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Everything posted by Loves2Shoot

  1. When you are shooting for real you need to have a firm grip before and after the reload. When the gun isn't going bang it is easy to forget this and to have a looser grip than you would if it is going bang, that can cause problems. Does that make more sense? A strong grip during the reload isn't needed.
  2. Very true, but if you want a 2+ Xd trigger let me know The more I shoot the less these thing matter to me. I like short trigger strokes, but a few hundred rounds is about what it takes to adapt to a new trigger setup.
  3. After reloading my XD about a billion times, I realized how overated magwells are. They help you be lazy, but use good form and you should be ok. Just something to think about, but be careful when you are dryfiring to really grip the gun. Tension causes you to slow down, when you know the gun won't go bang, you tend to relax and you can move quicker, this gives you a false send of your "real" speed. Good luck and keep at it, getting a 1 second repeatable reload isn't easy.
  4. The range is incredbile now! Do you have pictures to post of the renovation? I think many would have range envy, I now I do, even if we can shoot to 1000 yards here.
  5. Gloves, gloves, gloves... ...we don't need no stinkin' gloves... but, mechanix gloves fit like a second skin, if you must. I prefer a portable propane heater.
  6. Luke is one tough dude, he may be a bit freaky, but man he knocked him out COLD.
  7. This works best for me. Some targets with tiny A zones I might not force the A, when I can pick up some good time shooting on the move, I may let a few points drop, but overall my best strategy in the long haul is to know where each shot went and try to get lots of points.
  8. Pre-package everything and they are machine parts, that is the best way to deal with them in my experience.
  9. buy a shirt and you won't forget
  10. "Lame" I was really disappointed, it could have been a good movie, I just think it missed the mark.
  11. Price is not an issue I want the best. Any thoughts?
  12. AFAIK, HP just discontinued the 4700. They now offer a 4705 which seems to be the same machine. I really like the 4700 also, but the price is pretty high. Adam <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It isn't cheap, but the screen is by far the best I've seen. The 4705 is the model I have, I guess it is the same hardware with different software. The next Pocket PC OS should be out soon also and it will have a few features that will be nice if you can hold out a bit longer.
  13. Thanks to my job I get to play with some cool toys without having to pay for them. Take a look at the Ipaq HX4700, 4"vga screen, is is very nice, especially if you want to see a lot, the screen is phenominal. The Wireless works better than the other models I've demoed too.
  14. Thanks for the "on topic" replies, good stuff.
  15. Thanks Duane, The way I was looking at it is that if I miss a head shot at 7 yards I should be spanked anyway If I'm shooting at the circle (not shooting the IDPA targets much) I can't afford the .5 penalty anyway and the top of the targets fits nice in my sight picture. I figure that if I keep all my splits at .19-.21 I should be fine. I know I can do that in the head at 7 meters easy, especially in 9mm. The circles on the targets at 15 yards I've shot before were super faint, no easy reference to aim at and I dropped too many shots low. Maybe they were bad targets or maybe it is easy to see the -0 zone when you are closer. Thanks for the insights. I might just do it for "fun/cool" factor if I it is legal
  16. Would I get nailed for just shooting -0 in the head instead? I just think it would be fun and heck at only 7 yards, why not? Headshots are more tactical, right? (just kidding) I've only shot at IDPA targets once and found it was easier to shoot the heads than the circle from a sight picture perspective. But the distances were more like 15 yards average. I've read the rulebook a few times now, just wanting to know distance people usually shoot. I know it varies by range. I generally practice 13-20 yards, so if I'm going to shoot a match were most all the shots are half that distance, I should probably move in my practice some. Thanks for the feedback.
  17. Thanks guys! I have the Uncle Mike paddle holster, I have a modified hanger for IPSC Production class, but can still draw out of the standard one ok. Rick, Doubletap, what's a double tap? (I hate the term because it is a huge stumbling block for people.) Might as well aim each shot be it one shot or 6 on a target. I'm wondering if it would be a totally stupid idea to headshot all the targets? I am not used to the round circle in the center of the target is less visable, and I know I can hit headshots. What is the average distance of the targets-max distance? I'm going to try to make it to Medford next month. Is the XD 5" OK or should I shoot a standard length?
  18. We shoot the first Saturday also Do you know when Medford/Keno shoots? Can I bring my Uncle Mikes holster or do I need to buy an expensive approved one? $16 for the UM is hard to beat. I'm shooting an XD, but I could bring my Sig P226 because I have a Bladetech holster for it. Thanks for the info guys!
  19. Before this gets locked down... I would like to point out that sharing these types of experiences can be quite helpful, especially for the newer MD's. I know I've learned a lot about what "not" to do by reading about the experiences of others. There are some well meaning MD's out there that don't use enough common sense because something is "really cool." It happens all the time. I've been screwed with by an over zealous MD before and I just smiled and went on, yes sir no sir. Some people are jerks and some people make deciscions in a vacuum. That is the beauty of this forum, at least you can learn from the judgement of others. Maybe it really is is a neat idea for someone to shoot over the hood of your truck... ...until someone smacks the hood of your car with a .308 bullet...
  20. Scorch, I think I was A L10 at the time of the post When I practice this drill these are my goal times (all A's, 12 HF) : 1.3 draw .21 split .28 transition .21 split .28 transition .21 split 1.3 reload .21 split .28 transition .21 split .28 transition .21 split GM Limited I would rather have a good solid run on this one, than a crappy, reckless one. I've run a couple blazin' ones, but I stuggle more with seeing good shots than going too slow. Sometimes the selector switch gets stuck on full auto Accuracy first. Maybe that should be my new tag line.
  21. ROFL!!! +1 I about wet my pants after reading this post. "If only common sense were common..."
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