
  10. Agreed! Someone was smart enough to let people harvest some trees killed in a fire locally recently, but because of the ignorant/spineless/greedy politicians in this state/DC we don't even have local mills to process them anymore Logging technolology has change so much that we don't even have to clear cut any more, but logging seems to be a 4 letter word anymore I've seen many many jobs and homes lost due to STUPID legislation from DC and Salem (our capital) that I'm a bit sensetive to the whole logging thing. The best forests around here are the ones that have been enhance by selective logging, most of the rest are rotting, burnt, or overgrown
  11. I have one I'd sell you cheap. It is great on steel, it sucks on zebra (a zone only) targets.
  12. I hate in Oregon we just waste our trees by letting them burn, because we can't smart harvest them because of all of the "forest protection" laws We have lots of trees, and now, ands lots of people on welfare.
  13. Missed that conversation, a bit overzealous IMO It is still a good product even if you have to wander to a safety area to remove it from the holster.
  14. CR Speed make the best cover I've seen. You can put in on your gun while holstered (using a race holster) and then remove your gun from your holster in the safety area(because it is full bagged) or you can just wear it around. It is slick.
  15. I think you be disapointed if you think slapping will give you faster splits. There is a time and place for both, but they are both just as fast if done correctly.
  16. I use a rice (from Costco) and corn cob (from the feed store) mix. Cheap and easy, so when it gets dirty just toss it.
  17. Everything happens as a matter of course I once shot everyday for months on end, but I didn't have any instruction and that didn't help me as much as I would have hoped. Instuction and proper focus is huge in improvement. If you have solid fundamentals and the right person with you, how far you could jump would blow your mind. Going in expecting to jump X distance would only hinder your improvement. It definetly would be a huge challenge, mentally, emotionally and physically. Shooting everyday for months on end is tougher than it sounds, but you will learn something with any big challenge, that I can guarantee.
  18. More quality trigger time is better. Shooting Prod and L10 minor would be a good thing to do, just shoot them the same. Don't worry about being competetive against others, your biggest battle is against yourself.
  19. I think it wouldn't hurt. Figuring out classifiers is easy, figuring out random field courses is much harder, and that seperates a lot of shooters. I really think that your progress would depend on how solid your fundamentals are and how well you lean, how much stamina you have, how hard you would be willing to work, and the quality of your instruction. I've seen many people improve a full class in a single weekend with 1-2K of rounds. I also think to make shooting 1K a day for 30 days straight effective, you would need a full time instructor to keep tweaking you in the right direction. 4 sessions of 250 rounds isn't outrageous. Heck, if I had the dough and could rope A top 10 GM kicking my @ass for a month I would do it in a heart beat.
  20. Goos point, body type and flexibility definitely come in to play in your movement. Ie. on the draw I pull my shoulders back so I can bring the gun straight up and then out. It is very efficient, but in teaching, many do not have the body type and flexibility to duplicate the motion, so you have to help them adapt. People with longer arms may find face level reloads easier, while those with shorter arms (or more beef on their bodies) may find it is easier to reload a bit lower.
  21. On 3 arces, double the price for this side of the mountains Sig Lady. My house has almost doubled in value in the last two years. Kathy, you can definitely say you are the queen of the castle
  22. Travis isn't the only one who reloads "high" I advocate it as being the fastest way for me to do it A lot of the "old timers" reload lower and don't change, because they don't have to I have reloaded at least 4 different ways over the years and I am consistantly faster when I keep it high, less movement = less time.
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